Tales of Broken Hearts (On the Train to Nowhere)


Jonghyun and Kibum are two guys with similar stories who end up on the same train ride.


“What’s your story?” asks the stranger sitting across Jonghyun who’s currently spread across the seat. He’s obviously talking to him because other than him, Jonghyun is the only one in the carriage.

     “My story?” Jonghyun asks.

     The guy shifts and lies on his side, resting his head on the palm of his hand. “You look like a guy with a story. You in high school?”

     Jonghyun nods and then asks, “What is it about me that gives you the impression that I’m a guy with a story?”

     The guy shrugs. “You look kind of broken..."


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KaiserKawaii #1
this was really relly sweet!
KaiserKawaii #2
<3 so sweet
Keycole story was really sad and depressing for me! Stupid key! He should have given Nicole a chance to date him until she died...nice story by the way. I really like your style of writing! I hope you can write more Keycole fictions!
ShiningTaemint #4
I really appreciate your comment. Like, I REALLY appreciate it. Thank you so much. It feels awesome to be complimented/commented on my writing skills. Thank you!
I loved this >.< I actually read this cause KeyCole ^^v
The story is well written <3 Thanks for the awesome story! :))
This was really interesting :D <333
I really don't read anything else than JongKey, never ever, at least not with girls, so I was kinda surprised I did read this. And I liked this - kinda :D It's very skillful how they have their own stories and then help each other and do the right thing in the end. It's... cunning, like you notice it a little by little :DD And even though I love melting my head with fluff, friend!JongKey is one of my favorites too (=

It seems I haven't been paying enough attention since I notice actually just now how good writer you are. I mean, I knew you're GOOD, but when I look sharper, you really have... something :DD Your way of telling is very unique, not very exact but somehow emotional :D:D Okay I dunno what I'm talking about anymore, you're great, let's just settle with that! I'm almost feeling jealous... :D
XxVolume-ChanxX #8
I loved this, wouldn't it be cool if they were to forget each other for a while, have their own lives, and then meet each other by fluke again? I agree with icecreamninja, I want a sequel too!
Oh my god, can there be a sequel?