The Sky Is The Limit || Writing Contest (CLOSED)
1. I don't understand the round table chart.
- Please refer to chapter 30 and read the "how to play" rules.
      2.Each contestant will be given  2 "cards" via pm. These cards are aspects they must include in their story.
  3.╎ Each round table will then be dealt 5 additional "cards". Each contestant must pick 3 out of the 5 "cards"
2. Do I have to choose 3 different categories in the round table?
- No. For example, you can have all five pairings cards.
3. How do I use the phrase card?
- It's a dialogue that must be said by one of your characters. it doesn't have to be word for word. you can edit / paraphrase it to fit in your story. but if we give you a phrase like "there's no restart button in this game we call life"; it is NOT the same as "where can i press the restart button in this game of 'life'. i'm losing" 
4. When can I use the joker?
- The moment we hand it to you. It can be used now or later. It doesn't matter unless you want to change a community card. This is only for SPADES jokers. Then you only have 2 DAYS after start date. But you can still use it on your initial cards.
5. Can I change one or all community cards? Will we get notified on the changes?
- in the pm, it says one community card (again only for SPADES jokers) in the important note, it says check back in two days for any changes. Changes will be underlined.
*important notes: remember, how the pairing cards are interpreted is up to the contestant, but the pairings must be the main characters. also, for every joker still owned by the champion, they will rewarded 150 karma points. be careful! community cards can be changed by a joker. so please check in 2 days after the start date to see if any changes have been made by your opponent! ALL CHANGES ARE UNDERLINED
6. Does the ending card mean that's how we end it?
- yes. so if the card is "ending: character death" that means your story must end with one or both of your main characters dying.
7. I don't understand the aspect card.
- the aspect card is something you have to incorporate in your story that preferably is an important event that happens to the main character. yes it can be metaphorical.
8. There is no pairing at the round table or in my initial cards. Do I need to choose a pairing from the round table if I don't have any in my initial cards?
- If there's no pairing given or in the round table, you may choose whatever characters you want. Though the judges really prefer idols, there's no rule against OC's. We will judge fairly. No, you don't need to choose a pairing from the table if you don't want to. The three cards are strictly from your choosing. 
9. I have two of the same category cards. What do I do?
- find a way to incorporate both
10. Can we use all five community cards at the round table?
- Please refer to question 1. No, you can't. 2 initial cards + 3 community cards of your choosing = your hand
11. When does this contest end?
- we do not know the exact date. The approximate date will be about three months. 
12. Do the pairings have to be romantic?
- we do not stress this enough:
2.╎ Each contestant will be given  2 "cards" via pm. These cards are aspects they must include in their story. 

example) Contestant A's 2 cards are kaistal and vampire AU. Contestant A must use this pairing in their story and set the story in that AU verse. (Whether or not endgame will be kaistal is up to Contestant A.)

*important notes: remember, how the pairing cards are interpreted is up to the contestant, but the pairings must be the main characters. also, for every joker still owned by the champion, they will rewarded 150 karma points. be careful! community cards can be changed by a joker. so please check in 2 days after the start date to see if any changes have been made by your opponent! ALL CHANGES ARE UNDERLINED

13. When will the joker expire?
- Well never (or rather until this entire round ends). Only spades have a 2 day usage time limit in regards to changing community cards. All other jokers don't have a time limit.
14. What is my joker's ability?
- please reread the pm with much care.
15. Is there a word limit?
- No, there isn't.
16. I have the exact same category in my initial & community card. Can I use both of that in my hand?
- No, because that would be unfair. So if you have 'high school au' as an initial & in your community card then you can't use that community card.
17. Will we know who is in our round table?
- No, unless you ask around or comment with your round table. The judges purposely didn't state the table members to create suspense.
PLEASE reread chapter 30, any important notes & FAQs before asking questions. Thank you!
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ROUND 5 is now closed!


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This looks like fun, I hope everything is okay with your judges and that this contest will re-open. ^ ^
Chapter 41: I wish Rina and Nara Uhnnie will be okay!
Can I ask when will be the next announcement? :)
Chapter 40: Hello..uhm... i just wanna ask if my two other entries were considered^^
Chapter 40: I'm not sure if this is for everyone, but the links in the received entries aren't working. I'd really like to read the other entries.. it would be appreciated if you could fix it!
But if others aren't experiencing this, then I guess something's wrong with my computer.
Chapter 39: I would like to retain my first entry, BEHIND THE CURTAINS... XD and add this one at the last minute (since it's still june 1). I hope this still counts!
for judge Rina
Chapter 39: Ahh I feel so bad about this because I had two months to write but... I don't think I can finish my entry ;~; but I'll still link it here for judge Nara when I'm done ^^"