Chapter Five

Can You Babysit My Heart?


Minho was definitely freaking out. He had gotten everything baby proofed and set up a small place for Yoogeun. He was actually relieved that he had a small room that he never used. It was actually perfect. Kibum and Jonghyun helped him with everything and he was extremely thankful for his friends.

He walked out of his house and paced in front of the door, waiting patiently for Yoogeun and his grandmother to arrive. He was nervous as hell. What if Yoogeun hated him? What if Yoogeun wanted nothing to do with him?

“Minho hyung! You’re back!”

The tall male felt arms wrap around his waist. He knew without even looking who it was. Taemin. He tried to pry the hands off of him, but Taemin had a tight grip on him.

“Hello, Taemin,” he sighed, giving up on pulling the boy off of him. The boy had gotten stronger. He missed the times when he could easily pry the boy away from him.

Taemin moved around so that he was now standing in front of Minho, but his arms were still wrapped tightly around Minho. The boy smiled at Minho, “Hi! Why are you pacing around? I saw you from my window.”

Minho scratched the back of his head, “I’m waiting for someone.”

“The midget guy and the mean cat one?” Taemin questioned with an innocent smile. Taemin had met Jonghyun and Kibum a few times. The meeting never ended well. The first meeting was definitely the worst. Taemin had accused of Kibum of trying to get with Minho and ordered him to stay away. Jonghyun had been laughing and Taemin then called him a midget. Jonghyun had not been happy about that. Minho found the whole thing kind of funny since Taemin was about sixteen.

The older male chuckled, “No and you really have to stop calling them that.”

Taemin pouted, “But they were mean to me.”

“Actually, you were mean to them,” Minho pointed out.

The boy continued to pout at him and Minho sighed. Why did the boy always want his undivided attention? Minho had caught sight of a cab pulling up. He pulled away from Taemin and walked up to the cab, opening the door. The grandmother stepped out and smiled softly at Minho before turning to the boy in the car. “Yoogeun, please come out.”

Yoogeun shook his head and Taeyeon’s mother sighed before looking at Minho, “I have no idea what to do. He’s never acted like this.”

“I’ll try,” Minho offered. He kneeled and looked at Yoogeun, “Yoogeun… hi.”

The little boy turned his head away and glared out of the window. Minho looked down sadly, but took a deep breath before trying again, “Yoogeun, I got you some toys and your room is all set up. There are even power ranger bed sheets. Pororo too,” he offered.

He saw Yoogeun’s head move slightly, eyeing Minho from the corner of his eyes. Minho smiled he was making some head way, “Come on, Yoogeun.”

“Why don’t you offer him cookies or candy?” Taemin questioned, confused by the kid. Why was Minho talking to the kid?

Instantly, Yoogeun glanced over and held out his hand as if asking for candy. Taemin reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of candy, but Minho took it, “You have to come out to get the candy, Yoogeun.”

Yoogeun seemed to be thinking about his options before he slid his way out of the car. Minho closed the door so he couldn’t go back in before giving him the candy. “I feel guilty for bribing him with money,” he sighed.

“It was better than having to drag him out,” Taeyeon’s mother assured, taking Yoogeun’s suitcase, “Thank you again, Minho dear.”

“It won’t be that long. I know your daughter pushed it back to about a month and a half. I’m going to put Yoogeun into a daycare,” Minho said with a smile, “There is one not that far from where I work, so if I have off, I could go see him or something.”

The old woman smiled, “Yes, that is great. Thank you. I know you are worried, but I know you can do it. Oh, and thank you too. You must be Minho’s girlfriend.”

“I’m a boy,” Taemin said quickly, crossing his arms with a glare.

“Eh?” Taeyeon’s mother’s eyes widened, “You’re dating a boy, Minho?”

“No! He’s my neighbor!” Minho said quickly, shaking his head. He turned to Taemin and glared before looking at the old woman, “He was just going.”

Taemin shook his head, “Yeah, no, I’m not. I wanted to talk to you, Minho hyung.”

Minho took a deep breath and pushed Taemin away, “Go inside then and leave me alone for five minutes.”

The teenager groaned and walked into the house, slamming the door. Minho was thinking about hitting him. He sighed and looked at Taeyeon’s mother, “I’m really sorry about him, but you won’t need to worry. I’ll do my best to take care of Yoogeun.”

“I know you will,” she smiled at Minho before looking at Yoogeun. She kneeled down and held the boy’s face, “You be good to Minho, alright? He is your appa after all. Your mother and I have raised you well. I love you,” she kissed Yoogeun’s face before standing up. He touched Minho’s face softly before getting into the car. She waved at them before the cab drove away.

Minho watched the cab leave before looking at the three boxes and bag. He had a feeling a lot of that was toys. He sighed and grabbed the bag and reached out for Yoogeun’s hand. The boy shook his head, holding the stuffed frog to him. “Alright, inside now.”

Yoogeun headed to the door and reached for the doorknob. He glanced up at Minho when he couldn’t reach it. Minho smiled and opened the door. Yoogeun walked inside slowly. They heard noises from the living room. Taemin was sitting on the couch, drinking banana milk and watching TV.

Taemin looked up at Minho and smiled before looking at the little boy, “So whose kid is this? I didn’t see you as the babysitter type – other than me.”

“He’s mine,” Minho replied setting the bag down. “Yoogeun, watch TV with Taemin.”

Minho didn’t wait for either to say anything before he walked out of the house, grabbing a box. When he turned, he saw Taemin staring at him, “What do you mean he’s yours? You adopted? It is funny how he looks like a mini you.”

“He’s mine,” Minho repeated as he looked at Taemin, “As in, I helped make him. You have taken ed. Right?”


“Well, a man and a woman hav-“


Minho stared at Taemin. The boy was shaking, his eyes were wide and he looked like he was close to tears. Minho sighed and looked down at the ground, “Taemin-“

Taemin shook his head, “W-where is his mother? Is she coming too? Are you three going to live together? Are you going to marry you? I never saw you as a guy who knocks chicks-”

“She’s dead,” Minho said, looking up at Taemin. His eyes were filled with anger, “I think it is time you go home.”

“No! I want to talk about this-“

“Why?” Minho shouted out Taemin. The boy was taken back from that. Minho had never yelled at him like that before. “Go. Home.”

Taemin glared at Minho through his tears before running to his home. He slammed the door and Minho sighed once more. Why did the boy have to say things before speaking?

He pushed the thought of what just happened out his mind and walked into the house. He dropped the box down before going out and getting the last two. He walked into the kitchen and pulled out a juice box. He headed over to Yoogeun whose eyes were focused on some cartoon Taemin had been watching. He held the box out to Yoogeun. The boy stared at it for a moment before taking it from him.

Minho smiled and sat down next to Yoogeun, but far enough to give the boy space. He didn’t want to upset him. He leaned back and looked at the boy. He smiled softly. His son. He never thought he’d ever have a kid, but now he did. Under the circumstance, he wasn’t happy, but if things were different. He was happy to have Yoogeun, even for a while, but he wished Taeyeon was here to help him.

“Yoogeun,” Minho called.

The boy looked at him with big eyes, “Mm?”

Minho smiled softly. He was happy to finally get an answer out of the boy, “You don’t like it here, do you?”

Yoogeun shook his head. “Alright… it is only for a little while. Can we get along?”

“… Mm,” the boy nodded his head and Minho smiled, ruffling the boy’s head, “Thank you.”

The little boy nodded his head again, a small smile on his lips before looking back at the TV. Minho smiled and leaned back. Maybe this wouldn’t be as hard as he thought.


Author’s Note

Well, here is the next chapter! Sorry for disappearing again. I started watching Mary Stayed Out All Night (which I finished), then some stuff happened, but whatever. I’m back! A chapter everyday (hopefully weekends too!)


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Going to be working on this all day. Hopefully I'll finish it :3


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Chapter 12: oh wow so sweet story i like it thank you

“Aren’t children delightful?”

Chapter 5: taemin is such a brat its amazing
Chapter 2: oooh I've read this before, only until chapter 3 or 4. I remember Taeyeon's mother telling Minho about Yoogeun and everything and hmm I'm gonna skip to chapter 4 or 5 now hihi

I'm sorry for the spam btw lol
Chapter 1: ahajsldhfbska the start is so so good I'm definitely sticking around

oh and I absolutely adore the characters! jjong is adorable and kibum dgaf about anything and minho is forever sighing at them both and TAEMIN. ING BRAT. SO SPOT ON. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

you're picturing Taemin exactly the way I like it ugh I love you brb reading the next chapters and get ready for some more comments bcs I'm so excited rn
Chapter 12: BEAUTIFUL.............and cute!thanks(*^_^*)
Chapter 11: This is one of my all time favorites! ^^
Chapter 12: i really loved this so much
Chapter 12: OH MY GURD. I loved it all <3 thanks for writing it!
Chapter 12: Awwww, so cute <3