Sick Day or Planned Relationship building

Adventure and romance in America

I hope everyone is enjoying the fan fic so far. Thank you to my subscribers for reading. ^.^





Taemin POV


I woke up before Rose and smiled seeing how innocent she looked in her sleep. I then put a small kiss on her cheek before I snuck out of the room to get ready for school. As I walked down the hall I saw Minho smirking “So did you finally make a move? You’re glowing some” Minho said to me and I blushed. “Not exactly last night she wouldn’t let go of me calling me her teddy so I stayed with her” I told him thinking about when I just kissed her cheek. “Alright Taemin, Go get ready I’m sure she’ll be up soon” Minho said picking on me which made me blush more. “Stop it, you know I like her I don’t want to blush in front of her” I whined as he laughed and went back to his room. I then went and got my shower giving myself a pep talk to ask her out to a movie on Friday “I can do it. Just ask her. Don’t be such a coward Taemin Lee” I told myself as I got ready for school. We all ate breakfast but Rose still wasn’t down yet “Why doesn’t someone go check on her?” Jonghyun said nudging my arm. “Fine I’ll go” I told them pretending to be upset about it. “We’ll meet you guys at school. We will sit with her friend Danny and Kai” Onew said to me and they all headed to the school. I then headed upstairs and knocked on her door “Rose you feeling ok?” I asked as I slowly opened the door.


Rose POV


I woke up with a pain in my stomach and didn’t feel very well. I decided then I was just going to stay home. I then noticed the other side of my bed was messy like someone laid there but I don’t remember even coming up here. ‘Who brought me up here?’ I thought to myself and heard a knock on my door “Rose you feeling ok?” I heard Taemin’s voice as he opened my door. “I’m just not feeling very good today” I told him as he sat next to me looking concerned. “Will you be ok or would you like me to stay home with you? The others went off to school already” Taemin said to me. “I’d like your company if you want to stay with me” I told him earning a smile from him. “I’m going to get something to eat and rest downstairs Watch TV with me while I’m resting?” I asked him and he nodded eagerly “Sure, will we get in trouble for not going to school?” he then asked me and I shook my head no. “The principal is my uncle” I said and we headed downstairs to the kitchen. I made some breakfast for the both of us and we went into the living room and I M-net for us to watch.


Taemin POV


‘I’m glad Rose isn’t really sick just. We have the whole day to spend together this is great and not I can finally make my move and ask her out. Come on Taemin just do it!’ I thought to myself as we watched M-net. “Rose I was wondering Friday after school. Would you like to go out with me to see a movie?” I said and blushed glad I got it out instead of chickening out. I looked over at Rose who was blushing as well and smiling at me “Of course Taemin. I’d love to go to the movies with you” she said “Oh do you know how I got upstairs last night?” she then asked me. “Y-Yea I carried you upstairs. You curled up to me and wouldn’t let go of me calling me your teddy and wanted me to stay with you. Is that ok?” I told her concerned and she just laughed cutely “That’s fine. Thank you” Rose said and kissed my cheek and we both blushed. Right then we both realized we really like each other. They rest of the day we spent watching TV and cuddled on the couch except when we ate lunch. Soon enough the others got home. Rose was taking a nap on my shoulder.


No one’s POV


The Shinee members got home from school and saw the Taemin and Rose in the living room her head on his shoulder. Key saw this growled and stormed upstairs the other members smiled “So did you finally ask her?” Jonghyun asked Taemin and he nodded and the three of them all smiled proud of Taemin. “We are going out Friday night” Taemin said to them “Good Job Taemin. Our little Taemin Lee is growing up” Jonghyun joked and hugged onto Minho and they pretended to be proud parents and he blushed “Guys you’re going to wake her” he whined and they all went to try to do their homework letting the two of them be.

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Izzy1333 #1
Chapter 18: awesome way to go with the story! Keep up the good work.
Izzy1333 #2
Chapter 17: Still liking the story line. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 16: I really hope all my readers are enjoying the story so far. Please don't be shy comment if you like it and if you would like Rose to work with any specific group. I am open for ideas
Chapter 12: To all my readers sorry for the delay of posting I just got a new job at a brand new store that had its grand opening last Sunday and my computer was having some major issues the next post will be up soon. Thank you all for your support
Izzy1333 #5
Chapter 11: Key is really fuming!!
Izzy1333 #6
Chapter 9: Liking the story line.
Chapter 9: Oh ok... Thanks!!
Chapter 7: I understand what you mean but I did it this time that way due to I wanted different thoughts going on through that. It will make sense later.
Ok so now I don't even know for sure who I want with Rose.... But.... You keep repeating the same sene like 4 or 5 times.... It makes the story much less interesting... Sorry but I thought u should know my opinions.. Sorry for the long comment....