

What does it take for one to confess? 


B1Apink is not a very popular pairing, but I ship Baro/Bomi quite strong, since both of them are my biases from each group. Since my Baro/Bomi feels is coming back, so I thought that I should make something short & sweet for them. Btw, this is probably my first time trying to write a fluff story, so it might , really.


I sort of still have no idea what to call this pairing? BaBo perhaps? Lol. I love these two pabos!



Yours truly,





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azuraes #1
Chapter 1: awwww baro and bomi so cute <3
Gikanuna #2
Chapter 1: Abby always got the best words to describe everything in details.
And maybe because it was Bomi, I enjoy everything you write about her.
I love Bomi. I love your writing.
I love the way you describe cap as the important thing of him.
Abby, get ready to have a fan!! Me me me me!! :D
Snoopnut98 #3
This is so cute!!!!!!! You should do more happier fanfic:D I've a couple of your fanfic and some is really sad( or was is like 2?) anyway, this fluff is so so cute!!! Keep up the good work! God Bless :D
Kyaaa babo is sound good for them btw
because they are always act babo kkkkkk~
ah I think just me shiping bomi with baro, , and I found your fics..... aaaaahhh you know how much I'm happy....
I will read another your babo fics hehe....
Wahh it's so cute and sweet!
so cute~ ^^

i love it so much~~~!♥♥