
Super Junior's One Shot Wonderland [Requesting Closed]

Requested by: FubukiHell

Pairing: Teukchul

Theme: kid Ryeowook, Donghae, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun


I hummed and smiled brightly as I walked towards the park.  The weather was lovely, and I enjoyed the crisp air and slight breeze that ruffled my hair.  I clutched my precious dongsaengs closer to my chest and grinned as their sweet giggles reached my ears.

My friends had laughed at me when I told them I was a nanny.  They teased me and mocked my profession of choice, but it was times like this, when I really didn't care what anyone thought.  The two little boys squirmed and chattered excitedly when as the park came into view.

Ryeowook turned to me and asked,

"Teukkie-hyung, down?"

I smiled at his cute attempt at talking.  He was still young so his voice still carried the adorable tone of adolescence.  I nodded and carefully lowered both Ryeowook, and his cousin, Donghae, to the ground.  They were off in an instant, running towards the bright, colorful jungle gym.

I walked over to a nearby bench where I could clearly see my charges.  I watched then out of the corner of my eye, as I rifled through my bag, making sure I had everything I needed for an enjoyable day at the park.  I was satisfied when I noted I had all the snacks, drinks, and band-aids I could possibly need.

I glanced up to check on the boys, and had to repress a squeal as I saw then playing happily with another boy.  From afar, I thought the newcomer was foreign because his hair was bright blond.  He stood out against Ryeowook's slightly reddish hair, and Donghae's light brown hair.

As I watched the three cuties, I felt the bench dip a bit and I turned to look.  A guy about my age was now lounging next to me.  I met his eye and he smirked at me.  Despite his cocky, over-confident attitude, I had to note that he was unbelievably... well pretty.

He was as pretty, if not prettier than any girl I had ever seen before.  I smiled and introduced myself,

"Hi, I'm Leeteuk"

He looked me up and down before smirking and grapping my hand,


I nodded and he looked nonchalantly at the kids running around the playground.

"So which brats belong to you?"

I stiffened slightly at hearing Wookie and Hae being referred to as brats, but I did my best to smile as I pointed out my dongsaengs.  He nodded and I waited for him to tell me who he was in charge of.

He pointed and smiled,

"It seems your twerps have already met Sungmin" I looked curiously and smiled when I saw he was indicating the blond boy who had befriended Wookie and Hae.

"He's actually the good one.  Boring as hell, but if you get him mad enough it's actually pretty entertaining.  He curses you out in Japanese and then goes all ninja on your !"

He chuckled, and I laughed hesitantly, not really sure how to respond.  Heechul glanced around lazily and snorted,

"I actually have another gremlin, but I don't know where the hell he ran off to.  Now he actually has some potential, he's a little devil"

I smiled, even thought he talked about his dongsaeng's harshly, it was clear that he was quite fond of them.  At that moment my head snapped up when I heard loud squeals coming from the sandbox.  Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Donghae who had been laughing and playing nicely were now dripping wet.

Heechul also looked up at the sounds of the children's cries.  He cursed,

"Damn!  Kyuhyun you little !"

I followed his eyes and saw a little boy standing on the jungle gym that loomed above the trio.  I noted grimly that he held a bucket.  I quickly walked over and saw that Ryeowook was close to tears.  He sniffled and Hae did his best to calm his younger cousin.

Sungmin on the other hand, stood and glared at the smirking boy who laughed above them.

"Kyu!" he screeched, his small hands balling into fists.  I scooped up Ryeowook and Donghae biting my lip worredly.  It was obvious that Sungmin was pissed, and I really didn't want to see a fight.  Luckily, Heechul took this moment to step in.  He strode up behind the still laughing Kyuhyun and picked him up by his collar.

My eyes widened, but Heechul looked unaffected.  Kyuhyun paled and stuttered,

"Uh, I-i no d-do it?"

Heechul rolled his eyes and snorted,

"Nice try you little punk, but I saw the whole thing"

Kyuhyun's face fell and he grumbled something unintelligible under his breath.  Heechul sighed and yawned,

"Alright, you know the drill"

Kyuhyun whined, but a sharp look from Heechul shut him up quickly as the boy turned to face us.  he bowed and muttered his apology half-heartedly.  Heechul shook his head and smacked the back of the boys head gently,

"Say it like you mean it, I was trying to hit on their nanny before this, so you better make me look better"

I blushed at the comment, but couldn't hide my grin as the little boy got down on his knees and said,

"I weally, weally sowwy.  Pwease take apowogy"

I bent down and smiled at the little boy.  I put Hae and Wookie down and looked at them seriously,

"Guys, do you forgive him?"

I stifled a laugh when I heard Sungmin growl,


Ryeowook, smiled sweetly, and nodded before on his thumb contentedly.  Donghae looked a bit more skeptical, but he smiled and nodded when Ryeowook gave him puppy eyes.

I patted them both on their heads, and Kyuhyun simply looked relieved.  He looked at Heechul nervously and waited for the elder's approval.  After a while, Heechul nodded but he warned,

"You better play nice from now on.  If you keep being a brat I'll tell your mom"

Kyuhyun nodded seriously and walked over to Ryeowook.  He was taller than my dongsaeng, so it was adorable when Ryeowook stood up on his tippy toes to meet the other's eye.  I grinned when Kyuhyun blushed slightly as Wookie grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the swings.

Heechul was now at my side, and he chuckled,

"Psh!  Look at that little lover-boy"

I smiled and laughed with him, my eyebrows quirking with amusement as I observed Sungmin and Donghae looking at each other shyly.  Heechul nudged Sungmin gently, and a faint blush colored his chubby cheeks.  He hesitantly reached his hand out and I hudged Hae until he grabbed the other's hand.

I grinned stupidly as I watched the two scamper off, hand in hand.  I heard Heechul snort beside me and I looked up curiously,

"You look like a umma who just married of her kids!" I blushed, and looked down at my feet, slightly embarrassed.

Heechul chuckled and whispered,

"It's cute though"

I smiled warily and Hechul started walking back towards the bench.  I followed after him, still not sure how to asses him.  He sat back, reclining confidently.  His eyes flitted between the Kyuwook couple on the swings, and the Haemin couple on the slide.

"We might have a future in match making" he mused, and I laughed.

His eyes twinkled mischeviously, and he smirked saucily,

"Do I have a chance of making this couple work?" he asked, gesturing to himself and me.

I blushed, and my heart sped up slightly, but I was never one to give in easily.  I smiled and shrugged non-commitally.  Seeing this he gave a low whistle and laughed admiringly,

"Playing hard to get I see!"

I smiled again, but didn't really bother to answer him.  I glanced down at my watch and saw that it was about time to get going.  I called my dongsaengs, and looked at my companion,

"Bye Heechul" I smiled sweetly.

He smirked and said knowingly,

"For now my dear, for now"


I put the boys down for their nap and made my way ack into the living room.  I still needed to unpack the bag we had taken to the park. I quickly removed eveything, placing the leftover snacks back in the pantry and the un-used drinks back in the fridge.

I stood and prepared to place the bad back in the closet when I saw a slip of paper flutter to the ground.  I picked it up, curious to see what it was.  I couldn't stop the grin that flittered on my face as I read the letter.

I stole your phone number, so expect a call.  I'm in need of an experienced nanny to accompany me to dinner tonight.

I laughed out loud, knowing very well that Heechul had been the one to write the note.  My laughter grew even louder as a single sound cut throught the otherwise silent house...

The ringing of my cell phone...


I am so so so sorry this took me so long to write!  *bows repeatedly*

I just got back from vacation so that's why I haven't updated

Sorry for making you wait so long FubukiHell (plz don't hate me!)

I have officially finished all my backed up requests!!!!!

But I don't think I'll re-open this story to requests.  School is starting in three days, so I really want to focus on my other story right now, sorry if I disappointed you, but thank you all for reading and requesting, it really means alot.

Love you guys!  And thanks again! ^^


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40 streak #1
Chapter 31: Cute and adorable KyuWook and HaeMin 🥺... Hitting on Leeteuk, ey
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Chapter 6: Ive never seen Immortal song but could really picture everything on wonderful writings
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Chapter 3: Nicely written:) Love the fluff
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