HH Games : Part 2

The Matchmaker's Masterplan !!

" So..... WHAT NOW!!!?? " yelled Sumin as Team 4 ran to the mansion. Team 10 was already inside.     " OK HALT!!! " yelled Kyung, making his way to the front of the others, before the doors. " We need a plan"

" Uh...Let's try to peep in and see what team 10 is doing " suggested Jongup. The others nodded in agreement. Slowly, they tried to opene the door....It was too heavy and moved only a crack. " Great....What's the plan boss? " asked Himchan, turning to Kyung who shut his eyes trying to come up with something. " Aiish.... Should have told the stars to come here...and team 10..Tsk tsk... This is not good..."

 " Hey! What about sending one member in first ? see what's going on and then we enter? " asked Sumin suddenly. " Hmmm...Not bad... But I won't go.. Neither will Jongup " said Himchan pulling Jongup to him protectively, giving the others a 'dont-say-anything-against-my-judgement look.'.All eyes turned to Sumin.

" No way " she muttered . Their gazes landed on Kyung. " Huh? Oh look!!! A...An...endangered bear!!" he said pointing .

They turned around, but didn't see a bear...They saw Daehyun, whistling as he maded his way to them. " Oh money money money it's so funny funny funny.... What ? " he asked seeing the others staring at him

'' Himchan? Thinking what I'm thinking right? " asked Kyung his eyes glinting. 


' Hehehe... The morons. Sure I'll go in...But I'm not coming out. I shall escape and go home... Who knows? Some unworthy bastard could have taken my precious belongings...I mean, robbery is at a very high level today.  ' thought Daehyun,  as he opened the door to the mansion. Cold air emanated from inside and swirls of mist tumbled out.

" Wow...It's x'mas inside..." muttered Jongup. " Cool...." said Kyung kicking the mist. " How does this thing work? Mist machine?" wonderd Sumin out aloud. " I want one too. I could use it on that lady who insists on being a teacher" added Himchan snickering. BANG! , the doors shut behind them. Yes. Team 4 had stepped into the house without their own knowlege. 

" Hey..... What am I doing inside? " asked Himchan. They had no time to reply or curse each other, because a man in a blacksuit was walking to them. 

" Who's the creep in black?" 

" Welcome team 4... We were waiting for 5 minutes for you to enter... . Hopefully you can catch up now... Though I doubt it...." said the man nodding at them slowly. He had a pleasant voice. which he was trying to make mysterious and creepy.

" Shut up. What do you want ? "  asked Sumin.

" Answer this riddle and you may proceed. You have 15 seconds and 3 chances...." he said forgetting his creepy demeanour, and it crumbled down at the response he got. He waved a card which probably held the fatal riddle.

" Oh ! I at riddles!!!" gasped Himcahn slapping Kyung's shoulder. " Join the club" said Kyung slapping his face. 

" Hmm....Yeah.. I too " said Sumin.

" Well, there was this one time when I had to answer this riddle and I was like 'oh no', but then I did answer it but it was wrong and the punishment was to eat a aloe vera---" stated Jongup.

" Which leaves.... Daehyun! " they cried in unison. " What? " came Daehyun's irritated voice. He was touching the wall interestedly. 

" Dude you . Come over here! We got a riddle to answer." yelled Himchan. " So answer it " came Daehyun's voice. 

" Alright. Here you go " started the man in black and Kyung and Sumin hurriedly dragged Daehyun over. " What's going on ? " asked Daehyun.

" What do you use, to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe?"

" WHAT THE ? " yelled Kyung shaking his fists at the man in black.

" Uh....A ? " said Himcan. " WHAT THE ?" yelled Kyung turning to him. Himchan shrugged.     " It matches with hoe " he said. " You have 2 chances more " said the man in black checking his pocket watch. " Eh...How about-- a knife" said Jongup.

"SHUT UP!!! LET DAEHYUN ANSWER!!!!" screamed Kyung . They all fell silent and turned to Daehyun, who was pulling his mask over his face.    " Hmm...Should get a new one done..." he said pushing his glasses up. " Huh? Oh yeah the question. What was it ? " he asked. The man in black sighed but repeated the riddle. " You kids . The other team was so quick..." 

Hmm....A hoe is a tool you use mainly for weeding... Row?.I guess this means a row of plants or something? Weeds!! Ah ha! Then.. Slay a foe? A sword? Wring with woe? One thing for three acts... Hoe a row and wring with foe have the same thing... Then the answer must be:

" Your hands" said Daehyun with a yawn. " YEAH RIGHT! IT'S A SWORD YOU FREAK!!!" yelled Himchan

" Proceed.." said the man in black, pointing to a corridor that was not visible before. " You mean it's...correct?...Ah, you rock! " said Kyung before heading down the corridor.

" Wait up!! " yelled the others and ran after him. Except for Daehyun who strolled in leisurely.                  ' Oooh...Beacons....' he thought looking at the beacons that lit the corridor. The others had stopped.      " Scared ? " smirked Daehyun, pushing past them and heading on.

" Dude... Can't you hear that ? " asked Himcahn. " What ? " asked Daehyun, stopping in his tracks. A low rumble echoed through the corridor. " Is it some wild animal ? " whispered Jongup holding onto Himchan's wrist. " Volcano " stated Sumin. That's when they saw a pair of red eyes...deeper in the corridor. " Holy....." began Kyung but it was moving towards them. " AAAARGHH!!!!" screamed Sumin as something wet fell from the ceiling onto her. " GET IT OFF!!!! GETT IT OFF!!!" she shriekeed.

The rubmbling grew  louder and team 4 lost their minds as they ran off in their own directions. Daehyun stood in the middle and raised a brow at the empty hall. " Teamwork huh." he scoffed. ' Guess I can go home now ' he thought watching Himchan screaming as he slipped in a puddle of goo and went off sliding down a staircase.

But his dreams were shattered as a volley of arrows came out of nowhere. "  HUH?? " Daehyun  gasped and ducked. But he had to crawl on his stomach to proceed.. " Bloody teachers. What the heck? They could've killed these ers and spared me!!! I hate this " he muttered and slowly stood up. The arrows shot at him again. He could hear the others screaming as he crawled on. Interesting. They had their own individual challenges huh? 

*Sigh* I don't like crawling...It makes me feel like a peasant.." he muttered and stopped as he came face to face with a pair of combat boots. Slowly., Daehyun looked up to see Yongguk glaring down at him. " How come you don't get shot ? " he asked scrambling up. " AArgh!!" he screamed as the arrows came at him again. This time Yongguk had to crouch down as well. " Hey move it " growled Daehyun pushing Yongguk who was next to him.

" What? " Yongguk asked harshly. " Shut up" said Daehyun as everything fell silent. " Is it over? " he asked getting up slowly. Nothing happened. " Good... Now I can go ! " exclaimed Daehyun looking left and right tring to find a way to get to the exit. " Go? Where? You can't leave till this is done " came Yongguk's deep voice as he brushed himself down. Daehyun turned to him. " That's what you think mortal, but I have brains meant for conniving acts.." said Daehyun proudly tapping his head. " Oh yeah?" questioned Yongguk with a raised brow. Daehyun glared at him before stomping off.

He did't get that far as Youngjae, Kyung,  a masked athlete and Sumin came in on them. " Guys!!! You can't believe what happened to me!!" panted Kyung hands on his knees. " I want to go to the village instead " complained Youngjae. Kyung turned and saw Yongguk. " YOU!! "he growled. Suddenly a low beeping sound filled the mansion. " Uh oh..." began Sumin as a steady rhythmic march was heard.  " What's that ? " asked Daehyun in surprise. Their question was answered as an army of robot warriors came into view, sword and shield in hand

" OH..MY GOD!!!" began Kyung. " Oh yeah. I think this is what Professor Lee was working on for a loooong time" said Sumin.

" RUN!!! " screamed Youngjae and everyone began to run. " Let go" screamed Daehyun as Yongguk pulled him by the arm and draged him along. The warriors were everywhere, so Yongguk dragged Daehyun down a staircase and into the dungeons. They stopped, panting. " What did you bring me here for? " demanded an angry Daehyun. " Huh? YOU! I thought I brought Youngjae!" exclaimed  Yongguk, surprised.

" Whatever. I'm going " muttered Daehyun, till a drilling noise drowned all the other noises. " What the-" began Daehyun but he had no time to complete his sentence as iron bars banged down, trapping him in a cell... with Yongguk. Everythying went silent. " WHY IS EVERYTHING WORKING AGAINST ME?!! ALL I WANT TO DO IS  GO HOME AND DO BUSINESS !!! " he yelled shaking the strong bars. Sighing he turnd around to see Yongguk sitting on the ground watching him. Placing his hands on his hips, Daehyun glowered at him. " Stop staring and help me " he said. Yongguk smirked. " Didn't you say you had the brains? Do it yourself" he answered simply.

Daehyun shrugged. " Oh ok then..But when I do get out, I won't help you..." he said. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt he closed his eyes. " Why don't you remove you shirt ?" asked Yongguk suddenly, remembering the tank top Daehyun was wearing. Daehyun was concentrating too hard to hear.

' Hmmm.... if he has  a nice body...wonder what his face looks like... Hidden behind those hideous glasses and that mask..." thought Yongguk, getting up. '  This is my chance to find out..I am positive that It'll be as good' he thought walking slowly towards Daehyun, who looked like he was meditating. When he was right in front of Daehyun, he reached for the wire rimmed glasses... almost there.....

" KYAAAA!!!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO??!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" screeched Daehyun slapping Yongguk's hand away. Yongguk shook his head and returned to his lonely little corner sadly. Mission 1 : Failed

" ert. Just when I got the power needed, he wants to touch my face " Daehyun muttered, walking up and down the cellar. " It's cold..." said Yongguk suddenly. " Pssht. Freeze for all I care ert. I have..... a challenge to face." came the snarky reply. They fell silent. Yongguk glanced at Daehyun who was peering out of the cell, holding the bars. A smirk tugged on his lips. ' This will take a while...But I can have fun...' smirked Yongguk. 

He got up and walked up to Daehyun quietly. When he was right behind him, he stopped. Wow...The punk maintains his hair...It looks very soft..." Hey punk.... You wanna play ? " he whispered in Daehyun's ear.To his surprise Daehyun turned around and his eyes became half moons...meaning he smiled... 

' Well, what do you know.. ' thought Yongguk reaching towards Daehyun's Shirt until,  " WHY YOU LITTLE FLEABAG!!!! " growled Daehyun, grabbing his hand and trying to twist it behind Yongguk's back. Laughing Yongguk pulled the boy towards him, till Daehyun began to gag. Oh no.. He pushed Daehyun away fom him and retired to his little corner. Mission 2 : Failed. 

" IF YOU COME AN INCH CLOSER TO ME AGAIN...I'LL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF AND SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT!!! " spat Daehyun. Yongguk couldn't help the smirk that was forming on his lips. " Feisty aren't you? I like that ".

" Do you have any yourself ? " asked Yongguk cockily. " WHAT?? " growled Daehyun siting in the opposite end. " Balls? You have any? " he repeated. Daehyun literally turned purple with rage. " Well, shall we check ? " asked Yongguk standing up. Daehyun stood up quickly too. " Touch me one more time and I'll have your head hanging on my door " he threatened. " Fine Fine.." muttered Yongguk returning once again to his sad little corner. He's different to the way others react to me... 

Mission 3 : Failed

' How long will this take? ' wondered Daehyun shivering. Yongguk watched the boy.

I swear I've seen those eyes before... I need to know who he is...I need to remove those glasses and the bloody mask. With renewed determination, Yongguk stood up abruptly and made his way to Daehyun who looked up and widened his eyes. " WHAT? AFTER ALL THOSE THREATS? HEY!! STOP-!! " he yelled as Yongguk pulled him closer and tried to grab his glasses. " Shut up and stand still loser " he said trying to pull Daehyun's hands down

" HELP!!!! !!!! NOOOO!!!! GET AWAY!!! STOP TOUCHING ME!!! HELP!!! ASSAULT!!! WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TOUCH ME!!!!AAARGH!!!" screamed Daehyun turning around so that his back was facing Yongguk. It's something on my face he wants!!

" NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THE MASK!!! IT'S CUSTOM MADE AND VERY EXPENSIVE!!!!" he yelled as Yonnguk grunted and pulled at his collar, trying to turn him around. " I don't want your mask !! Gimme the specs!! " he grunted pulling Daehyun by the hips.

Oh....If someone saw them... Daehyun with his back to Yongguk....Who was pulling his hips....grunting....

' WHAT?? ' wondered Daehyun bewildered. He threw his head back and hit Yongguks face, and soDaehyun managed to slip past him and ran to the other corner. They stood like that for a while, trying to regain their breath.

" Look....Tell me what you want..Except money and my stuff..." said Daehyun watching the boy standing in front of him, panting.

Yongguk didn't reply for a while. He stood up straight and tilted his head to a side and scanned Daehyun.

....." Don't eye me please" added Daehyun sourly.

" I want to see your face " said Yongguk finally.

" Uh....Pay me and you can have a peek. 1 minute, $350, 1 hour $500 " said Daehyun quickly taking advantage of the situation.

" WHAT? Is money all you can think abou? " scoffed Yongguk exasperated. Daehyun shrugged.

" I'M NOT GONNA GIVE YOU A CENT!!!" boomed Yongguk.  Suddenly the bars of the cell opened and Daehyun felt relieved. " Nor will you leave before I see your face "  added Yongguk, eyes glintng.



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Dewdropz #1
Chapter 11: I read this story over and over again. Its so funny. I love fiesty daehyun and yongguk and everyone else. One of my favorite stories. ♥ You have written such a great fic. :)
bygjdh #2
Chapter 26: Never get tired of this brutally funny randomly fic
I can say that this is the funniest fanfic that i've ever read and i love it with every little piece of my heart
Usually i dont like Ocs but this fic was the excep, i love the barbarian students (kyung sumin gina ily) the teacher, the janitor, the random boy, dae parents, the monkey huhuhuhuhuhu
Chapter 9: Himchan's answer to the riddle lol
I'm down and stressed. I will read this again to lift up my mood, while I'm waiting for "vindictive people" update.
Your story makes me happy (⌒_⌒)
DumaTrz #5
Chapter 27: Ohgodohgodohgodohgod how didn´t I see this earlier 7u7 You are just.. awesome (more than awesome ;; even) This story is one of the best comedies I´ve read so far. God, I couldn´t stahp laughing all the time, I blame you for that :c
Chapter 27: You are awesome ! I spend two whole night with your story and I won't regret it. *crying for no reason* I love it as much I love Zelo. Lol XD
Chapter 27: This story is funny! XD There's no way I didn't laugh!

My favourite part is the splat splat pooping sound in the chapter where Dae hid inside a cubicles X'D VERY HILLARIOUS!
Oh! I have a question! So Dae is really innocent? Till the end?? And at the end he likes Yongguk back right?? Nyahahaha there's mention of but no M rated here
bdz357998 #8
Chapter 26: This was hilarious!!!
Chapter 26: lol thank god i have read this again after a year. wait.. was it really a year? how could i be unsure :( but ahhh srsly, this is the best story for me. XD i remember i kept re-reading this and i cant stop laughing.. and now.. omfg you really are the best author ;u; the type of story you'll never get bored by re-reading it over and over again. *u*