chapter fifteen.

Perfect Man (Sequel of Dream Boy)

A month had passed by and it was mid-November, and you and Baekhyun had moved out to a penthouse that was close Chanyeol's house. You were still friends with Jihae, but for some odd reason, she'd always skipped class. Every night, Baekhyun could come home late at night and find you waiting for him, asleep on the sofa. You still didn't know that Jihae was Baekhyun's boss.

It was the day that you planned to look for a wedding dress. You had invited Chaemi and Jihae, but Jihae had plans so didn't come. You had tried on numerous dresses, at last you and Chaemi approved of one. You stood in front of the mirror and gazed at the dress you sat in the mirror. "Wah~" Chaemi said as she looked at your dress from head to toe. "It's beautiful!" she said. "Baekhyun oppa will definitely have his hands all over you at the wedding!"
You looked at her. "Says the girl who followed me and Baekhyun to the beach to make sure that he wouldn't do anything wrong."
"What?! The time he can do that to you is on the wedding night~" she said.
You shook your head. "You guys suddenly gotten dirty minds," you commented. "Should we take it?" She looked at you and nodded.

Baekhyun sat down at his desk and sighed. *What does this girl do besides shopping all day? What am I? Her butler?* He sighed and turned his phone on. He smiled at the sight of your picture as his phone wallpaper. *I wonder if she's doing fine.* A hand was slammed on his table. *What the?* He looked up and met Jihae.
"Give me your phone," she said.
Baekhyun glared at her with his usual cold eyes. "Why should I?"

"Hyemi's your fiancée right?" she asked. Baekhyun eyed her. *She knows Hyemi?* "I'm her friend."
"Friend?" he asked.
"That's right. I have to tell her something. I don't have my phone with me," she said. Without letting Baekhyun reply a yes or no, she snatched his phone and walked out of his office and into hers. 'Hyemi, don't bother waiting for me. Just going to come home at midnight any ways.' After sending the message, she deleted the history and walked back to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun threw a glare at Jihae as she made her way to his office. "We better not be 'working' again," Baekhyun said.
"We are." She threw 3 folders at him. "I want you to book schedules, make phone calls, and set up appointments for me. Call me when you're done," she said and walked away.
 Jihae closed her office doors and sat at her desk, glancing out the window. Her phone suddenly rang. She answered the phone, "Hello?"

You sighed as you sat at the kitchen table. *Has he been really busy lately?* You shook your head. *He's been busy ever since he first started that job...* Your phone lit up. You glanced at the notification. 'I won't be home to see you. It's always like that isn't it. A big pain in the neck and literally. I want you to sleep and don't wait for me. You might get sick. Rest well. Tomorrow, I will wake you up with a kiss, like Sleeping Beauty. I love you. -Baekhyun' You sighed and stood up, walking out of the kitchen, turning off the lights and walked to your room.

Baekhyun and Jihae sat down in a booth at a 5 star restaurant. The waiter came by and gave them 3 menus instead of 2. Baekhyun looked at Jihae. "Why are there 3 menus?"
She smiled and looked up. Baekhyun followed her gaze and met his mother. His eyes rounded. His mother gave him a smile. "How are you, Baekhyun? Still will Hyemi, I see," she said as she looked at Baekhyun's ring on his finger.
Baekhyun looked down. "Of course I am," he said.

His mother's smile faded away after hearing that he's still planning to marry you. Jihae continued to smile and ordered food as Baekhyun and his mother continued to stare at each other. Jihae glanced at Baekhyun's mother. "So, is there a reason why you asked us to come here?" she asked.
Baekhyun's eyebrows pinched together. "She invited us here?" Baekhyun mumbled.
His mother smile returned. "Yes, have you seen the cover of all the covers?" she asked and showed Jihae a magazine.

Jihae glanced at the cover. A picture of her and Baekhyun was on it. Jihae was hugging Baekhyun's arm while he was on his phone with a smile on his face. In large headings above the picture of them were "SME's Daughter Dating With Her Employee?" Baekhyun gawked as he saw the title and the picture. "When I saw this, I thought you two made a good couple, so I arranged something for the two of you. I even got an approval from your father," his mother said.
Baekhyun shot a death glare at his mother. *Don't say it, don't say it.*
"I arranged an arranged marriage for the both of you," she said. Baekhyun's eyes widen with anger and shock. His mother smirked at him.

Baekhyun stood up and glared at his mother. "Why?" he asked through his clenched teeth. His fists colored white and shook with anger. "I'm happy with Hyemi. I don't want to marry someone that I don't even love," Baekhyun spat.
"I don't want you to marry the wrong girl," she said, coldly.
"She may be wrong for you. But not for me," Baekhyun said and stormed out of the restaurant, bumping into people and left without saying 'sorry' or 'excuse me.'

Drama~ Hehe x)
I wish it could be 12 now. D: I'm hungry.

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okay, I'm just going to say, I at writing wedding things. xD I've only been to 3 and I hardly paid attention to most of the ceremony, so ish update. D:


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mmyramos2004 #1
Chapter 17: this made me cry.It broke my heart
Chapter 19: Do your job author-nim~~
Chapter 6: Welcome to OHMYGOD!!!! >.< that one was hilarious. ROFL
KookieSeo5 #4
Chapter 18: The fanfic was good but I really want to whack Jihae in the face
Exofangurl1274 #5
I really ship bawerp alot..lolol...
one of the shipping i can never forget
Chapter 28: I ship Bawerp so much couldnt stop reading this since Dream boy gahhh <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic is so adorable!
I've been reading the prequel and this for the past few days. It's so good!

I love Bawerp!

I'll be reading your third installment~
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 27: Perfect Fanfiction! The Bawerp couple is so adorable! I love the plot of this fanfic!
But most of all I love Baekhyun!!!!!! <3