28. Surprise surprise.

Oh my Luhan, I fell In love with my master!

Ding Dong.

The villa's doorbell was ringing. All of a sudden, My maid instincts took over, "I'll get it!" 

I ran to the door, while the other Exo-M boys were lazing around the television, trying to block each other's view of the show.

I opened the door. Well well, guess who I saw? 


Kim Su Jin? My eyebrows twitched as memories of the party gushed back to my mind. Likewise, the pretty smile on her face fell, a devilous smile taking over it. She didn't hesitate barging in the villa. 

I looked at her, dumbfounded. 


Lay's POV.

The sounds of heels clackig could be heard, stopping the boys' bickering. 

I turned to the door from the kitchen. My eyebrows cringed. What the hell is she doing here? 

"LUHANNIE!" She screamed, almost breaking my eyedrums. Disgusting, simply disgusting.

I swiftly walked over, clearing my throat. "Well, Fancy seeing you here, In our villa." I emphasized the word 'our'.

Almost immediately, a fake smile was flashed my way, "Yixing, Can you tell me where Luhannie is?" Did she just call me Yixing?

A part of me snapped, "Don't call me that," I hissed. 

Su Jin raised her eyebrows, "Omo! How rude can you be?" Her hand was covering now. 

I smirked, "Omo," I mimicked her actions, "How fake can you be?" 

She frowned deeply, making me smirk as well. 

Kris walked over, "Enough Lay, Luhan is upstairs." I glared at him, why the hell did you tell her?!

"Thank you Wu Fan~" She cooed, making me puke inside. "Do not call me that." Kris spat, making Su Jin pout. 

What a fake, disguting, piece of . 


Luhan's POV.

I was lying on my bed, listening to music, when my door abruptly swung open.

I looked up and my eyes widened, "Kim Su Jin? Bwoya? Why the hell are you here? In my room?" 

Su Jin skipped towards me, happier than usual. What's wrong with her?

"Yeobo!" WHAT did she just call me? 

I sat up in alarm, "Bwo?" 

"Luhannie! I missed you!" She bear hugged me, leaving me stunned by her sudden approach. 

I pushed her away, "What is your problem?!" 

Her 'sweet' smile was my defination of dis-gust-ing. 

"Oppa," Her hands tangled around my neck, "I have good news." She whispered in my ears. 

She continued delivering her news to me by whispering in my ear. 

My heart stopped, "W-What?!" 


Yoonmi's POV.

I sat by the kitchen countertops, glancing at the stairs every once in awhile. What are they doing? Why is she here?

Lay nudged me slightly, "Hey, you okay? Don't worry bout them, Luhan's probably insulting her now." He snickered. I gulped, "Y-Yeah," I faked a smile, "He probably is." 

Just when Lay was about to say something else, A high screechy voice boomed around the room. 

"EXCUSE ME!" Su Jin shouted, walking down the stairs with Luhan trailing behind her. 

Me and Lay walked over to the couch to join the rest of the boys, hearing what the commotion was truly about. I looked at Luhan, whose eyebrows met. He was looking intently at the floor, not meeting anyone's eyes. Something is wrong.

"Everybody, I have good news!" Su Jin shouted, her eye-smile showing. Suddenly, I didn't feel that good, as though her 'good news' isn't really good news to me.

"Well," She paused for awhile, and her eyes met mine as she smirked, "As you all know, me and Luhan are deeply in love." My eyebrows creased, what?

"And thanks to our parents," She hooked her hands through Luhan's, making my eyes widen.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" My heart stopped and my breathing hitched. M-Married? 

I looked at Luhan, who didn't say anything nor did anything to correct Su Jin. I-It must be true then.. 

"Hey, It's no time for a joke." Kris bellowed, looking at Su Jin and Luhan seriously. 

Su Jin kept her eyes on me, as though memorizing my reaction to this whole situation, "It's true, why don't you tell them, Yeobo?" She turned to Luhan and kissed his cheek.

"It's true." He spoke in a soft voice, his eyes still stuck to the floor. My heart cracked, It may be just a little, but I felt it. Blood gushing out from my heart, sitting the bottom of my stomach.


"It's true."

"It's true."

"It's true."


The truth was right infront of me, 

The truth that Luhan was getting married.




Oh no, surprise surprise? Double update! Keke. How was it? :P


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i need to re-read this every time I'm on the plane it's just too good!
Chapter 1: I'm reading this wonderful FF again ..... Right after I found out LUHANS DATING ... I support it all the way . This FF brings back the memories sigh
Chapter 45: Just what Xuimin would say!
Chapter 44: I just love~ the way you write! I'm craving more and more!
Chapter 42: You're amazing at writing lovey dicey fanfic! I'm fangirling so hard right now
Chapter 41: Wee~They slept together!!SOO CUTE!
Chapter 40: Hehe~ Cuddle? Hehehe. I love cuddles~
Chapter 38: There finally together!!!❤
Chapter 31: Yes! Find her Luhan! Find her with your heart!