Beautiful Stranger


You are 19 and I'm going to name you Jasmine Fairy.

Okay so you've been wanting to go for gigs to support underrated bands since you were 15 but you never had the chance. You have a guy friend who is in an Indie band and he was the one that has been inviting you to his gis but you never attended any.

What happens when you stop contacting him after 4 years but you discover KPOP? And after you discovered KPOP, you have a knack in discovering good music on the Internet; via YouTube.


So you know about Infinite since its your favourite male Kpop group. Your bias is none other than the visual, Kim Myungsoo aka L.

One day as you were scrolling through your tumblr dashboard, you read an article stating that Myungsoo likes listening to Nell. You weren't interested because you didn't want to like something just because Myungsoo likes it. But one Sunday afternoon, as you were busy doing your school report, you opened YouTube to play music and you discovered Nell's Beautiful Stranger and you instantly fell in love with Nell and their songs. Since then, besides Infinite's songs, you listen to Nell's. They're both practically in your "FFavourites" playlist.

What happens if Nell decides to hold a gig in your country for the first time? Will you go? Or will you let it Slip Away?

This shortfic is inspired by Nell and Myungsoo because I love these two so much at the moment. There won't be much about Nell at all actually. It's more of Myungsoo of course since I know nothing about Nell nor their names >.<

PS: Listen to Nell's new songs from their new album, Slip Away. They are a Korean Indie band and I love them a lot! Sadly, after they join Woollim, they're no longer known as an Indie band :( Their English is soooo good! Take a listen to their Beautiful Stranger and you'll know what I mean ;)


If you have a twitter account, do follow me @ ^^ I update often and will tweet if there's an upcoming fics I'm working on :)


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Update soon. xD
@rebellioustofu yessss!! Gyu's among the crowd, watching the concert! hahahaha! i bet he sings along too! xD

@CookieCake I can't wait too, actually! I didn't expect this story to reach 4 chaps cos initially I wanted this to be a one chap fic xD
Did Sunggyu stand in the crowd too? Hahahahaha. I bet if he was, he would be fanboying all over! XDD
ooh yehh. Can't wait for the next chap *^*
Myungsoo!!!!!! I like the part when he saw his own face on her phone! Hehehe. Update soon~~~
shhh_its_me #6
i cant wait til they actually meet :)
update soon ^^
Oh I love Nell too!! And I'm the only one who really likes them since my friends don't find Nell's music to their liking. *forever sobbing*
Hi! Please update your story i'm interesting your describtion story! ( My english bad... Sorry :D )