The meeting point

Adventure and romance in America
Rose POV
It was my first day back as a senior, I knew I had finally made it. Then in first period I was called to the principal’s office as I walked out of class to the office I kicked the ground. "What could I have possibly done this time?" I asked myself as I got there. I walked into the principal’s office and saw 5 really hot Asian boys who all looked at me smiled and bowed "annyeong haseyo" they said in unison and I bowed back. 
I took Korean all of high school and now 5 hot Korean guys were at my school but one stuck out. His sweet baby face made me want to get closer to him. "Rose your parents have given these five boys permission to stay at your home. Your are to help them here at our school. They have transferred here for at least the year" my principal said and I nodded "this means you are dismissed go ahead and take them to your home and get them settled" he said to me and I nodded escorting them outside to my roomy car the whole time I was keeping my true thoughts hidden.
Taemin and Key's POV
We have just arrived in America and at our school confused because we didn't really know English. We were taken to the principal’s office and this really adorable and attractive girl walked in. We were told she spoke some Korean as well. This girl is amazing it seems. 'I must get to know her!' we both thought at the same time Minho Onew and Jonghyun looked at her and at the two of us confused some as we were lead out to the girl known as Rose's car. She let us in to the car and we headed to her home. 
Taemin POV
After we got in her car heading to her home I got to sit shot gun. Watching the sun hit her hair and her skin like butterflies kissing a soft flower. 'This is going to be a wonderful year I really hope to really get to know her' Taemin thinks to himself grinning slightly
Minho, Onew and Jonghyun POV
So we got to the school and we find out that we were staying at a girls house?! That was new for us and we realized Taemin and key seemed very interested in this girl. We got in her car after being introduced and she drove us to her home. We were lucky we didn't have to start school the first day. It was so nice of the principle to let us get used to the place for a day at least first.
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Izzy1333 #1
Chapter 18: awesome way to go with the story! Keep up the good work.
Izzy1333 #2
Chapter 17: Still liking the story line. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 16: I really hope all my readers are enjoying the story so far. Please don't be shy comment if you like it and if you would like Rose to work with any specific group. I am open for ideas
Chapter 12: To all my readers sorry for the delay of posting I just got a new job at a brand new store that had its grand opening last Sunday and my computer was having some major issues the next post will be up soon. Thank you all for your support
Izzy1333 #5
Chapter 11: Key is really fuming!!
Izzy1333 #6
Chapter 9: Liking the story line.
Chapter 9: Oh ok... Thanks!!
Chapter 7: I understand what you mean but I did it this time that way due to I wanted different thoughts going on through that. It will make sense later.
Ok so now I don't even know for sure who I want with Rose.... But.... You keep repeating the same sene like 4 or 5 times.... It makes the story much less interesting... Sorry but I thought u should know my opinions.. Sorry for the long comment....