Not a Typical First Date


How would you spend an unexpected pocket of time with a stranger?  This particular story revolves around the idea that two people can be thrown together, be attracted to one another, and connect on a meaningful level-- but still not end up together. That may sound like a tragic notion at first, but that's only if you interpret it as an ending. There are no real beginnings and endings; instead, everything is continuous and ongoing. There are so many things in our lives that are indefinite. Finding love and companionship certainly fit into that category.
Based on "Two After Noon" by Wong Fu Productions.


Here is a one-shot inspired by a Wong Fu video, since I have an extreme case of writer's block and I don't know when I'm gonna shake it.  Enjoy!  And if you can, please comment and let me know what you think!  I always have room for improvement!

Much love,

Carly ♥


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mysteryoh #1
Hey! just want to tell you that this fic led me to watch almost all of wong fu videos, haha! i love your ending better than the original ;) great fic!