Wherever I go

Robot Boyfriend: Insanity Level 1000

And on Monday morning, the same freaking thing happened once again.

"LUHAN! What are you doing on my bed again?" Haejung cried out, annoyed.

Luhan blinked at her and gave her smile. They were in the exact same position as they had been the previous day as he slipped from his side of the room into her covers and cuddled her.

And somehow or another, even though Haejung wasn't used to sleeping with someone, she found herself snuggling against his side he curled one arm around her waist again.

Damn. Now her subconscious state was against her too.

"Good morning Jungie~" Luhan beamed at her as if nothing was wrong and he was supposed to be on her bed.

Haejung face palmed herself. She seriously couldn't get through with this guy.

"Don't you dare do this again!" Haejung warned, wagging her finger at him. "Don't you dare cross over to my side of the room arraji!"

She harrumphed and grabbed her clothes to change. While bathing, she realized that she didn't feel as tired as she usually did after two tedious days of the weekend and full days working at the eatery.

Luhan's presence had attracted a great deal of girls, and the eatery was now b with customers. But that extra set of hands really did make a difference and Haejung didn't feel as tired out as she used to.

Or perhaps it was how fast Luhan could weave through the tables, how he could take up to four trays of food at one time (don't ask me how), how he just appeared every where in an blink of an eye with speed that was staggering for the human body.

He tried to talk to her the whole week end, and especially at night when the two of them were alone in the room. Haejung didn't want to talk.

She wanted to wallow in her sadness of her heartbreak but Luhan was making it hard to even remember it happened.

She still had misgivings about the stupid Robot Boyfriend Company, but when she tried searching for the site the next time, it kept telling her that the site was under maintenance.

Haejung sighed and looked at whet nerd self in the mirror. Messy birdnest hair check. Long button down shirt check. Ankle long skirt check.

Yes the nerd Haejung was ready for school.

"At least I don't have to handle Luhan's enthusiasm at school." Haejung murmured to herself when she thought how the other people would start to insult her again. "At least Doojoon oppa is there."




Haejung found that it was hard to appreciate the quiet that she gained with Luhan's absence when the other students persistently about Doojoon and her "relationship".

Haejung ducked her head and shuffled into the hallway, weaving through the people to get to her locker.

"Haha Yoo Haejung! Got a new hairstyle today?" a boy shouted. "I think I see a bird living in your bird nest hair today!"

Haejung sighed and trudged on, ignoring their words. She desperately wanted to shout at them, to scream and show that she really didn't like it when they said such things to her, but when the whole school was against you, it was hard to do anything.

Haejung looked up to see where her locker was and met eyes with one of the bystanders around. The EXO-M boys were getting their books out for the day as well just at the same time as Haejung was.

She remembered what they had said about her and her face burned scarlet. Chen looked apologetic and he seemed to want to say something.

Haejung quickly looked away and went to her locker, her back facing them. She didn't need reminders of her stupidity and heartbreak.

And it was then she realized something was wrong.

How was it that she was able to get to one side of the hallway to the other when EXO-M was in the premises? They usually flooded everywhere they go, with their fangirls blocking the road and causing traffic jams.

Haejung risked a glance behind her.

And now there wasn't a girl in sight. In fact she was the only female in the entire hallway while the rest of the students were male.

Where were all the girls?

Haejung scratched her head in puzzlement. She grabbed her books and closed the locker, turning around to get to class.

When it came: the tsunami.

As soon as she thought of the question of where the entire female population had disappeared to, they appeared in a whole hoard and gushed towards the hallway, screaming and squealing like they usually did with EXO-M.

Haejung raised her brows, curious. What the-


Haejung froze at her spot, feeling that dread fill her. That voice, it couldn't belong to HIM right?


Okay so maybe it was him. What should she do? Run?

"Jungie!" Luhan managed to weave through the entire crowd of girls and appear at her side, his smile lighting up the entire hallway. "Annyeong Jungie! Why didn't you respond when I called you?" he pouted cutely.

Haejung wanted to find a hole and hide in it when she heard the gasps and murmurs behind her. Or better yet, she could shrink and fit inside her locker and stay there till the end of he day.

"What is the pretty boy Luhan doing with that Yoo Haejung?"

Haejung heard them whisper and tried hard not to flinch at the insult in their words. She knew she didn't look too awesome but there was no need to be so mean about it.

Luhan waved his hand in front of her face. "Jungie?" he called curiously, reaching out to pinch her cheek.

Everyone gasped behind them.

Haejung pushed his hands away and looked at him. "What are you doing here?" she whispered urgently. "Shouldn't you be at the eatery? Are you trying to slack off?"

Luhan looked amused. "When I asked for the job, I already told Omonim that I won't be able to help out when I'm at school." he told her. "And for why I'm here..."

Luhan cocked his head to the side and grinned at her cutely. "That's because you're here, Jungie."

Oh my gosh he really was a stalker.

Haejung squeaked and grabbed her books tightly. "Uh I'm late for class, I'll be going." she whispered.

She turned and darted off quickly, running as quickly as she could. She glanced back and saw Luhan being surrounded by the tons of girls once again, and she prayed the girls would hold him.

"What is he doing?" Haejung whispered to herself. "Following me to school? Oh my gosh."


And it turned out that not only did Luhan follow her to school, he followed her to her class as well.

"Please welcome your new classmate, Luhan!" the professor introduced. The girls screamed and cheered loudly, all of them checking their hair and flashing glam smiles at Luhan in hope that he would pay attention to them.

He didn't.

Luhan's eyes narrowed down on the seat beside Haejung's and she quickly ducked her head. *Don't he dare to do what I think he's going to-*

"Professor, can I take that seat please?" Luhan pointed at the seat in the front row beside Haejung with a polite smile that obviously won the teacher over.

The girls were devastated and gasped at Luhan in disbelief. Why did he choose that Yoo Haejung?

"No problem." the professor nodded, a little stunned himself. He would have thought that he would choose another seat at the back of the class with the other popular kids.

Luhan beamed brightly and settled down beside Haejung. "Annyeong ah, Jungie~" he whispered.

Haejung facepalmed herself and shot him a look. "Shh!"

She faced the front and tried to pay as much attention as she could to the lesson and not let the cute guy beside her disturb her train of thought.

The EXO-M members looked at Luhan and Haejung in surprise. They had witnessed how Luhan had approached Haejung in the hallway before lesson and it was apparent these two knew each other before that.

"That guy looks insanely cheerful." Kris muttered, rubbing his temples.

Tao wrinkled his nose. "That's because you're a boring old git, hyung."

Chen watched as Haejung ignored Luhan and gave him the cold shoulder.

*I wonder what's up with those two.*


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#RobotBF: Read carefully and notice my choice of words and details. There are clues :)


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hashiraz #1
ohcabicabi #2
A must read! <3
Chapter 71: Ok but like i love this story sm??