I Thought I'd Lost You

The Awkwardness Between Us


Nothing can change a mistake. Life is full of them. My worst mistake? Telling Amber that we couldn't be together for a while because of what happened between her and Sulli. I should've done something different, hugged her and told her that it was all right. But I had been hurt and angry, and I had kept a calm composure while striking my (I thought) well-deserved blow.

But now, here we were, chasing a red dot that was supposed to be her, and suddenly the air filled with gunshots and screaming and the chaos of people running.

People must have thought us crazy, because instead of running away, like others, we were heading toward the street where the gunshots had come from. Victoria was determined.  She saw a man duck under the table in his stall and pulled the cloth away from the front, demanding his gun from him. He shakily handed it over begging her not to hurt him. She rolled her eyes and walked away from the stall, gun in hand.

"Come on!" she said, and I could see that she was just as scared as the rest of us.

Luna was crying silently, wiping at her cheeks often to keep the tears off. Sulli's face was white, but other than that she remained silent and still. My heart was pounding within me, and my hands shook. 

Victoria yelled something and ran forward into the next street. We followed and I saw a thug grappling with Amber in an overturned stall. Then Victoria's gun rang out and the thug dropped lifelessly. 

I couldn't wait any longer. Luna and I raced to Amber's side. She looked dazed and I began to cry as I her blonde hair.

"Amber I'm so sorry!" I sobbed and I bent over, holding her head in my arms, touching my forehead to hers. I heard a sob escape Luna, but I just wanted to hear my stupid dino-brain say something, anything!

Her hand reached up and brushed my cheek.

"I'm so stupid, Soojung," she said softly. "You shouldn't be sorry for anything." I sat up so I could see her face better, and she had a faint smile on her lips as she gazed up at me. Then she looked at Luna, who was holding her other hand, tears running down her face. "Luna, I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course I will, dummy!" sobbed Luna. She bent over and buried her face in Amber's shirt.

Amber turned her head back to me. "I love you so much, Soojung. What happened between Sulli and me was probably more my fault than hers. I hope you can forgive me for being so stupid..." She sighed. 

"Is she all right?" asked Victoria coming over and kneeling down next to me.

"She seems to be okay," I said, wiping my eyes. "Just a little shell-shocked."

Amber nodded. "I'm okay, Vic-unnie."

Victoria glared down at her. "You'd better be! Do you know what trouble you've caused?!"

Amber flinched. "I'm sorry, Vic."

Victoria stood up. "Come on! I'm calling our car."

Luna and I helped Amber to stand as Victoria held her phone to her ear and called our driver.


Krystal and Luna both kept hold of me, even when we all climbed into the car, and I sat between them, Luna on my left, Krystal on my right. Sulli kept her head down, scared to look at me, her hands clutched together in her lap. Victoria glared at me and looked on the verge of exploding into a lecture. But the car ride was spent in silence. In fact, there was no one to meet us when we arrived at SM and got out of the car. 

Victoria sighed as we climbed the stairs to the dorm rooms. "I want Luna and Krystal to stay with Amber tonight. Sulli, you can stay with me." There were nods all around as Sulli followed Vic to her room. 

Luna blushed a little, and whispered, "I don't have to stay with you two. I think you have some making up to do." Then she laughed at herself. "Or some making out!" After laughing a moment, she sighed, wiping her eyes. "But really, I'll go to my own room tonight. See you in the morning, and please don't tell Vic-unnie!" She jogged off to her room.

Krystal opened the door as I watched Luna leave, tugging my hand. "Come here," she said gently, and I followed her into the room, closing the door quietly behind us. She kept on pulling me and we reached my bed, where she sat me down, kneeling in front of me.

"I should yell at you," she said, half-sternly. "I should slap your face and tell you what a big idiot you are." I blushed and looked away, but she pulled my face back to look at her. "But I'm too relieved to do either of those things!" She rose and then our lips were pressed together as her arms wrapped around my neck and she sat on my lap. I felt my heart begin to pound and gently fell back on the bed as we kissed. 

Our lips barely separated and she whispered, "I love you, Amber. Don't ever leave me again."

"I won't, Soojung," I said, reaching up and brushing her hair back from her face. A beautiful smile broke out on her face and she bent down and kissed me again. 


[A/N: Well, this is the end, dear readers. =] Hope you enjoyed this roller coaster ride! Hahaha, and please don't kill me!]

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Chapter 13: daebak....
Alerth #2
Great storie!
lilkjungie #3
it's finished ..
love this story :D
you did a great job xD
Damn it's finished ):
Thank you for the story haha (:
thank you for the story.. :3
lilkjungie #7
ahh !!!
i'm going crazy !
please update soon TT.TT
waaaaaaaaaaahhh!! ottoke?! T.T
1ll1ll9oo #10