Pair of Hands

Confusing Yet Amusing

Jia's POV~

A snowy winter day and everyone dad's coffee shop is full than it could be. Every table was full of families or busniess people just grabbing a quick drink to warm up. "One caremal macchiato and one hot chocolate for my son over here." the lady ordered while holding her son in one hand trying to reach for a cookie. I smiled at him and squated down, "Do you want a cookie little one?" He nodded and giggled, "Here you go!" 

"One caremal macchiato and one hot chocolate!" I yelled thourgh the little window where my little sister Mia and dad works very hard to make the drinks and pastries. "Do you guys need help here? Seems like you guys do." I peeked thourghout the door seeing the kitchen in utter chaos.

"We're fine over here! By the way Jia here's the two drinks." Mia handed me the two drinks, "Now, c'mon shoo! We're fine over here!" She pushed me out the door.

"Here you go you two! One caremal macchiato and one hot chocolate for this little guy!" I patted his head and he scrunched his nose. 

"Miss over here!" one man in a business suit raised his hand and called me over. 7 hours of working and finally done for today. I changed the OPEN sign to CLOSE and locked the door. 

"Ah~ such a busy, busy day. I think I can't handle another day like this! I might die of tirness." Mia hanged up her apron and hat. 

"I'm very proud of you girls, I appciate that you help me with the family business." Dad hugged us very tightly, "Keep working hard like that and you two might have a bright future ahead of you." 

"No problem appa, just for you and our family." I smiled at him as we walked up stairs where we lived, the apartment isn't that small nor big it's just right.

"Shhhh~ umma fell asleep on couch again watching her dramas again" Mia giggled as she tucked in Umma with blanket. I headed towards my room slowly as sloth and fell on the bed fast asleep.

"Jia..Jia unnie? JIA GET UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Two pairs of violet eyes appeared infront of my face. It was Mia in her uniform, her apron, and her hat. 

"Wae?! What time is it?!" I jolted up from my bed and looked at the time: 7:45 "7:45?! WE'RE LATE! WE'RE LATE! I'M SORRY MIA!" I screamed as I pull up my pants and ended up falling on the floor. She watched me going back and forth running around hetically. Finally, I headed down stairs with my hair in a big mess I saw appa reading the news paper and no one in the store.

"Appa! Wait I'm not late?" I ran out of breath as I got downstairs. He looked at me cruiously, "Jia, I have a weird feeling that you and Mia forgot it was day light savings again it's only 6:58am." He chuckled. When I heard that I fell stumpled back on the staircase railing looking at Mia she starting to laugh at me.

"You are really gonna get it!" I got up and started to chase her around the store. Everytime, I almost caught up to her, she started to run alittle bit faster.

"HA! Your too slow!" She stuck her tounge out as she hid under the table.

"Curse your athletic structure. I GIVE UP!" I fixed my hair into a neat high ponytail. "Hahaha, you two never really changed after your 19 years of living." Appa teased, "C'mon girls, get ready I'm about to open the shop. Ppali ppali!" He clapped his hands and turned the CLOSE sign to OPEN.

A typical busy day in appa's coffee shop. People ordering,drinking coffee, and on they're laptops. Suddenly, a crowd of people surrouneded the shop. They were screaming? I was really confused and looked at Mia, she was busy making orders and rolling out bread. I went outside and asked the crowd, "Excuse me, but what are you screaming about?" 

"What? You don't know who's going to come here?" one girl questioned.

"THEY'RE COMING! I CAN HEAR THEIR CAR COMING!" everyone started to spazz out as a car parked infront of the shop. I just stood there. STANDING THERE in the snow just watching 12 guys wearing sunglasses coming out one by one out the car. Each time one person comes out of the car everyone started to scream and faint. 

Once they all entered in the shop, everyone's jaw dropped, eyes wide open, and offered them to sit in their seats. I went up to Mia who was brewing cups of coffee,"Mia, do you know who those people are? Everyone keeps freaking out about them." She looked over my shoulder looking at the 12 guys who were sitting at the back of the room. "Nope. Probably they're criminals?" I shrugged and walked towards to the back of the room. 

"Anyeongsayo! What would you like to order today!" I bowed and opened up my notepad. 

"We would like ummmm, 5 Hot chocolates, 2 peppermint white chocolate mocha, one cappucino, white chocolate moca, green tea frappicino, 2 chocolate crumbles, and one dark brew of coffee decaf. " The man exhaled all of the tall orders. "Got it! Anything else you people want?" I tapped my chin with my pen. But no response. I went walked up to Mia's little window and yelled the order at her. "ARE YOU SERIOUS! That much stuff!" She goaned and went back to work. 

"Soooo.....what's up with the people spazzing out and stuff?" I asked the guys while I swept the floor.

" don't know who we are? That explains it..." One man pointed out. He had a this small face, deer eyes, and looked liked a little baby.

"Aniyo..not at all. What? Explains what?" I stopped sweeping and looked at them. "I'M DONE! HERE'S YOUR ORDER!" Mia yelled as she placed the drinks into the coffee holders. I took them all 12 of the drinks placing them carefully onto their table. 

"5 hot chocolates, 2 peppermint white chocolate mocha, one cappucino, white chocolate moca, green tea frappicino, 2 cookie crumbles and one dark brew coffee decaf." I pointed out, just from memory. They just looked at me in suprise. "Well, stop staring and enjoy your coffee!" I clasped my hands happily as they started to drink their drinks. As, I was about to walk back to the counter I accidentally slipped on a puddle but when I was about to fall on the ground. I felt a pair of hands catch me. 

"Your very clumsy." He giggled. I opened my eyes, " bad! I didn't see that coming!" 

"Whoa....your eyes! They're like caremal!" He helped me up, 

"Anything wrong with it?" I covered my eyes with my hands. "Aniyo, don't cover them like that. They're really pretty..." 

I smiled and dusted my apron off, "Kamsamida, and your name is?" 

All pair of 11 eyes looked at us curiously, "I'm Suho and these my friends." 

"Oooo~ Anyeong~! All of you guys are very handsome." I beamed as I cleaned their table. 

"How about your name miss?" One asked with the puffy white cheeks. When I was about to open my mouth Appa called me in to help him in the kitchen. 

I bowed, "Maybe next time guys. Nice to meet you all by the way." Smiling at them brightly.

Leaving the 12 faces smiling, as I left them. 


Viewers Anyeong! 1st chapter huh? Eh? Eh? This story bothered me alot thourghout the day to be honest. IT WAS A GIANT BRAIN FART hahaha >.< 

Hopefully you guys will comment, subsribe to this story as well! :D I would really appriate it ALOT! Cya soon my lovlies!

Check out my other story as well! <3






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Puff_Michelle #1
Chapter 24: I just read the whole story and it was great!
alex2825 #2
Chapter 24: Can you please make them like Mia? I love her character but it doesn't seem like Exo does. They all prefer Jia:(
Chapter 14: Mia become EVIL XD - Yuki
Chapter 13: Kris got owned XD - Yuki
Chapter 9: Mia come back please XD - Yuki
Chapter 8: Twins will lives with EXO XD - Yuki
Chapter 7: EVIL Mia XD - Yuki
Chapter 5: LOL EXO-M & D.O XD - Yuki
Chapter 4: Good Twins & Talents :) - Ryo
Chapter 3: Poor Kai XD - Yuki