The Battle

All I Care About



Lay, I'm going to get you!” Luhan hollered at the boy that was bent over laughing after hitting Luhan in the face with a snowball. “Sehun, hurry up!”


I would have been done if you weren't fidgeting! Now stay still,” Sehun ordered as he continued tying his scarf around Luhan's neck.


He was about to place earmuffs over his boyfriend's ears when the boy pushed it away, protesting. “I don't need earmuffs!”


Whatever. Your ears are going to get cold and ridiculously red.”


I have a hat,” Luhan hissed. Sehun glared at him. “Fine!”


Satisfied with getting Luhan to dress warmer for the weather, Sehun reminded Luhan to be careful. The older boy groaned, eyes glued on the other boys playing in the backyard, specifically Lay (who was making snowballs with Suho). “Sehun-ahhhh.”


Alright let's go.” Sehun walked out the door, while Luhan bolted, chasing after Lay in the knee-deep snow, warning him about his impending doom. Lay, upon seeing Luhan with fluffy white earmuffs on, merely laughed harder.


Hahaha! Ohhh hyung, you look really intimidating.” Lay stuck out his tongue.




A snowball hits him in the head.


Luhan cheered while Suho spun around to scold Sehun for hitting his boyfriend. Sehun shrugged. “There are no rules in a snow fight, hyung.”


Oh yeah?” Suho picks up a snowball from the large pile he had accumulated since they got outside. He was about to throw it directly towards Sehun's face when Luhan hurled a fast one at him, causing Suho to fall over.


Sehun laughed while Luhan fist pumped the air – neither of them noticing the two snowballs Lay had in his hands. By the time they did, it was too late. Luhan got his earmuffs knocked off and Sehun's beanie landed in the snow.






Since when were we called that?” Suho asked.


Since forever. Now hand me some snowballs!” Lay shouted.


The two couples started pelting each other with snowballs. Both sides cheering in victory one minute and howling in pain another – signs of an intense snowball fight, at least in their eyes...


From Tao's and Kris's point of view from the kitchen window, it looked more like they were throwing each other snowballs in a pattern – Sehun would hit Lay, which caused Suho to hit Sehun, which caused Luhan to hit Suho, which led to Lay hitting Luhan, thus leading Sehun to pelt him again. And the cycle continued this way for a good 15 minutes.


Having enough of this, Kris and Tao decided to step out and show the two pair a proper snow fight.


Are you girls ready to get destroyed?” Kris asked, a smug smile on his face and a firm snowball in his gloved hand. Tao stifled a laugh.


The couples turned to face him, all looking irritated at being interrupted.


Who are you calling girls?” Suho asked, eyes narrowing at the two boys.


Last I checked, we don't own a makeup bag,” Sehun jeered.


Nor a man purse,” Luhan added.


Kris growled. “That's it--”




Four snowballs pelt Kris before he could throw the one in his hand. The couples laughed as Kris steadied himself in the snow, recovering from being ambushed. They completely forgot about Tao, who took this opportunity to get back at each of them.


A real snowball fight broke out after that.


Half an hour into the battle, it can be concluded that they were more or less evenly matched, each one having his own strengths and weaknesses.


Tao –

Strength: Fast reflexes (Best at dodging)

Weakness: Inability to make proper snowballs (Ends up throwing snow at the others)


Kris –

Strength: Height (Difficult to angle the snowball to hit his face)

Weakness: Height (He sticks out like a sore thumb)


Suho –

Strength: Snowball expert (Best at making perfect snowballs in the fastest time)

Weakness: Slow reflexes (Horrible at dodging)


Lay –

Strength: Speed (Can outrun attackers)

Weakness: Low stamina (Easily exhausted from all the running)


Luhan –

Strength: Powerful throw (His hits result in pain and usually a red mark if struck in the face)

Weakness: Falls too often (Gets attacked whenever he's down)


Sehun –

Strength: Perfect aim (Every ball thrown hits its target)

Weakness: Luhan (More focused on Luhan's safety than his own)


Throughout the fight, the couples had an advantage over Kris and Tao – they had each other. Lay would cover for Suho while he made snowballs for the two of them. As for Hunhan, well.....they were a vengeful pair. Hitting Luhan would guarantee a snowball in the face from Sehun, while attacking Sehun would result in a painful strike from Luhan.


GEEZ! WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SNOWBALLS?! BRICKS?” Kris shouted after Luhan pelted him in the stomach, causing him to crouch over in agony.


Luhan giggled. “Nope. Just my WRATH!” He proceeded to hurl a ball towards Suho, who was trying to stop Sehun from stealing the snowballs he made. With Suho trying to rid his face of the snow, Sehun grabbed a few of the snowballs and aimed them towards Tao, who was trying to bury Luhan in the snow (Luhan had fallen while trying to chase Lay). Kris was still bent over, cursing at Luhan.


When it started snowing again, they agreed to a ceasefire – each of them flopping down on the snow, exhausted. It was quiet for awhile, each of them just enjoying the feel of snow falling, melting as it lands on their warm, flushed faces.


The silence was only disrupted by giggles. They looked over to see Luhan making a snow angel with his arms and legs. The others, deciding that they might as well, joined Luhan in making snow angels – even Kris who claimed that this was his first time doing such a thing.


Well that was fun,” Tao said, standing in front of his snow angel, smiling.


The others nodded, each observing their creation.


We should do this again with the other boys,” Suho said.


Yeah, I'd love to see them all get hit at least once by Luhan,” Kris added, looking at Luhan with admiration, probably wondering how something so cute could be so lethal.


Luhan chuckled. “I'd love to hit them as well.”


They all laughed at how Luhan said it with an innocent smile.


With more snow available, the group began making a snowman. Suho and Lay were in charged of rolling the snow to get the body, while Kris and Sehun were responsible for putting the pieces together. Tao and Luhan were left with dressing the snowman and giving it a face. After completing the snowman's face, Luhan thought it would be cute to give the snowman his earmuffs, despite Sehun's protest. He was about to put his own beanie on the snowman's head when Sehun offered his beanie instead.


I think it needs a coat,” Tao said while eyeing the snowman up and down. “To complete the look.”


Sehun rolled his eyes. “What look are you talking about? It's a snowman.”


But you have to admit, it's a good looking snowman. And a good looking snowman needs a good coat.”


Here.” Luhan took off his coat. “It can use mine.”


He was about to hand it to Tao when Sehun snatched it. “Are you insane? Put this back on!”


After getting Luhan to put on his coat again, Sehun shot Tao an accusing glare. “We're not dressing it up with a coat. It doesn't need one.”


It'll look more real,” Tao argued.


How can a coat make something assembled from snow and twigs look more real?”


Sehun's right. It doesn't need a coat,” Suho said.


It does, however, need gloves,” Lay suggested.


It can use mine,” Luhan volunteered yet again. Sehun groaned. His boyfriend was probably doing this to give him another a gift – a headache.


Luhan placed his gloves over the sticks that were meant to be the hands of the snowman. Stepping back to admire the completed snowman, Luhan smiled. “There. What should we call it?”


Frosty,” Lay suggested. The other three boys agreed, while Sehun coughed, “How original,” and Kris merely looked at them as if they were wasting his time with naming something that would probably melt once tomorrow morning comes.


When the snow started falling heavily, they decided to head indoors, Kris being the first person to do so. Tao quickly followed him, with Lay and Suho right behind him. Luhan immediately held Sehun's hand, grinning as he squeezes his hand.


Aish! Your fingers are so cold,” Sehun complained, taking Luhan's hand and putting it in the pocket of his coat, their fingers still entwined. “If you catch a cold, I'm not going to take care of you.”


Luhan rolled his eyes. “I'm not going to catch a cold, Sehun-ah. My immune system is stronger than you think.”


Sehun laughed. “Right. Don't ask me to make you soup for when you do get sick.”


I won't,” Luhan said with a smile. “I'll ask Kyungsoo instead.”


And with that he tugged Sehun along, both of them entering the house to find the other four standing around.


What's wrong?” Sehun asked.


It's lunchtime,” Tao said with a frown.




And Kyungsoo's not here,” Kris said.


Luhan gasped while Sehun closed his eyes, mumbling, “Oh right.”


When he opened them again, he found the others staring at each other, uncertainty all over their faces.


I can make us omelets,” Lay suggested. “Let's hope we have eggs.”


We don't,” Suho said grimly.


We can't possibly go to the store now. It's snowing too hard.”


They all looked at each other. “What are we going to do?”



After ransacking the kitchen and finding nothing they could eat, the boys gave up and called Kyungsoo. Sehun sat at the table, silently observing as the others all started talking at once when Kyungsoo answered.


Yah! Where's the food?”


We're hungry!”


What do you expect us to do?”


I can't cook!”


How could you leave us without food?!”


When they were done with their mini rant, Kyungsoo took a deep breath and said, “This is exactly why I told you guys to take cooking lessons. But did you listen to me? No. Now you're calling me asking for food. I should have let you guys starve.”


Does this mean you left us food?” Lay asked, voice perking up at the possibility.


Listen here idiots, I left a big wrapped box in the fridge. There's food in --”


Kris hung up. The five boys rushed to the fridge to check and when they found the said box, they started hugging each other. Sehun could have sworn Suho and Kris were close to crying tears to joy.


We're saved!” Luhan dramatically exclaimed. “Sehun-ah, there's food!”


Why didn't we see this before?” Suho asked.


Tao shrugged. “Probably because we thought it was just a regular box.”


Who cares? We have food. Let's eat.” Kris carried the box out of the fridge and set it on the table. They opened the box and sure enough, Kyungsoo had packed them lunches and at the bottom, he had dinner prepared also – each dish neatly placed in plastic containers.


Seeing his hyungs' mouths water at the sight, Sehun laughed. “It's like you found the holy grail or something.”


That's because it is,” Lay said, taking out a lunchbox.


They started eating, chatting about how relieved they are and how delicious Kyungsoo's cooking was.


We should really thank Kyungsoo when he gets back,” Suho said as he started washing the dishes with Luhan's help.




Kris folded his arms. “After we reprimand him for calling us idiots.” The older boys, realizing that Kris was right, Kyungsoo had indeed called them idiots, nodded in agreement. Sehun chuckled. They're hopeless.


Later on, when they were sitting in the living room watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate, the doorbell rang.


I'll get it.” Sehun watched as Luhan left his side to go open the door. Who could it be?


He heard his boyfriend open the door, and then suddenly scuffling noises. “Oi! Hey umph--” Luhan's voice got cut off, sending Sehun to instant panic mode. He jumped over the couch and made it to the front door within seconds.




Hey maknae,” Chanyeol greeted, grinning as he and Baekhyun continued to smother Luhan, who looked a little frighten.


Sehun placed his hands on his hips. “Why are you here? Aren't you two supposed to come back tomorrow?”


Baekhyun mocked hurt. “Don't you miss us?”


No,” Sehun replied curtly. He reached out between the two to take ahold of Luhan's hand and pulled him out.


Oh you know you love us,” Chanyeol said with a wink. As if!


Baekyeol entered the living room, where they proceeded to hug the others (whether they wanted it or not).


Why are you back so early?” Lay asked.


We realized that we couldn't be away from you guys for too long,” Baekhyun answered, looking at Luhan specifically. Sehun, of course, caught this.


What really happened?” Kris asked, not believing the pair.


Baekhyun sighed. “Our parents told us that, as your friend and housemate, we should spend the holidays with you guys instead.”


They kept on insisting,” Chanyeol added with a shrug. “Telling us to share the joy with you guys instead.”


The others laughed. “So basically they kicked you out,” Sehun concluded.


Baekyeol glared at him. “Did not.”


Suho chuckled. “It's fine. If your own parents don't want you, we'll gladly take you.” He smiled at them, evidently happy that they're here – a fact Sehun had a hard time smiling about.


After dinner, Luhan had taken the Baekyeol couple out into the backyard to show off Frosty, even though Sehun had warned him that if he went out at night, he'll surely get sick. Baekyeol merely laughed and told him that he worries too much.


Luhan promised that it'll only take a second, and even though Sehun knew better, he allowed the three of them to go outside.


Big mistake.


The trio ended up making a small snowman – Frosty's boyfriend, Jingle.


And when Luhan walked in, face stiff and hands frozen, Sehun resisted the urge to bury Baekyeol in a snowy grave.


I swear it's like I'm the hyung sometimes,” Sehun muttered as he blow dry Luhan's hair.


Luhan giggled as he shifted around from his spot on Sehun's lap. “That's fine. As long as we both know who's the real hyung.”


True. You're still the old one,” Sehun teased, ruffling Luhan's hair (messing it up).


Yahh!” Luhan nudged him in the ribs.


After they were done, Sehun got on the bed and was about to go under the covers when Luhan grabbed his wrist.


Can we sleep in the couple sleeping bag you got me?” Luhan asked, his cheeks pink. Sehun raised his eyebrow. Why is he embarrassed about that?




They got the sleeping bag out, laid it on the floor, and crawled in – sleeping on their sides to face each other.


This is nice,” Luhan said with a smile. “It reminds me of the first night we met.”


Yeah. A lot has changed since then. We're dating now and I'm no longer the boss of the relationship.” Sehun began caressing Luhan's face, loving the flawless softness of his boyfriend's skin against his hand. “I didn't think I would be this happy to share a sleeping bag with you.”


Luhan rolled his eyes. “You were never the boss, Sehun-ah.”


Sehun grinned. “Whatever makes you feel better, Bambi.”


Luhan scooted closer. “That reminds me – do I really remind you of Bambi?”


Sehun chuckled. “Yeah.” He rubbed his nose against Luhan's. “You do.”


Is Bambi your favorite Disney movie?” Luhan asked, looking like he sincerely wanted to know.


Sehun shook his head. “I liked Lion King better.”


Luhan groaned and buried his face in Sehun's neck. “Sehun-ah, you .”


I'm just being honest.”


You should have lied,” his boyfriend murmured.


Sehun laughed. “Cute.” He grinned when Luhan cuddled him, pleasantly surprised at the fact that Luhan didn't argue this time when Sehun had called him cute. Maybe he's learning to accept it...


He soon realized that Luhan was simply too sleepy to argue when the older boy started yawning.


Hey Lu.”




How exactly did you get Kris to come downstairs?”


I threatened to smash all of his bottles of facial cream,” Luhan answered. Wow.


Would you really?”


Yes,” Luhan replied before closing his eyes and draping his arm around Sehun's middle.


Sehun laid there, amazed at how Luhan could say that he would do such a thing to the almighty Kris without batting an eye.


You're amazing,” Sehun breathed.


I know,” Luhan mumbled, a smile appearing on his face.


Not very modest though Sehun thought before tucking Luhan's head under his chin. “You sure you want to sleep on the floor?”


Luhan simply nodded.


Alright then.”


Ten minutes later..


When Sehun was finally drifting off to sleep, Luhan woke him up, complaining about the hardness of the floor against his back.


They ended up moving back to the bed.




The next morning, Sehun woke up to find a red-nosed, puffy-eyed, coughing Luhan next to him.


What happened to your awesome immune system?”


Luhan coughed. “Shut up.”


This is what you get for running around in the snow at night. I knew this would happen.”


Sehun-ahhh. Don't be so mean. I'm sick.” The older boy pouted. “You're supposed to make me feel better.”


Sehun flipped back the covers and got out of bed without saying a word.


Where -cough -are you -cough-going?” Luhan asked while sitting up.


Going to see if Kyungsoo is back. You want him to make you soup right?”


Luhan, despite looking like one of those kids in a commercial for flu medicine, smiled. “Thanks, Sehun-ah.”


Yeah. Yeah. Best boyfriend ever. I know.”


When Sehun walked into the kitchen, he found Kyungsoo hunched over the stove, stirring something.


Hyung, you're back! Can you make --” He stepped closer and found that the boy was stirring a pot of hot soup.


Soup?” Kyungsoo finished, smiling at Sehun.


How did you --”


I heard coughs coming from your room. And Suho called me last night to let me know that I'll probably have to make soup when I get back.”


Thanks hyung.”


No problem. This is for Luhan hyung I assume.”


Sehun nodded.


With a bowl of soup in his hands, Sehun made his way upstairs. Upon entering his room, he stopped. Not again!


Morning Sehun.” Baekhyun greeted. When he started coughing, Sehun groaned. This can't be happening!


Sehun was now faced with not only a sick Luhan, but a sick Baekyeol as well – all huddled together under the blankets. Whereas Luhan looked like a cute sick puppy, Baekyeol looked like a hot mess - their hair unkempt, their noses running, and their faces swollen.


Is that -cough- for us?” Chanyeol asked, clutching a box of tissues in his hands.


No. This is for Luhan.”


Where is ours then?”




Sehun-ah, you should be nicer to them. They're sick too!”


And whose fault is that?”


I'm hurt, Sehun.” Baekhyun pouted.


How could you treat your hyungs like that?” Chanyeol took out a tissue and started dabbing the corner of his eyes with it, pretending to wipe away tears.


Sehun groaned. “Fine! I'll go get you two soup, but I'm not feeding you, so don't get any crazy ideas!” He handed Luhan the bowl, noticing how Baekyeol was eyeing it hungrily.


After the trio finished their soup, Sehun could feel them staring at him from his spot at his desk. “What?”


Well, Baek and I are feeling kind of dirty....”


And it's dangerous for sick people like us to shower on our own, so we were hoping --”




Oh but you won't mind giving Luhan hyung a bath though! That's not fair!”


Stop showing favoritism, Sehun. It hurts our feelings.”


F-favoritism? He's my boyfriend for goodness' sake! Of course, I wouldn't mind giving him a bath!”


Luhan flushed at Sehun's words, while Baekyeol looked shocked or were they amused? Sehun couldn't tell. He was too busy trying to get the thought of seeing Baekyeol out of his head.


How about a sponge bath?” Chanyeol asked, looking more determined than ever.


Hell. No.”


You're no fun.”




Sehun turned around and ignored the couple for the rest of the time, which was harder than he thought because they spent the entire day in his bed. When Luhan had fallen asleep in the afternoon, Sehun tried to kick them out of his bed, but they had threaten to wake the sleeping boy. They started laughing and wheezing when Sehun finally gave in, letting them stay with Luhan.


Sehun came downstairs and flopped on the couch, feeling spent.


What's wrong Sehun?” Xiumin, who was reading on the other couch, asked.


I'm dying,” Sehun replied.




Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung. They're killing me slowly.”


Xiumin chuckled. “You're exaggerating.”


They wanted me to give them a sponge bath.”


They were probably joking.”


Sehun shook his head. “I'm not so sure about that. They even offered to pay me.”


How much?”


Hyung! That's not the point!”


Xiumin held up his hands. “Okay okay. Sorry.”


That's not even the worst part.”


Then what is?”


They wanted to rub Vicks Vapor Rub on Luhan's chest when he had a coughing fit. I had to wrestle it out of their hands.”


Xiumin laughed. “Those two sure are something.”


Miraculously, the next day the trio recovered from their cold. Sehun was immensely thankful because he could finally kick the intrusive couple out of his bed (they had spent the night with Luhan, while Sehun slept in the sleeping bag).


They're gone.” Sehun sighed in relief, pulling Luhan in for a tight hug. “Ughh.” He frowned.


What's wrong?”


You smell like them.”


Luhan giggled. “Well, maybe you can help me get rid of the smell...”


Before Sehun could ask him what he meant, Luhan was attacking his mouth. When Luhan pulled him closer, legs tangling with his, fingers tugging his hair, Sehun got the idea.


Later on...


What do I smell like now?” Luhan asked, looking at Sehun. Sehun looked down at his boyfriend, who was curled up in his arms.


Me.” He grinned.



It was the last day of the year, and Luhan was still at work – counting down to when Sehun picks him up. Besides seeing Sehun, Luhan was looking forward to going home and enjoying the New Year's party the boys were throwing.


Ten more minutes till closing time..


The cafe was mainly empty, minus a couple who was taking their sweet time finishing their coffee. Luhan was standing behind the cash register, just about ready to take off his apron and call it a night, when the bell on the door rang – someone entered the cafe.


Luhan moaned. Who would come in this late?


Hello. Welcome to --” Luhan looked up at the customer and gasped. “You again!”


The customer smiled. “Is that how you address all your customers?”


It was the guy from the music store.


Luhan, not believing the chances of them meeting each other again (and so soon), started spluttering, “Wha- How- What?”


He raised an eyebrow at Luhan. “Shouldn't you be asking me what I want to order --” Leaning in to read Luhan's name tag, the guy smiled. “Luhan.”


Uhh. Yeah. Right. What would you like to order? It's on me since I --”


Ran away with the guitar last time?” The guy smirked.


Luhan nodded sheepishly. “I'm sorry about that.”


The guy chuckled. “It's okay. I'm actually glad you cheated your way into getting it.”


What? Why?”


Because now I get free coffee.” He grinned.


Very well. What would you like?”


Looking at the menu behind Luhan, he asked, “What is your most expensive drink? I want that.” Of course you would.


Excellent. One large hazelnut vanilla mocha frappuccino with whipped cream to go.”


I like it here please.”


But --”


I still have 10 minutes until you close right? That's what the sign outside says.”


Fine.” Luhan entered his order and began making the drink, with the guy watching his every move, smiling the entire time.


Baekhyun, who was cleaning the tables nearby, noticed the new guy and nudged Chanyeol, who was mopping the floor.


Who is that with Luhan hyung?”


Another customer. Duh.”


No. I think they know each other. He keeps smiling at Luhan hyung.”


Chanyeol took a look at the guy. “I don't know who he is. Classmate maybe?”


Why is he staring at him?”


He's not. He's watching him make his order.”


He's staring.”


Baekhyun wrinkled his nose.


What's wrong, Baek?”


I smell trouble.”




~~~~~~ OOOOOOOOO BAEKHYUN SMELLS TROUBLE!! New guy stirring things up! Lol. I didn't edit the chapter (will do it later). How was it? Lots of fun stuff happened. Baekyeol came back!! Yay!! Aww Sehun for taking care of the trio while they were sick. And LOL at Baekyeol for trolling Sehun whenever possible. They love messing with their maknae. And the Hunhan fluff!!! Sehun's favorite Disney movie is Lion King --> HHAAHHAHA. 


Baekyeol will be keeping an eye on the new guy and before you guys start jumping me - yes, you will find out the identity of the stranger in the next chapter. He's not evil...per say. Lol. Jk. 


Thanks for reading! Subscribe and comment! Oh yeah, credit to inkbits on tumblr for the Hunhan in the snow gif. It's so cute!! ♥


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AICA will be updated before the year is over! Please bear with me!


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thank you for the story!
Chapter 52: I always come back to read this fic at least once a year :) it's one of my favorites
Chapter 2: aaaaaahhh rereading for the nth time.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 47: I miss them
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 33: Luhan is freakingly adorable
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 20: Awwwwww luhannie
Kaorimilla #7
Chapter 50: I want them to be separated from Jinho forever ???
Kaorimilla #8
Chapter 16: I think I they are rich to afford too many gifts
manlymaknae #9
Chapter 52: I love you thank you for reliving my hunhan feels I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!! Wrote it wonderfully to the point i can imagine each detail from the emotions to just everything. It was so well written author nim!!! I LOVE YOUR WORKS its already my 5th time reading this but it still gets me everytime :(( 2019 is ending AMD HUNHAN IS STILL STRONGER IN ME THAN EVER