Chapter 2 whats happening in the water world!!!

Running man ''B.A.P''

Author: sorry i am late! 

Him Chan: *pats the back of her head* bow down

Author: oh ok *bows down then straight back up* sorry!

Him Chan: much better now explain why your late

Author: I was late because I was watching something very nice

Him Chan: you pass

Author: yay! 

Him Chan: ahem 

Author: i mean thank you 

Him Chan: 1,2,3

Author: enjoy...

Him Chan: *leaves*


Him Chan: ahem?


Author: enjoy...^w^!



-Back to the B.A.P.S team-
Sunny: oh finding jigsaw pieces are hard 
Him Chan: true oh lets look over there
-The both went behind the massive water slide and started to look there-
Sunny: hmmm…oh! *She found two giant pieces* oh there big pieces not small
Him Chan: yay!*He high fives her and they put the pieces in the camera mans back pack just in case* 
Zelo: ahh this is hard *He kept looking and then took his shoes off and walked into the water, it wasn’t deep just past his ankles*
Young Guk: what are you doing?
Zelo: the jigsaw pieces might be here, at least help me 
Young Guk: no I will look here
Zelo: unless you’re scared of the water
Young Guk: I’m not scared I just don’t want to got wet
Zelo: chicken!!! 
Young Guk: that’s it! *Runs over and tackles him in the water* 
Zelo: ah!!*Falls over*
-They both started to roll in the water fighting- 
Sunny: *She stood there looking at them* 
Him Chan: the hell are you two doing
Young Guk: he called me a chicken
Zelo: now you’re in the water so look! 
Young Guk: shut up 
Sunny: idiots 
-She then walked off and Him Chan followed her and went off looking- 
-To Dae Hyun and Jong Up and Young Jae- 
Dae Hyun: this is really hard oh! *he found 3 big pieces and hid them in the backpack of the camera man* 
Jong up: let’s look in the water 
Young Jae: what if the birds attack 
Jong up: don’t worry they won-
-A bird came behind Jong up and pushed him in the water and ran off-
Young Jae: oh! It pushed you in are you ok *He walked in and helped him up* 
Dae Hyun: they can’t steal the pieces can they?
Sunny: oii get back here with our pieces you damn bird!!!!
Him Chan: ahh get here! Cameramen are not strong!!! 
-They both ran past and so did a big flamingo holding the pieces-
Dae Hyun: ah! *He took the pieces out the camera men and held onto them himself* let’s keep it like this
 Young Jae: I agree *He then started to look for the pieces and found 1*
Zelo: *He was dripping wet and found 5 pieces* told you they where in the water
Young Guk: because of you I am wet humph 
Zelo: get over it. It’s just water 
Young Guk: *punches his head* moron
Zelo: ah! *Rubs his head*
-Everyone meets up and starts to put the pieces together- 
Him chan: hmm
Jong up: I think I have seen this place before
Zelo: me to 
-They both thought and then said it together- 
Jong up and Zelo: Haeundae-gu! 
-They all looked at the manager and he ringed a very lovely chime and they all jumped yelling yay- 
Sunny: we did it!!!
Dae Hyun: yes *he hugs sunny*
Yong Guk: *hugs them to*
Jong Up: *He joins in with the hug and spins with them*
-They all eventually hugged and went off to the next location- 
Author: yay B.A.P team is wining so far i wonder what is happening to the Running man team 
Dae Hyun: me to 
Author: ah Dae Hyun *smiles and shakes his hand*
Dae Hyun: *Shakes her hand* its nice to meet you
Author: you to well lets say it
Dae Hyun: 1,2,3
Author: wait *Looks around for Him Chan* ok its clear
Him Chan: ahem! *taps there shoulders* no shouting be more polite stand straight try again and go! 
Author and Dae Hyun: See you tomorrow everyone *They both stand up straight* 
Him Chan: good 
Author and Dae Hyun: boring -w-
Him Chan: what!! 
Author and Dae Hyun: nothing! bye!!! 
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I wish they were actually on Running Man. I enjoyed reading!
Chapter 11: WAH~! That was great! Great job author~!
Chapter 9: Update soon~ Fighting~ Me new reader. XD Your running man stories have both if my favorite group(BIGBANG AND BAP)!!! KYAA~
And it's AWESOME!!!! I think I'm over reacting... Shame on me
Thank you i will and yes Fighting~ and thank you for reading my story i hope you like please comment ok? <3
ik choi minsoo is super scary!!
OMG!!! Choi Minsoo!!! That was scary...Update soon!
Also anyone gets confused B.A.P = best absolute perfect and B.A.P.S = Best absolute perfect ''sunny'' cuz she is part of the team
i will tomorrow ok ^w^
update !