The Rose Among The Torns (Season 1)


KBS had been trying to think of a new variety show that will make the person watching excited. Hello Baby... We Got Married... Now what? They were almost bald from pulling every strand of hair out while brainstorming. A smile crept onto his face as he thought of an idea while he was reading a magazine. He leaped off his chair and rushed into the Director's office.


"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" The Director said after he heard the idea from the staff. He gave the staff a pat on the back and continued, "How did you thought of that?"


"From here." The staff showed the Director a page of the magazine. The Director smiled. It was a girl model standing among six guys.


And so, that was how their new variety show was formed. They call it,


The Rose Among The Torns




Title : The Rose Among The Torns : Season 1

Author : l3lisscuitte

Rating : All Ages

Warning : The story contains some stuffs that may make you crazy/over-excited till you may get a heart attack



All rights reserved
None of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted through any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

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The Rose Among The Torns : Season 1 ©


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Mianhe. I'm not a fan of them xD So I don't know how to write -facepalm- Sry.
Try someone new^^ JiSica @ G-Sica (GDxJessica) Hope U update soon~ They're my 2nd OTP, that's why