Infos about the kim family & Schools

Yes . I'm a vampire

The kim family are the last royal blood . 

They are rich , powerful . They have the strongest power among the other vampires clan .

They live like a human being .. no human has suspected they that they are vampires .

They can be in the sun as long as they want and not burn , but they need shades since their eyes can't take the sunlight every much . 

They drink blood 3 times a day .... they order the blood from the 'blood-bank' ... but sometimes ... they just went out at night and drink the human blood , cause it's fresh .

The family away from the city , they live in the deepest place of seoul , the deep forest . No one had ever gone there , except vampires , wearwolfs .. of course


The kim eyes turn like this when they are in' mad.

And ... they have a tattoo on their lower back ... It was just there when they were born . It marked them as the 'royal family'.



The mansion

At night time ... it looks ... reaaaallly scary .. there's fog around it .. but in daylight .




Rooms .


living rooms -

lake behind the mansion


Mr & Mrs Kim's bedroom


Jaejoong's room


Yuhamin's room

Bom's bedroom




In the school , which is International seoul high .

The school is big .. reaaaally big . The school is divided in two , the A & B  . No one knows that , Dara and the kims are vampires .

The kim siblings , jaejoong , yahamin & bom , & dara are called special A .   A / N : Got that from Special A anime 

On the other building , the B , SNSD , DBSK     [  A / N : Minus Jaejoong ]

EXO are the kingkas and queenkas.












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nicoles4 #1
Chapter 4: Please update soon~~
It's so interesting~
ellavan #2
Chapter 4: where are you we are waiting for 1 year already
ellavan #3
Chapter 4: please update what happened i'm getting old please update i'm begging you
fanofexo #4
please update soon!!! cant wait
sonesn #5
update soon!!
ParkKimmie #6
LOL . Twilight . Hehe , i like that movie .. don't know why some people don't ... especially some guys.