chapter nine.

Perfect Man (Sequel of Dream Boy)

A new day had started, it was Saturday morning and you and Baekhyun went out for a walk. "Should we get breakfast?" Baekhyun asked as he reached for your hand. But your hand moved away without knowing he was going to grab your hand.
You shrugged. "At least it'll be better than eating with D.O. He has temper issues now. Other than that, he cooking is the only thing that's good," you said.
Baekhyun pouted. "What about mine?" he asked.
You laughed. "But your cooking is better than his," you said.
He grinned. "That's what I like to hear."

The two of you walked into a bread shop and ordered. You and Baekhyun sat at a table near the window as you both ate. "I just noticed something," you said.
Baekhyun looked at you. "What is it?" he asked.
"Your mother hasn't been visiting us for the last 2 days."
Baekhyun nodded. "She'd usually have people follow..." he trailed off. His eyes shot outside the window. There, he saw a man in a car, who looked like he was trying to hide from him. Baekhyun looked at you and grabbed your hand. "Let's sit somewhere else," he said and took the tray of food and sat in the back of the shop.

You followed him, but was confused as ever. "Why are we moving?"
Baekhyun leaned towards you and whispered. "My mom likes to hire these people to spy on me... It gets annoying. Especially when I'm with a girl." He sighed and sat back. He looked to the side and found the man that was in the car, had just entered the shop. "Crap," he said, trying to hide his face using his hand. "We should get home. Before they follow us around," he said.
You nodded and grabbed your belongings, leaving the place with Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked back and sighed. "He is definitely following us."

Baekhyun slammed the door open and pulled you inside, shutting the door and closing all of the windows. All eyes were on you and Baekhyun. "What happened to you?" D.O asked.
Baekhyun exhaled. "Crazy Mama Bacon is on attack," he said.
D.O blinked. "What?" they all asked.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "My mom's going crazy. She's having people spy on me and Hyemi," he explained.

"You can't stay in here forever," Chanyeol said.
"OH! IDEA!" Sehun said.
Everyone looked at him. "What?"
"You two, ELOPE!" Sehun said.
Baekhyun blinked. "Elope?"
"Yeah. Run away with your lover to get married without having parent permission. Do you know anything about marriage hyung?" Sehun said.

"Eloping's a bad idea," Baekhyun said. "Even if I wanted to, my mother would stop it. I want her to be at the wedding to see that Hyemi and I are happy with each other."
"Then get married now!" Chaemi said. "Or plan the wedding now!" Baekhyun sighed and looked at you.

You laid on your bed and sighed. Baekhyun sat at the foot of the bed. "Why doesn't you mother like me?" you asked. Baekhyun looked at you and lay beside you, wrapped his arms around you. You looked at him. "Which reminds me. Is she your real mom, or the one who adopted you?" you asked.
Baekhyun intertwined his fingers with yours. "She's the one who adopted me. My real mother would never visit me like she did," he mumbled. "At least she treated me like a real mother should've. She cared for me, but always told me to do things by myself. That's how I learned to live on my own. I moved to Seoul at age 14 by myself. Once in a while, she'd come and visit me. Like she did this week. But whenever she hears about me with a girl, she'll try to " block" my relationship with them, even if we're just friends. She wants me to be with the girl that she like me to be with..."

You looked at your hand that was linked with Baekhyun's. "So what do we do?"
He sighed. "I guess we listen to Chaemi." He looked at  you. "Plan the wedding right now."

This sequel has more drama than the last one. ouo Dream Boy was just about Hyemi trying to win Baekhyun's heart, without knowing that she is. And the Hyuna thing is just a small drama. While, here, drama continues until the end. :3

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okay, I'm just going to say, I at writing wedding things. xD I've only been to 3 and I hardly paid attention to most of the ceremony, so ish update. D:


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mmyramos2004 #1
Chapter 17: this made me cry.It broke my heart
Chapter 19: Do your job author-nim~~
Chapter 6: Welcome to OHMYGOD!!!! >.< that one was hilarious. ROFL
KookieSeo5 #4
Chapter 18: The fanfic was good but I really want to whack Jihae in the face
Exofangurl1274 #5
I really ship bawerp alot..lolol...
one of the shipping i can never forget
Chapter 28: I ship Bawerp so much couldnt stop reading this since Dream boy gahhh <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic is so adorable!
I've been reading the prequel and this for the past few days. It's so good!

I love Bawerp!

I'll be reading your third installment~
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 27: Perfect Fanfiction! The Bawerp couple is so adorable! I love the plot of this fanfic!
But most of all I love Baekhyun!!!!!! <3