Niel's Home

To Teacher, From Student, With Love
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Teen Top- To You


On Friday, Niel didn’t come to school. She was shocked to see that he didn’t reply when she called attendance.

“Ahn Daniel?” Sohee looked up. Her gaze fell upon his empty chair. She was flabbergasted. Although Niel was a delinquent student, he was never absent. “Where is Daniel?” Sohee asked his friends.

They glanced at his seat with a grim, uneasy expression. No one replied.

Sohee felt troubled by the silence. *Did something happen to him?* Hesitantly, she marked him absent and carried on.

After school, Sohee had appointments with four students. The third student, Joon, bowed and hastily walked out of the room as if he couldn’t wait to get away from the stifling room. Sohee checked the last student. *Ahn Daniel. He wasn’t even at school today. I doubt he’ll come to the conference.*

Still, with a trace of hope, she waited. Half an hour passed by.

Sohee sighed and shut the folder. She grew frustrated, but most of all, she was worried. L. Joe’s words concerning Niel haunted her.

“Niel has endured more hardships than he lets people know. Outside, he looks like nothing could ever hurt him. In truth, he’s hurting every day.”

*What does that mean? Is Niel in trouble?* Her heart twitched anxiously. She couldn’t just stand by. Sohee looked through her contact list and found L. Joe’s phone number she had acquired on the day she had gone to his house. After several rings, he finally answered.

“Hello?” L. Joe warily asked.

“Byunghun-ah, I need your help.” She pleaded. Shock registered in his voice. “Ssem?”


The sun was long gone when Sohee and L. Joe arrived in the part of the neighborhood that Niel lived in. “That’s his house, the one with that black-and-silver motorcycle parked out front.” L. Joe pointed.

Sohee followed his finger to the motorcycle. It was the exact same one that her hero had been riding on when he had rescued her from the Baekjae students. *Liar. You did save me.*

Sohee observed the house. It was more like a shack. The eerie silence made the hair on her back bristle.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here, ssem. If Niel found out…” L. Joe shook his head and nervously bit his bottom lip.

”It’s okay. I won’t tell him you came with me. I wouldn’t have brought you into this if his address was in his profile. His phone number isn’t there either.” Sohee thought that was strange and mysterious. “Thanks for coming, Byunghun. You can go now.” She started towards the house, but someone held her back. Sohee turned around to see fear on L. Joe’s face. “Ssem, you can’t go in there alone. It’s not a good idea.”

“Why?” She questioned. He gulped with a wan face. “Just don’t, ssem.”

“I have to find out, Byunghun.” Sohee softly spoke. For Niel’s sake and hers.


“I’ll be fine. I am a teacher.” She gave him a light wink, lightly pried his hand off of her arm, and headed towards the house. *. I better not have done something stupid by exposing Niel like this.* L. Joe watched Sohee cross the street. Shaking his head, he returned home.

The house was uncannily silent. There was something strange about the aura around the building. It seemed like the perfect place for a crime scene to happen. Sohee in her breath. Gently, she knocked on the door. There was no answer. She tried again. “Hello? Anyone home?” Sohee called. “Excuse me? Daniel? Mr. Ahn?” She pressed her ear against the door. She heard the sound of voices talking. It seemed like the television was on.

Sohee raised herself on her tippy toes and peered through the window. The house was entirely dark except for the bright flashes of light coming from the television screen.

Sohee stood back on her heels and looked around. *Why is no one answering? The TV is on, so someone must be home.* She grew alarmed. *What if Niel really is in trouble?! What if he’s stuck in his home?!* The new panic made her do something irrational. She grabbed the doorknob, prayed it was unlocked, and twisted it. To her shock, the door opened.

Heart thudding, Sohee opened the door. It creaked, and she winced at the cacophonous noise. Sohee poked her head inside. “Excuse me? Is anyone else home? Daniel?” Her voice raised an octave when she called his name. She glanced around the gloomy home. It was too dark to notice the details, but she could tell the house was very untidy. She squinted her eyes. *Are those beer bottles I see next to the sofa?*

Sohee looked back then scrutinized the inside of the house once again.

What to do? She couldn’t just leave. She wanted to know why Niel wasn’t at school. She also wanted to find out what was so terrible about his father.

Sohee knew she shouldn’t invade someone’s privacy like this, but she was beyond worried. *Just a glimpse of Niel, and then I’ll go. I just want to make sure he’s okay.* With a deep breath, she entered the house. Something crunched under her boot. She stepped back and looked down. It was a shard of glass, now broken into tiny bits.

*So dangerous. Why didn’t anyone clean that up?* Sohee proceeded into the house. She was hyper vigilant of her surroundings. She glanced around and her heels.

“Daniel?” Sohee softly called. When there was no reply, she spoke louder. “Daniel! Are you here? Please…just answer me…” Her bottom lip wavered. *Where are you, Daniel? Are you in any harm? What am I supposed to do?*

All of a sudden, the front door swung open. With a gasp, she spun around. Her eyes widened at the person who came in. He was at least six feet tall with a beer belly that protruded over his ed slacks. His white tank top was stained with beer and something red that made her squeamish. His eyes were glazed and wild, and his hair was unkempt. In one hand, he was holding a plastic bag full of what appeared to be beer cans.

Although it was dark, Sohee could see the slight resemblance of the figure with her student. He was no doubt Niel’s father. He looked up and stumbled back in shock. He had just noticed someone else standing in his living room. “Who are you?” His voice was hoarse and jarring.

Sohee tried to remain posture. *Calm down. He’s your student’s parent. Be respectful and professional.* With a deep breath, she bowed. “Hello. I’m Daniel’s homeroom teacher, Jung Sohee.”

“Teacher…?” His eyes swept up and down her tender figure. She tried not to tremble.

“I’m sorry for intruding into your home!” Sohee blurted, making the man move his gaze back up to her face. “I was just worried about Daniel. He didn’t come to school today, and he wasn’t there for our conference either.” Sohee bit her lip. “Do you know where Daniel is?” “Who the hell knows where that goddamn

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44 streak #2
Love it!!!
Chapter 62: Rereading this in 2020 and gahdddd so much feels. It is okay to ask for a sequel??? Oh mggad I wanna know more of their story
Chapter 62: Awww this is so darn cute i honestly thought there'd be a chapter where the students will like welcome sohee back at the graduation ceremony huhu
happyvircy #5
Chapter 29: Im f-ing cried
This is definitely my fav non exo story
JemmyAsh #7
Chapter 62: I did read this story when I was a teenagers. I was dumb, don't understand much english word. It was like when I was 16? I only understand some sentences back then. But I did succeed read all of it. And I like the story. Now I'm 20, back here again and successfully read all chapters again. I love this story. Tbh, this is my first fanfic story that I've read. Congratulations! You did a very good job. I love this story. Just a thing, some might hate the relationship between Niel and Sohee, because of the age and the title Sohee holding. But trust me, if you weren't face the same thing you won't know. I'm 20, and now dating a teenager . I know some might think it's wrong. But for us age doesn't matter.
Ermayuni #8
Chapter 62: Oh my god! Just found this amaziiing story of you aand iam so in love with this!! Oh my god!! You are jjaaaangg authorniim!!