Be Mine


You love him but you don't know if he love you too..

She love him but how does she want to make he's her..

He have no idea why you avoid him...



Han Sae Ra: Please tell me how to attract Junho sunbae so he can only look at me.

You: I'll tell you but are you capable enough to do what am going to tell you?

Sae Ra: Please tell me...

You: *secret* please read to find out haha *evil laugh*


It's me again!!!
This time i wrote about Junho 2pm and you. Yes...You!

Heart:*eh..When you wrote story it always 'you'.* and i said *Shut up!* hehe

Please comment this story so i'll know whether this story is good or not *puppy eyes*

Okay i hope you enjoy this story as much as i enjoy writing..Bye2 <3

A/N: credit to the owner for this BG image.


Lee Junho 

21 years old


Heir to LJ Group

Siblings: One big sister



21 years old


Heir of Loenz Group

Siblings: One big brother


Han Sae Ra

20 years old


Siblings: None

Her father have a very popular ramen restaurant


Kwon Yuri

21 years old


Heir of KY Group

Siblings: One little sister


Some of 2pm members

Hoping to finish this tomorrow >.


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KimchiSmile #1
Chapter 7: Awww this is like the second or third time I've read this and it's still enjoyable and touching. Love it!
lengleu18 #2
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story
Chapter 7: wow XD just wow
Chapter 7: Still loving this fanficion~~
I love this ending! ^^ write more junho fics!
@daegunpandagurl: Thank you!!! *big hug*
And i'm also a big fan of Junsu because he have a very amazing voice ^^
daegupandagurl #7
wOAH LOVE THIS STORY, coz my nicknanme is in there hehehe and im big stan og junbros (junsu junho) love it !!
@music4eva: Thank you~~~~^^
And thank you for read this story too...
@complex_sarang: And thank you for comment ^^
Its my goal to finish this story today haha...
Don't know if i'll be able to since there's many obstacle keke