Chapter Four

Can You Babysit My Heart?


Minho could hear ringing in his ears, his vision was blurry and everything felt numb. He was dreaming. This was definitely a dream. He couldn’t have had a son! He and Taeyeon only spent that one night together. Plus they used a- No, they didn’t.

“Minho, are you going to faint again?” The old woman asked worriedly.

He snapped his attention back to the woman and shook his head, “No… maybe… I’m not sure… Why didn’t she tell me?”

Taeyeon’s mother shrugged, “You were in high school, on your way to college. She didn’t want you to throw your future away for her.”

“But I could have done something. I could have gotten a job and provided for her,” Minho said hurriedly. He saw the look on the old woman’s face and quieted down. She was hurting too. “I’m sorry.”

“My daughter…,” she chuckled softly, “She was so caring and she loved you very much. She only wanted what was best for you.”

“Halmoni,” Yoogeun said, holding his arms up. She smiled and picked the boy up with some difficulty. Minho moved forward and helped her. “Thank you. I’m going to lay him down.”

She turned away from him and headed through the hallway. Yoogeun stared at Minho from over her shoulder. He wanted to know who the tall man was.

Minho stared back for a moment, but pulled his sight away. He went to his room quickly and got his phone. He turned it on and instantly messages from Jonghyun and Kibum were there. He promised he’d call later, but he forgot. Plus he was unconscious for some time.

He quickly dialed Jonghyun’s number, but there was no answer. He then called Kibum, but it was the same thing. He sighed and dropped his phone on the futon before walking back out into the living room. He finally noticed the pictures of Taeyeon and Yoogeun. Sometimes both of them, other times they were alone.

He picked up a picture of the two of them. She was just as he remembered, beautiful and adorable all at the same time. He could see the similarities between the two in the picture, but Yoogeun looked so much more like him.

“That was a few months ago.”

Minho glanced over at the old woman. She was standing next to him, smiling at the picture, “For New Year’s.”

He sat the picture down on the table again and looked at the woman, “How are you going to take care of him alone?”

“I thought about that for some time actually,” she said as she took a seat, grunting. “I’m getting too old. Yoogeun is growing up. He needs someone who can keep up with him. It hurts for me to say this, but I have to let him go. My other daughter who has a family and lives in America is coming to take him in. She won’t be able to come for a few weeks.”

Minho nodded his head. “What are you going to do till then?”

The old lady looked down, “That is what I wanted to talk to you about… he is your son. I want you to be able to know him. He is a wonderful and delightful child, just like Taeyeon was. Of course, he’s stubborn and a troublemaker-“

“Like I was,” Minho said with a small smile that fell quickly.

“I know this is a lot to ask of you. You’ve never had a child,” she said. She touched his hand softly, “It will only be for a few weeks. You can get your place ready and I can bring him by Monday. I can’t take care of a four year old by myself.”

Minho looked at Taeyeon’s mother, “I know… but I work till late at night and I can’t even cook for myself. How can I take care of a child?”

“Taeyeon said the same thing,” she said softly.

Minho looked down at his lap. Taeyeon couldn’t cook to save her life. She somehow managed to screw up cereal, but he liked that about her. She continued trying until she got it right.

“Do you think I can do this? Take care of a four year old?” Minho asked.

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have asked,” she replied with a small smile.



“A son?!”

Minho had returned home from the funeral. He and Taeyeon’s mother explained to Yoogeun what was going on. The little boy cried for a while and it broke Minho’s heart. He didn’t like seeing him cry.

“Minho, are you listening to me?! How the hell can you take care of a kid? You have a take-out cabinet!” Kibum yelled at his manager.

The first thing that happened was he explained everything to Jonghyun and Kibum. Both were currently freaking out as they had been for three hours. They even followed Minho shopping.

Minho reached out for a baby bottle, but Jonghyun stopped him, “How old?”

“Four… almost five,” Minho replied.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and smacked his hand, “You know nothing about kids, Minho! He’s four! He can drink out of a cup now.”

Minho tilted his head, “How do you know so much?”

“My niece? My sister had a baby two years ago. You’ve met her…,” Jonghyun said with a sigh.

“For Gaga’s sake, Minho, what were you thinking?” Kibum exclaimed.

“I was thinking he’s my son, Key!” Minho shot back. His voice was raised and the two looked at him in surprise, “He’s my son… he hasn’t known who I was… Taeyeon only had her mother… I should have been there.”

Jonghyun’s face softened as he looked at his friend, “She didn’t tell you because she cared about you…”

Minho sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “He has no mother… his grandmother can’t take care of him alone. It’s only for a few weeks. I can do this. I like kids and kids have always liked me. I’m good with kids; I just… don’t know how to do it… without someone there.”

Kibum nodded his head, “We’ll help you. I love kids and I love cooking for them and if he does look like you, then he must be adorable.”

The taller male chuckled, “He does take after me.”

“Are you saying Minho’s adorable?” Jonghyun questioned his boyfriend.

“No,” Kibum said, shaking his head, “Minho’s y. It would be weird if I said a four year old was y.”

Jonghyun and Kibum started to bicker and Minho took that chance to walk away and continue shopping. As he picked up things he needed, he thought back to before he left.



Minho stopped in front of Taeyeon’s grave stone. The funeral had just ended. The whole village had been there. She had been loved. Minho had been staring at Yoogeun though. He sat in a chair, a stuffed frog in hand. He seemed confused by it all. Minho, Taeyeon, what was going. He really had no idea. It saddened him.

He sighed and kneeled down in front of her stone. He reached out and traced her name, “Noona… almost five years ago, you left me… and now I know why. I’m not mad because you did that. You truly wanted what was best for me… so thank you… I guess.”

It was starting to drizzle. Minho thought the sky was mocking him. He shook his head and kept talking, “Yoogeun is beautiful… he looks like me… and you. Right when I saw him, I just knew. You did well with him,” the tears were filling up in his eyes. He bit his lip to stop them, “I don’t know what I’m doing… accepting a kid… I don’t think I can do it… but he is mine… and I’m not the type of guy who lets things go… I’ll do my best.”

He lowered his head and wiped his face of the rain and tears. He couldn’t believe he started crying. “I miss you… and I never stopped loving you.”

Minho sat there for a while, just staring at Taeyeon’s name. He felt the rain stop and looked up to see an umbrella over his head. He looked over and saw Taeyeon’s mother with Yoogeun, still holding his frog.

He smiled at them both before looking at Yoogeun, “Hello, Yoogeun…”

Yoogeun took hold of his grandmother’s hand and nodded his head.

“I’m your appa,” Minho said softly as he looked at Yoogeun. “Is that alright with you?”

The little boy stared at Minho for a moment before handing the frog to Minho, and then hid behind his grandmother’s legs. Minho smiled and looked at the frog. It made him smile, but the tears came back. Taeyeon always said he looked like a frog. She joked that if she kissed Minho, he’d turn into a prince, though Minho said he already was.

“Minho… are you alright?” Taeyeon’s mother asked.

Minho nodded his head, “Y-yeah… just remembering Taeyeon.”

“Umma,” Yoogeun said softly. Both looked at the little boy, “Umma said appa was a frog prince. Are you?”

The taller male laughed softly and nodded his head, “Yeah… I am.”

Yoogeun reached out and wiped his hand across Minho’s face, trying to wipe away the tears, “Umma loved Appa…”

“Appa loved Umma too,” Minho replied softly.



Minho sighed as he looked down at his basket. He had a checklist of things Taeyeon’s mother said he’d need, plus things he thought he’d need. He definitely had enough stuff to baby-proof the house. He even bought toys and a tiny play house for Yoogeun. He was actually happy he had a yard and big town house.

“Minho? You said Taeyeon wrote you letters. Have you read them?” Kibum asked as they walked over. Jonghyun seemed amused. Something good must have happened.

“Mmm, apparently, she had been writing letters for four years, but never sent them. I have a whole box, but I can’t seem to get to them,” Minho replied with a shrug as he pulled child blankets off the shelf, “His grandmother said he liked Power Rangers…”

Kibum smiled softly, “You did love her, didn’t you?”

The taller male nodded his head, but didn’t reply any other way or even look at them. He continued shopping. Yoogeun would be coming in two days. He had to get his place ready for him.


Author’s Note

Okay, Taemin comes back in the next chapter! Who is excited?!

Also, I know this is coming out really sad, but it will be funnier later on. There has to be drama though.

And I’m having a problem with Onew. I have no idea what to do with. I was going to make him a social worker, but based on how the plot is going, he won’t come in till VERY LATE in the series… Should I make him a pre-school teacher? :3 I want your input!

Can You Babysit My Heart? trailer made by Malkom --> Here!

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Going to be working on this all day. Hopefully I'll finish it :3


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Chapter 12: oh wow so sweet story i like it thank you

“Aren’t children delightful?”

Chapter 5: taemin is such a brat its amazing
Chapter 2: oooh I've read this before, only until chapter 3 or 4. I remember Taeyeon's mother telling Minho about Yoogeun and everything and hmm I'm gonna skip to chapter 4 or 5 now hihi

I'm sorry for the spam btw lol
Chapter 1: ahajsldhfbska the start is so so good I'm definitely sticking around

oh and I absolutely adore the characters! jjong is adorable and kibum dgaf about anything and minho is forever sighing at them both and TAEMIN. ING BRAT. SO SPOT ON. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

you're picturing Taemin exactly the way I like it ugh I love you brb reading the next chapters and get ready for some more comments bcs I'm so excited rn
Chapter 12: BEAUTIFUL.............and cute!thanks(*^_^*)
Chapter 11: This is one of my all time favorites! ^^
Chapter 12: i really loved this so much
Chapter 12: OH MY GURD. I loved it all <3 thanks for writing it!
Chapter 12: Awwww, so cute <3