I cant believe i'm this hot either


Hoya had always had his eyes on Myungsoo. What happens if one day , Myungsoo actually cought his stare? Will he get away from Hoya or exactly the opposite thing? 


Hoya was starring at Myungsoo once again. He had always been doing it since their first meeting. How can he not stare at such a handsome guy? He kept on starring until someone actually cought his stare. 

It was Myungsoo. He smirked and sat near Hoya. 

"So.. hyung, i've noticed the looks you've been giving me for a while. Do you want something from me?" asks Myungsoo with an even bigger smirk of his face. 

"N-no Myungsoo-ah. G-get back to work."

"How can i do that when your stare is burning my back?" 

"Just ignore it." 

"I cant" said Myungsoo and the older male's ear and teasingly whispered in it. "We'll talk about this later... in my room~" 


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Chapter 3: This neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds sequel!!!
Chapter 3: OMG!!!!! Awesome!!!
Squel? If u dont mind ^^
Thanks ♡♥♡♥
salflower #3
Chapter 3: Sequel, pretty please?
Chapter 3: i would love for you to do a sequel
with !! sbfshfhfsgfhsdf
Chapter 3: you should do a sequel to this with like MAD ...!!!
Chapter 2: THNX!!!!.....omfg...../getting a huge nosebleed/....*please pass the tissues*..
Chapter 1: no....not yet..anyway...:]
OMO!!!!!this is so ....should be m-rated....hehehe~~
Chapter 3: haha... this is a really fun fic.
i dunno 'bout them but i definitely see myungsoo topping hoya. ^^
Chapter 3: What a funny Myungya fic O_O seriously? Hoya? The 'girlfriend'? What's this world coming to??
Nice fic by the way :)