Haunting of Dawook.

The Matchmaker's Masterplan !!

"Let's take it from the top. Now, what will you do, when you see her sitting there alone? " asked Daehyun tiredly. He was in the noisy school cafeteria, sitting across a tall, thin, bony boy.

" Uh..... Well .... I shall ask her what she's doing all alone .... right? " he asked tentatively.

Daehyun inhaled deeply. This is not working. I have been working with this bastard for 4 days now, and there's been no progress.... 

" No .... you sit next to her.... but you don't ask for her permission  " he said, trying to hold back his anger.

The boy stared at him questioningly. " But that's rude!" he exclaimed, finally raising his hands up in the air.

" Put your hands down, you moron. Why should you ask for her permission? The bench is for anyone to sit on. She doesn't own it. It's only in movies, that you ask for the girl's or guy's permission. But that's really stupid. My ways are different and effective.Besides, you will be approaching her as a friend first. Plus you must show her, that you don't  know her " Daehyun replied pointedly yet stern enough.

" Oh " said the thin, tall, bony boy nodding slowly.

" Right.... Then what? '' asked Daehyun

" Uh..I don't remember....ooh ohh!! I tell her ... Hey babe, I've been watching you for a while now... you are so y gurrlll!I even know where you live. I have been watching you closely..." said the boy huskily, waggling his eyebrows at Daehyun, who choked on his milkshake.

Two nerdy girls passing by stared at the duo, their mouths agape.

Daehyun turned around. " What are you staring at? Get lost! " he snapped at them,turning back to the boy

" Sorry ... Please continue.." they muttered, leaving hurriedly. 

" Tell me. Put yourself in a girl's shoes. If a girl says that to you, what will you do? Freak out right?'' 

" Huh?" the boy thought for a while, tapping his chin. " Hmm....well, lemme see...NOO! I'll be so flattered!" he said with shining eyes. Daehyun's face turned red. 


" Excuse me " It was one of the two nerds. "I stand for human rights. If he doesn't like you, you cannot, you simply cannot force him to. This is a free country. According to the list of human rights, clause number-- ooof!!!"

The nerd lurched forward, landing on the ground. Another  girl gasped behind her and stooped down.

Oh great. Her... thought Daehyun rubbing the bridge of his nose.

It was the girl in Daehyun's class. 

" Oh I'm so sorry! I couldn't stop my feet!" she apologized to the nerd on the ground, helping her up.

" Let's get away. This girl is trying to do something to you " whispered Daehyun, to the tall boy beside him, who gasped and turned to Daehyun in fear.

" H..H...How do you know?" he whispered back, as they slowly began to slip away from the nerd and the girl who were now talking.

" Oh. I heard her talking about it. She wants to get you or something. She's deadly I tell you...." said Daehyun, pushing a boy roughly out of the way, the tall boy closely behind him, shielding him from the two girls' view.

" Really? that's creepy... I didn't know girls liked me! " squealed the boy, tugging at Daehyun's jacket. They were at the door now.

" Don't touch me. And yes. It is hard to believe that a lizard like you, has fans but then again, this is life.... it's unpredictable " said Daehyun's  bored voice.

" Really? I KNEW IT!!!" cheered the boy, skipping to the exit happily. " I'M A LADIES MAN NOW!!! I CAN --- AAAARRRGH!!!! " he screamed, as a stampede of people crashed into the cafeteria drowning him.... literally.

" AAAAARRRRRRGHHHHGGGAAAAAAAAAAOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" came a million, high pitched, squeaky voices, as tons of girls entered the cafeteria, headed by the fainting girl.

" GUESS WHAT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!" she screamed as some guys helped her onto a table. 

" ARRGH!!!! TELL US!!! TELL US!!!!" wailed the girls.

" IT'S ABOUT YONGGUK!!!!!!! " yelled the fainting girl on the table.

The girls began to scream like an elephant was chasing them.

" SPIT IT OUT YOU BAFFOON!!!!! " came a boy's voice.

" OK OK!!! he's COOOLER!!!"

" OBVIOUSLY! " came the reply

" HE'S  HOTTER!!!"

" WE KNOW!!!!"



" ANNND .... HE'S DYED HIS HAIR !!!! "

" WHAT!!!!? WE DIDN'T KNOW!!!! "

" YEAH!!! PLUS, HE WAS THE BEST IN HIS SCHOOL APPARENTLY,AN ALL ROUNDER ! ISN'T HE PERFECT !!!? " she cried, with an awestruck expression.

" WHOAAAAAA.........WHO'S HIS GIRLFRIEND? " asked  a girl suddenly.

" OH YEAH! THAT'S THE BEST PART!! HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE, HE NEVER DID !!!" came the reply from the table.


" No I AM! " squealed another

" You? You're too skimpy. I will defintely be his " came an affected voice as all the girls began to fight.

" What a waste of time. Stupid girls. Who cares about some arrogant man anyway?" thought Daehyun, aloud.

" It's a boy. And you don't know how popular he is among the girls and guys " came in a voice from beside him. He turned around slowly, to face the girl in his class, who was watching the girls fighting and clawing at each other.

" Look. I know what you're upto. You want to be friends with me, so that you can get my work for free. Too bad. " said Daehyun smugly.

" What?! "

" You suddenly came from nowhere, and began talking to me. Why? cause you want some guy but you dont want to pay for it, so you think befriending me will help you in your plan" Daehyun slowly explained to the girl. " I dont work for free"

"  What?!  wait.... you can't remember me?! "

" Oh now you act as if we know each other"

" WE DO! We've been in the same class since first grade. YOU WERE SITTING NEXT TO ME!!! And you were my project partner in 8th and 9th grade!!!! "

But Daehyun was pulling the long thin bony boy out of the crowd. After doing so, he dragged him out of the cafeteria

" He can't remember me? Wow.... he " said the girl, shaking her head.


Daehyun was sitting at the back of the class, reading a book. But could he concentrate? Nope.

Daehyun's POV

" I just can't wait ok. I've turned into an insomniac because of him! " said a pink haired girl.

" Same here!! I see wet dreams too!!!! " squealed a green haired girl.

" He's a real badass now apparently.... " said a blue haired girl.

I glared at the clique of seaweed heads.

How can a sane person think about earning money with this racket? I had no choice but come to class because when I went to the gym :

" OMG!!!! I need to get a hair cut for Yongguk!!! He needs to notice me -"

Then I went into an empty class room.... and there :

" What does Yongguk like to eat? We should make him his fav food! "

So I went to the locker rooms, and there, I met Jongup, who was asleep.... anyways,  I set off to the library, and there:

" Did you know that Yongguk is a blackbelt in karate? "

Blah! They don't know the difference between a normal, thick, black leather belt and a karate  belt. In the end I went to the broom closet.... butI still could hear people talking outside.

So I wandered off to the toilets and locked myself up in a cubicle... but someone was having a stomach upset.... stupid idiot who doesn't eat healty food.

Thus I went to the kitchens, the cooks were talking about him...

A trip to the  basketball court.... and what?:

 " Yongguk plays basketball reaaaallly well, we should get him into the team! "

I angrily stomped off to the chess room where the chess club dwells and what? :

" Yongguk should play chess. He had been the chess champ in his former school. We HAVE to get him into the team! " 

I had no choice. I went back to the toilets, expecting it to be empty.... but that person with the stomach upset, was still going strong. I had no choice. I had to stay in the toilets. The stench had repelled everyone else,  so it was peaceful... except for the and the splat splat sounds and the revolting, putrid stench. Damn! Of all days, I forgot my mask... AARGH!!I HATE THIS MAN ALREADY!! 

So now, here I am, listening once again to some idiots who are in love with that man. Just then the doors slammed open and the thin bony guy stormed in. 

End of  POV

" I THOUGHT YOU SAID I WAS FINE! SHE REJECTED ME!!!!" thin bony guy wailed, wringing his hands in exasperation. Daehyun calmly placed a bookmark in the page he was reading and looked up at the boy.

" You confessed didn't you? "  he asked skeptically. Thin tall boy nodded. " And who told you to do so? " continued Daehyun, tilting his head to a side.

The boy fidgeted. " NO. I ..w..well. the thing is...I thought she'll say yes... but SHE SLAPPED ME!!! " he said heartbroken.

" What exactly did you say? " asked Daehyun placing the book back in his bag. " I told her I like her and that she was pretty and that I have been watching her and I like her body and that we should go somewhere quiet so that we could do stuff. BUT WHAT I MEANT WAS, TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER!!!!"

Daehyun wanted to shoot the boy. " I never told you that you were ready . I only said that you will be ready in about a week. You disobeyed me"

" Now what?" thin bony guy asked meekly.

" Pay me more. We have to go to plan E now. You have to learn to speak properly "

" What? I can speak properly!" exclaimed the boy

" Really? What idea does it give you, if someone says they want to do stuff with you when actually they wanted to ask you out huh?"

" What?  Fine" the boy sighed.

" Here sit down and check the prices. They're pretty reasonable... "


Daehyun felt unusually good. Why? Because he had to supervise Jongup and Himchan cleaning 3 classrooms. And the class rooms in this school were huge.

" Satisfied? Can we go now? " asked an angry Himchan, slipping into a chair and slumping over. He glanced up at Daehyun, who looked up and let his eyes roam around the neat classroom. Jongup was staggering towards a water bottle. 

" Hmm..... let me see" said Daehyun, walking to the window. He inspected the corner of the window for dust.

" Come on Daehyun! You made us sweep all 3 classes FOUR times! And who cares about the corner of the window??!!! "

Daehyun straightened up and turned around to the two exhausted boys. 

" Will you ever come late to school again? " he asked

" NO!!! NO WE WON'T! WE PROMISE! " they cried in unison.

"Ok then let's go "  prompted Daehyun, after a long spell of silence, during which he eyed them both very hard. Jongup and Himchan sighed in relief and stood up to leave.

It was 8.50 p.m and the school was dark and spooky. Daehyun locked the classroom and the 3  boys began walking to the main door. The school was eerie and the only sounds came from their footsteps.

" H...H..Himchan.... I'm scared..." whispered Jongup. Himchan put an arm around Jongup protectively.Daehyun continued walking unfazed by the creepy dark corridor and the trembling of his two friends.

" Hey. Did you guys know about that boy who was killed here? " he asked suddenly spinning around to face Himchan and Jongup who stared at him with open mouths.

" W..w...what? " squeaked jongup. 

" You don't know about Dawook?. Apparently he was rich and had a lot of enemies. He had 2 bodyguards. One day,



" Ok. I'm done now. Let's go then " said the boy getting up. The stoic butler switched off the lights in the clasroom and locked the door.

They began to walk down the hallway, when suddenly the boy stopped and turned around. " Did you hear something?" he asked the butler. The butler peeped into a corridor. " No" he said shaking his head.

" Hmm.. I thought I did. Let's go soon. This place is creeping me out." 

They continued till the boy felt his neck hairs bristling. He turned around and gasped. His butler was gone. " Butler? Butler where are you?" called the boy.

No reply. Legs shaking he began to walk. He didn't know where he was going. He saw a flash of black. He began to run but alas. He turned a corner.... with a dead end. He stopped, breathing loudly.

A cold cackle of laughter resonated through the hall. He turned around and saw a man with a silver knife. His face was hooded. The boy pressed up against the wall as far as posible, trying to blend in with it. " Too bad boy." the stranger rasped.

" No please... I'm only 17.... please don't kill me" he cried, tears flowing down his cheeks. The man only laughed. Suddenly his butler appeared behind the man and the boy instantly wiped his eyes and smiled confidently.But his smile vanished when the butler pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the boy.

" Y...You're with him?" he whispered. The hooded man inched forward slowly.

" No! no stay awaY! HELP!" the boy screamed. But no one heard. The knife flashed in the air, followed by gunshot after gunshot and earsplitting screams...But no one heard...



" He was killed at 9.00 p.m. "  said Daehyun , shaking his head as he sneaked a peak at Himchan who was wide eyed in horror and Jongup who was hiding behind Himchan, peeping. 

" A...a..and then what? " asked Himchan hoarsely.

" The body was found all butchered up and ...... they say that he haunts the school, even now, trying to find a way out... a way to escape...."


" Daehyun...." whispered Jongup petrified

Stupid gullible idiot  " Yeah? "

" He's lying" said Himchan waveringly.

" Daehyun.. what's the time? "asked Jongup, his mouth hanging open.

" What? It's 9.00. why? " asked Daehyun annoyed.

" There...."  Jongup looked ahead.

Daehyun followed Jongup's eyes and turned back.... to see a boy's shadowy figure, leaning against the door, his hands in his pockets....



A/N : Oooooh.... who could that be?? *0* Haha! Don't worry guys! Yongguk is on his way!! I have no idea how i came up with the ending part... But still I hope you enjoyed it! *_*


AND ALSO THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! * runs around the neighbourhood singing at the top of my lungs. Trips and falls into a manhole... But still continues to sing from inside*


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Dewdropz #1
Chapter 11: I read this story over and over again. Its so funny. I love fiesty daehyun and yongguk and everyone else. One of my favorite stories. ♥ You have written such a great fic. :)
bygjdh #2
Chapter 26: Never get tired of this brutally funny randomly fic
I can say that this is the funniest fanfic that i've ever read and i love it with every little piece of my heart
Usually i dont like Ocs but this fic was the excep, i love the barbarian students (kyung sumin gina ily) the teacher, the janitor, the random boy, dae parents, the monkey huhuhuhuhuhu
Chapter 9: Himchan's answer to the riddle lol
I'm down and stressed. I will read this again to lift up my mood, while I'm waiting for "vindictive people" update.
Your story makes me happy (⌒_⌒)
DumaTrz #5
Chapter 27: Ohgodohgodohgodohgod how didn´t I see this earlier 7u7 You are just.. awesome (more than awesome ;; even) This story is one of the best comedies I´ve read so far. God, I couldn´t stahp laughing all the time, I blame you for that :c
Chapter 27: You are awesome ! I spend two whole night with your story and I won't regret it. *crying for no reason* I love it as much I love Zelo. Lol XD
Chapter 27: This story is funny! XD There's no way I didn't laugh!

My favourite part is the splat splat pooping sound in the chapter where Dae hid inside a cubicles X'D VERY HILLARIOUS!
Oh! I have a question! So Dae is really innocent? Till the end?? And at the end he likes Yongguk back right?? Nyahahaha there's mention of but no M rated here
bdz357998 #8
Chapter 26: This was hilarious!!!
Chapter 26: lol thank god i have read this again after a year. wait.. was it really a year? how could i be unsure :( but ahhh srsly, this is the best story for me. XD i remember i kept re-reading this and i cant stop laughing.. and now.. omfg you really are the best author ;u; the type of story you'll never get bored by re-reading it over and over again. *u*