
Cupid's Kitchen



||~*{ Chapter Twenty-Nine: Fanta }*~||







"Oh my, no, no, no...this is a KITHCEN! Jesus, I'm so telling Kyungsoo. Oh my god, my eyes!" cried Baekhyun the moment he had walked into the kitchen, only to find a certain line cook all over a certain Executive Chef. "You, Xiumin-hyung, of all people should...oh god, my eyes... I can't believe I saw Chen's hands down your...oh, I think I'm going to hurl...Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo!!!!'

Baekhyun's eyes were slammed shut with his hands overtop of them and Chen simply rolled his eyes as Baekhyun began gagging to himself. 

"Damn it, Chen. I told you not here!" growled a blushing Xiumin before he stormed out of the kitchen as Kai and Kyungsoo came strolling in.

"." muttered Chen as he simply straightened out his uniform and returned to his station.

"What's wrong, Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo asked as he grabbed the short line cook. 

"Chen and Xiumin were practically doing it in here and My eyes! My poor eyes! Damn it! Everything happens to me! Why, Buddha, WHY?! What did I do to deserve this??" wailed Baekhyun and the Sous Chef practically stiffened the moment he heard what Baekhyun said.

"They did my kitchen...." breathed Kyungsoo through a clenched jaw as his eyes flickered to Chen, who was trying his best to ease himself towards the exit.

Chen gave a dry laugh as his mind raced to find something to calm Kyungsoo down. " B-Baekhyun is exaggerating. We weren't having in the kitchen, we just-"

"Were give each other s in the kitchen! I ing saw Xiumin's...." wailed Baekhyun as he latched onto an amused Kai and burried his face into the crook of the Bartender's neck, continuing to fake gag as the images wouldn't disappear from his mind. 

"Uh-oh. Seems like Kris is about to lose an Executive Chef and a Line cook." Kai hummed as he ran his fingers gently through Baekhyun's locks.

"What's going on in here?" The familiar voice caused Kai to turn, only to meet with a confused Chanyeol. Chanyeol's eyes flickered to Chen, to Kyungsoo, and then finally, to Baekhyun- who was wrapped in Kai's arms.

"Well, Baekhyun just got trumatized and well Kyungsoo's about to..." mumbled Kai as he motion towards the Sous Chef who was now grabbing a near by pan.

"This is my kitchen. This is my damn kitchen!! You mean to tell me you and Xiumin were getting it on in my. ing. kitchen. Have you forgotten that this is a place for work! XIUMIN GET YOUR IN HERE!" growled Kyungsoo as his grip tightened around the pan handle and he inched closer to Chen. The line cook seemed to drain of color as he watched Kyungsoo's eyes galze over with a murderous look. 

"Why do I find him so y right now?" Mumbled Kai, only to recieve a whack in the arm from Baekhyun.  " I wonder if he's like that in bed..."

"Kai!" scoleded Baekhyun in disbelief as he glared up at his friend, wanting nothing more than to not get visuals of the Sous Chef in bed. That was the last thing on earth he'd ever wish for. Kai simply laughed as he pulled Baekhyun back into his arms and pretened to rock the poor traumatized boy back and fourth- noticing the unhappy expression a certain tall, line cook was wearng. Xiumin unwillingly scurried in, with Kris and Suho right behind him.

"What's going on?" Kris asked, nervous at the fact that Kyungsoo has yet again released his other side- the one that not even Kris could soemtimes handle. 

"You!" barked Kyungsoo as he whriled around to glare at the Executive Chef, causing Xiumin to flinch back in shock.

"B-Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain!" pleaded Xiumin as he quickly hid behind a confused Suho.

"You've got a total of ten seconds to explan before I throw both you and Chen out on your asses. " 

"I-It's all Chen's fault!" Xiumin quickly blurted.

"Xiumin!" Chen hissed in shock at his own boyfrend.

"I didn't want to do it here and I simply just asked for a kiss, but he took it too far and he um...yeah. I told him I didn't want to here..." 

"You're moans said otherwise!"Chen shot back.

"OKAY, my ears!" hissed Baekhyun and Kris, almost simutaneously.

A blush covered the General Manager's Cheeks as he looked at Chen in disbeleif. "Y-You...did what...?"

Kris quickly slammed his hands over Suho's ears. "Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Kai- I leave this up to you three to solve or fix. Kyungsoo's not...well, he's not himself right now and he might really kill those two. I'm taking Suho out of here before you all taint him even more, so do something."

Kris quickly whisked Suho from the room, leaving the two line cooks and bartender to deal with the situation at hand. 

"That is he too afraid to face Kyungsoo..?" muttered Chanyeol.

"Chen...listen up and listen well. I'll give you a half-second head start to get away from me, but when I catch you- and oh I promise you I will- I will destroy you. Same to you, Xiumin." hissed Kyungsoo, reached across the counter to grab a silver, large spoon in his other hand. 

Chen quickly yelped in fear as he bolted from the room, Xiumin following right behind- afriad to be in Kyungsoo's crossfire.

Kai sighed as he pulled Baekhyun from his arms. "What do we do? Kris will kill us if we don't find a way to keep Kyungsoo from committing murder."

Baekhyun thought for a moment before he grinned and pulled out his phone. "You go try to calm him down. I'm going to try and call Tao. His's martial arts thingy may be able to help."

Kai nodded as he quickly left the kitchen and Baekhyun went to fish into his pocket for his phone.

"Why are you calling Tao? He may be sleeping. He had a late shift." Chanyeol stated, suddenly bringing Baekhyun's full attention to him. 

Remembering that the taller one had been avoiding him all this time, Baekhyun rolled his eyes towards Chanyeol as he brushed off the other's question. 

The phone rang a couple of times before a familiar, sleepy voice answered.


"Hello? Tao? This is Baekhyung."

Oh Baekhyun-hyung. Is something wrong?

"Yes. Um, well, Kyungsoo's about to kill Chen and Xiumin...everyone here kind of can't stop Kyungsoo, or rather everyone's too afraid to, so y-you think you can help?" Baekhyun asked hopefully and for a few moments, the younger one was silent before a soft sigh could be heard.

Alright, I'll be right there in a few minutes. Tao grumbled.

"Oh my god, yes! I love you, Tao! You're the best!" sang Baekhyun, happy that he wouldn't have to deal with Kyungsoo's wrath, before hanging up.

"Baek...about what happened....I don't know what to if we could talk..." Chanyeol suddenly called, but Baekhyun ignored the taller one as he got up to head towards the breakroom. 

He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but feel slightly angry towards his best friend.

"Baek-" Chanyeol tried again.

"Don't. Chanyeol, just don't. I'm tired and with the news of the MT I'm not in the mood right now." Baekhyun said, rather shocked at how calm he was as he reached in the mini fridge to pull out the only soda he could find - a orange Fanta soda.

"Why....?" Chanyeol mumbled, but he knew why the shorter one was acting like he was. 

"You know why, Chanyeol. You said you liked me, you kissed me, and even told me you couldn't stop thinking of me. I'll be straight out honest with you because I'm tired of playing this pushing and pulling game with you. I've liked you for a while, but I simply thought it was something small and that I was probably just over thinking my friendship. But when we kissed, I realized that it was so much more than that. I get it. It's alot for you because we were close friends and all, but I really like you Chanyeol. This isn't some game to me, where you can jump in and pull out whenever you want to. It hurts when you ignore my calls, texts, or me in general. It really hurts. It hurt even more when you told me you couldn't see us together right after you kissed me. I get it. I really do get it. You like me, but not as much as I like you. I understand. But I'm not going to do this, whatever this is, if you're going to pull back everytime you start thinking because one day, I'm afraid you'll do that when I've fallen in love with you. If that day comes, I don't know what I'll do because you just ignoring me already hurts so much. So I decided that us being friends is better. Stepping down before its too late is better. It saves you from having to force yourself to ignore me, it saves you from having to fight yourself to be mine, and it saves you the trouble from fighting with me, I don't care if I over analyze these things because I do it to protect myself. I've been down this road too many times and I'll be damned if I go down it again with you of all people. So, I'm sorry. Lets just forget what's happened and move on before the fights between us get worse. I'm tired and you clearly must be tired. You don't have to apologize anymore, you don't have to over think anymore, and you can just be Chanyeol. You can go back to how you were before. Alright?" Baekhyun said as he flashed a soft smile and Chanyeol knew that it was one of the fakest smiles he's ever seen.

"Baek...." Chanyeol murmured, looking for the words that seemed lost in his throat. Baekhyun sat his soda down as he waddled over to Chanyeol and ruffled the taller one's hair lightly.

"It's alright. It was my fault. I pulled you when you weren't ready; I pushed you when you couldn't handle it. It's alright, Chan." Baekhyun mumbled and grinned before he turned and walked out the room- leaving behind both Chanyeol and his soda.



"Baekhyun-Hyung?" Tao called, loosening his grip on Kyungsoo as a sad line cook emerged from the break room. Kyungsoo, shocked to see the line cook looking so torn, turned his attention from the cowering troll line cook and Executive Chef.

"Baekhyun? What's wrong?" Kyungsoo asked softly, returning to his normal self. Everyone, who was just witnessing Tao holding Kyungsoo back from murdering Chen and Xiumin, turned their attention the the dainty line cook.

"Baekkie?" Kai mumbled, leaving Kyungsoo's side as he rushed over to his friend, but Baekhyun brushed passed him and latched onto the Pastry Chef.

"It wasn't working Tao. It can't. I wanted to listen to your advice, but I don't think I can. I don't like what I'm doing to him. He's still my best friend." Whimpered Baekhyun and it only took a few seconds for Tao to completely understand.

Tao sighed as he wrapped his arms gently around the whimpering line cook. " Is that what you really want to do, Baekhyun-Hyung? Isn't it too early to just give up?"

Baekhyun shook his head as he nuzzled further into the taller one's neck. "It's better to give up early. "

Tao hummed in reply, knowing well that if that was Baekhyun's choice he should respect it. He gently ran his fingers through the shorter one's hair almost as if to tell Baekhyun that it was alright to cry if he wanted to.

However, Baekhyun didn't cry and instead, snuggled further into Tao's hug. The younger one and him weren't particularly close, but it was comforting to be in the arms of someone who wouldn't pity or judge him or even try to force him to change his mind. The younger was silently supportive and that was Surprisngly comforting to the line cook.

But, to a certain busser, it seemed a little too comforting.



||Author's Note||: So, no baekyeol for now..but on the bright side get ready for some HunHan ~ yeah~ anyways, hope you enjoyed the short chapter ^^ and for the bracelets, I decided to giveaway member bracelets that are small and simple. I'm thinking of giving away a Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, Kai, Baekhyun, and ot12 one w/ all their symbols. Also maybe a infinite, DBSK, or shinee bracelet. This giveaway will be opened to anyone around the world^^ I do not mind shipping to wherever! After all it's the least I could do for you subscribers ^^ for fairness, my friend will be the one to decided which ones of you all will win. So here is how it will go:

when I release chapter thirty to this story, a blog titled "Seunsangnim's Christmas Giveaway" will be made. The pictures of the bracelets will be posted on that blog as well. The only thing you have to do is comment on the blog a few things: which bracelet you  want, why you want it, which story of mine you like the most( doesn't haven't to be Cupid's kitchen as this giveaway will be open to all my subscribers) , why you like said story and what you don't like about said story and what you wish to see more of in said story, and that's it to be considered for the giveaway. ^^ to avoid favoritism, I'm having a friend pick the ones with the best comments. So yeah, this way you guys get something and I also get criticism to improve myself. Also, for those of you who do not win the bracelets, I'm willing to do other things to give away as well. Like Christmas letters, or EXO drawings/Christmas themed cards ( I am a pretty decent artist/craft person I suppose >.<), candy canes, or even small hand-made plushie key chains of EXO. I DO NOT CARE IF ALL 2000+ OF YOU WANT SOMETHING- I will write/make them all( of course I'll be dragging my best friend to help I know you're reading this) it might take long or whatever, but you all mean alot so I don't mind doing so. ^^ anyways yeah~ I have to go start a lab report but probably will procrastinate keep a look out for the next chapter and new blog ;D Authornim loves you all! Ignore spelling and grammer ;__; till the next update~

exo gif Pictures, Images and Photos

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Chapter 51: I just remembered my password here and was able to log in..
Wow it’s 2024 Hahaha.
I started reading this when I was 21 so imagine how old I am now hahahahahaha.
I stopped shipping kpop idols, then real life also happened so I stopped visiting this site.
Today, I was watching old SM music videos. Then I remembered this site and luckily remembered my password.
Im going to reread your stories.
The nostalgia!! Im excited again hahahahahaha though I stopped listening to exo I am still fond of the remaining members and I will always be a Tao biased. Haha.

Just feels good to visit here again :)
star64742 #2
Chapter 51: I would 100% be into that! I agree with the last commenter though, I periodically come back and re-read what's here... maybe after the webtoon is completed then take it down? Of course it's your story and your decision, either way not gonna change how great it is whether you take it down or not :)
Chapter 51: Omg! I literally screamed when I saw your notif, I thought there's an update! I've never abandoned this story and still reading this up to this day. But whatever your decision is, Ill still support you. But please, don't take this story down. I have lots of memories from it and taking this down will be very sad.
Chapter 51: I'm still here!!
While I'm a little sad that this story is going to taken down since I am very fond of this story, I support your decision and I wish you all the luck!
Seeing this get turned into a webtoon would be amazing tho but I'll still miss the original
Chapter 51: still here!! i'm pretty excited if this story will be made into a webtoon! just drop the link bc i want to read it too ><
Chapter 51: Still here 😭 but please dont remove this 😭 I genuinely have great memories attached to this fic
Redniamaamer #7
Chapter 50: hi I'm still interested..... if you really want to make it into webtoon can't you just use same names as it was here?
Chapter 51: hi! i'm definitely still here, and was pleasantly surprised to see an update notification. will be sad to see this story taken down, but wishing you the best of luck on your endeavors if you decide to turn this into a webtoon!
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 51: I will be sad if you switch into a webtoon.