Holiday Time: Part IV

WHAT?! I'm EXO's New Member?

Ross slowly opened her eyes and the bright fluorescent lights pierced her eyes. 

"Where am I?" Ross whispered looking around the room. She looked down to see tubes inserted into her hand and saw that she had a patient hospital gown on. 

She rubbed her head from the slight headache she had. 

*knock knock

"C-come in~" Ross nervously said in English. 

The doctor came in with a clipboard which Ross presumed was filled with nonsense about her health status. "Ah Miss Kim, it's good to see that you're awake. You made a speedy recovery from your accident at the beach earlier this morning."

"So when will I be discharged?" Ross asked.  

The doctor smiled and check the nurse's script clipped to the front of Ross's hospital bed. "Well we can discharge you today but you'll have to stay for a few hours until we are certain that you are stable." 

Ross nodded. "Where is my cellphone?" Ross asked again. "Your electrionics should be in the drawer next to you. Do you want to use it?" 

"Yes please." The doctor walked up the the drawer and pulled out her phone. Ross thanked him and flipped through her phone. 




     76 Missed Calls

      54 Unread Messages 

   Time: 18:42   

Ross hesistantly pressed the button to check her missed calls. 

Most of them were from her parents ESPECIALLY Daniel. Ross proceeded to check her messages. Some were from EXO and the rest were from Daniels but none from her parents because they were useless with technology. 

Ross checked through the boys messages before her brother's. They were mostly from Kai and Luhan. Kai did a heck of an amount of apologising towards Ross. Ross giggled at how adorable Kai was. Luhan sent her pictures of how thr guys were doing.

For some reason Sehun appeared to look quite miserable. Unbeknownst to Ross, Sehun was really the one who saved Ross from a slow and painful death.  

The rest of the photos were full of Luhan's camwhoring with the other members. A big grin broke out on Ross's face. 

Her foot stung a bit from the healing but it was tolerable. 

  Incoming Call

From: Luhan 



"Hello? Ross are you there?" 

"Yeah gege, how are you?" 

"How am I?! How are YOU!" 

"Hehe I'm doing just fine. Where are you guys now?" 

"Back at the hotel. We're really sorry that you got hurt. I would trade places with you if I could."

"No that's ok buddy haha. So what happened exactly?" 

"Well you passed out and... we all thought you were dead. You did NOT want to see the look on our faces especially Chelsea." 

"Oh...Where's Chelsea?" 







"ARE YOU GUYS OUT OF YOUR MINDS?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ROSS!" Chelsea stomped backwards and forwards. 

Everyone looked so sad and miserable from what had happened. 

"Who did it." Chelsea asked in a threatening tone. 

"What do you mean?" the brave Duizhang asked. "WHO MADE ROSS ALMOST BLEED TO DEATH?" Chelsea shouted. 

Kai stood up and confessed that it was him. "...but I just pushed her into the water..." 

Sehun tugged on Kai's sleeve to make him sit down. 

"I'm sorry I had to do it for Ross's sake." Sehun mumbled. 

"What did you do?" Chelsea sharpened her eyes. 

"I had... to to... free Ross's foot in order to set her free." Sehun choked on his words from the horrific images of the incident that repeatedly played in his head.  

"That's it. I've heard enough. I need to contact the agency as well as Ross's family right now so in the meantime you all just take a rest. It's been a big day for all of us."






"Oh yeah. That's right Sehun really had to do that."

"I can't imagine how painful it was for you Ross..."

"Well I'm fine really, I'm fine! I'm fit and healthy and the doc said that I'll be discharged soon~" 

"Sweet! Can't wait for you to come back" 

"Me too~ I miss you guys already. See you in a few hours!" 

"OK mei mei, I'll be waiting~" 


The call ended and Ross flopped back into her bed. Apparently she had to stay for another 3 hours and so she played some games on her phone to make the time pass quickly. 


 *a few hours later

Ross was changed into clothes that were sent by Chelsea while she was still asleep. Ross cleared the drawers and stuffed her personal belongings into her bag. 

*Knock Knock Knock 

"Come in." 

The doctor walked into the room with Kris and Chelsea following behind. An instant grin was planted onto Ross's face. Chelsea ran up to Ross and hugged her almost knocking the crutches out of her arms. "You little punk! Worrying me like that" Chelsea sighed. 

"Miss Kim please allow me to check your heart rate before you leave." the doctor pulled out his stethoscope. 

"O-of course" Ross nodded. 


After the brief examination Ross was discharged and the trio made their way to the van. Kris was carrying all of the bags of course. 

"Guess what?" Chelsea poked Ross's cheek.


"We're staying for another week!" Chelsea jumped around in joy. Ross joined too which made Kris roll his eyes at how girly they were. 



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Exo_Lover_Suho #1
Chapter 16: I hope the new girl dies
Exo_Lover_Suho #2
Chapter 16: I hope the new girl dies
Chapter 36: Heck not cheack
Chapter 36: What the check is going on? I'm so confused.
Chapter 19: Are we gay or something, because we called her babe?
Chapter 35: omg Is like a hero right now lol i've just started reading ur story and i love it! palli update juseyo~ authornim hwaiting!
Chapter 5: Lol, that dothraki man warrior bit reminds me of Eat Your Kimichi ^^
will update this next week :) sorry have been busy with.uni
Exo_saranghae12 #9
Chapter 14: But Sehun, ohmygodthankyou!
He's so adorable!