Chapter 30

Seducing Nerdy Chanyeol !


Your heart dropped.
« Oh... »
You frowned, not expecting this kind of answer. Wasn't Chanyeol supposed to say he like you back or something ? You tried to calm down your inexplicably shaking breath and cool your burning cheeks. There must be a plausible and rational explanation to this. Because it wasn't making any sense ! You had been so nice to him. So why ? Why « no » ? Racking your brain to understand what went wrong and where you had ed things up, you realised his answer had nothing explainable. After all the moments spent together, after all the smiles and the laughs, the cookies and the cheesy jokes, freaking Park Chanyeol was supposed to like you. So why ?
But, wait... 
He was probably going to add something else.
Right ? 
It couldn't seriously end like this.
Feeling much better at the thought, you sighed in relief and smiled. Yeah, he was definitely going to say something else. You could feel it. This was the only rational way to explain this plot-twist.
So you quietly awaited for the little magic words. It would probably be something like « I don't like you... I love you! » or any lovey-dovey quotation equally cheesy. He would probably also grab your hand and it gently, his huge eyes lost in yours. His pink lips would draw one of his charming smiles and he would eventually blush, overwhelmed by the power of his feelings for you. Violons would play.  Slowmotion would start. Chanyeol would beg you to date him and the stupid deal would be over. Just like things were supposed to happen.
So you smiled even more and waited. For something. For anything. Dumbly staring at him, trying to spot the moment when his eyes would finally twinkle from the realization of his feelings. You didn't want to miss the precious moment of your salvation.
But Chanyeol's eyes never twinkled and his blank expression never changed. Eyes glued to the mug stuck between his long fingers, he was obviously avoiding your stare. But you waited a little more, confident and convinced he needed more time to confess. It was ok, he was a little dense sometimes. Except this particular « sometimes » was special. It wasn't one of those usual »sometimes ». Seconds transformed in minutes and minutes turned into a suspiciously long among of time. Something was wrong.
And then, it hit finally you.
Chanyeol wasn't going to add anything, was he ? He wasn't going to grab your hand and gently it. His wide eyes weren't going to meet yours and his lips would firmly stay closed, forming a half sorry smile. It was so clear to you know. No need to lie to yourself anymore. 
Chanyeol had really been rejecting you.
« Oh.. » You weakly whispered, stunned.
Chanyeol didn't like you.
A sudden wave of unfamiliar emotions hit you. You tried to get over the insistent stinging in your eyes and tried to ignore the heaviness in your chest. You tried to not pay attention to the slight trembling of your lower-lips and tried to fight against the freaking pain.
Mortified, pretty surprised but extremely hurt, it was like your whole body was about to liquefy.
He couldn't be serious.
Leaning against your chair, you blinked several time as if it could reset Chanyeol's words, the stupid confession and all the caught in-between. You sure didn't see that coming. Even if confessing out of the blue like you just did had been pretty unexpected, deep inside, you had kind of wished he would have shared your not-so-fake feelings. 
Thoughts flooded your brain, enlighting the dramatic and pathetic turn of the situation. Kai, the deal, the picture. . What the hell were you supposed to do now ? 
You didn't even dare to look at him. Burying your red face in your hands, you protected yourself from his stares full of pity. He was sorry. Probably regretting, trying to know how to make it up to you. Oh yes... he was sorry. But not the kind of sorry significant enough to make him admit he liked you and save you from Kai's evil deal. So you both stay there, silent. You, head between hands, him, heart between emotions.
And you remained like this. Perfectly silent. 
And after a moment, you stood up, not able to take it anymore. The embarrassment of the confession, the shame of rejection. And because running away always seems to be the cleverest solution to problems, you grabbed your coat and put it on, avoiding his sorry stare. He stood up too, not really knowing why. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, struggling to find the right words to say. But Chanyeol was Chanyeol, and comforting people was obviously not his thing. So he sat back, shamefully landing his eyes on his now cold mug. You threw your bag on your shoulder and simply left before your vision was completely blurred by the tears forming on the edges of your eyes, heartlessly abandoning a dumbfounded and confused Chanyeol alone at the table.
The café's door slammed harder than you wanted it to .
As you aimlessly wandered in the streets, you tried really hard to not cry. Because crying wouldn't solve anything and because there were no reasons to cry. It was Chanyeol, just Park ing Chanyeol and there were no reason to feel like this. Absolutely no reasons. Sure, it was ruining the entire deal and would definitely cause never-ending teasing from Kai, but still... You weren't allow to cry. Business was business. A deal was (and would only stay) a deal. So, no, you wouldn't cry.
But you had to admit one thing.
It hurt.


« Can you please stop walking up and down the hall like a freaking spinning-top, Sehun ? You're giving me a headache. » D.O complained from the sofa, loudly flipping the page of his magazine with a hint of annoyance.
He had patience but patience had its limits. And dealing with Sehun was more than he was able to take. That idiot was wandering aimlessly like a lost soul since Chanyeol and his poor classmate left the apartment (which was a very long time ago) and it was seriously getting on D.O's nerves.
« Shh ! » Sehun frowned, nevertheless keeping on walking.
He wasn't going to stop, was he ? D.O rolled his eyes and sighed.
« You know, » He said, loudly flipping another unread page of his magazine. « Chanyeol and you always make fun of me, saying that I'm the woman of this house and stuff. But you should take a moment to look at yourself and think about it. »
He was acting like Chanyeol's mother, which wasn't a compliment since she was a total mother hen. Convincing her that letting her precious son live alone with D.O and Sehun had been a long and interminable fight. But now that they were free from her, they didn't need a Mrs.Park 2.0 called « Sehun » to replace her.  D.O flipped another page. He wouldn't even be surprised if Sehun took photos of Chanyeol after his date.
« You're reading a cooking magazine, D.O. » Sehun snorted, giving him face. « Your argument is beyond than invalid. » 
D.O opened his mouth, ready to make a bad comeback, before silently shuting up. He had to admit Sehun was right.
« He's going to come back at some point. » D.O tried to save himself from the embarrassment.  « Go find something else to do. »
But stubborn Sehun shook his head. 
« I'm fine waiting here. »
The oldest one clenched his teeth, trying to keep calm. Too bad the flat was already perfectly clean. This would have been the perfect moment to shrug off his irritation with some housework. Flipping another page of his magazine, D.O noticed a creepy smile on the youngest's face.
« What's that face ? » He asked, annoyed.
Sehun stopped walking.
« It's getting late. Seems like my matchmaking technique worked. » Sehun chuckled, rubbing his hand like some businessman after a successful deal.
« If by worked you mean scared her, then yeah, I think it worked pretty well. » D.O smirked.
That poor little girl must have been terrified for sure. 
Even though D.O wasn't present during the matchmaking session (because, thank God and unlike Sehun, he had the common sense to know that he was supposed to leave Chanyeol and his friend alone), he knew Sehun must have made a mess out of it. Like usual.
« I set the mood. » Sehun defended himself.
« Sure. » D.O nodded.
The Maknae started walking again and D.O flipped more pages.
« I'm sure it worked though. I can feel it... » Sehun stated, his eyes locked on the front door. « Maybe I have a sixth sense for this after all. Maybe I matching people is my destiny. »
« please... » D.O rolled his eyes. « Stop speaking nonsense. »
« Nonsense ? Tss. What to do you even know about relationships and love ? If you saw how that girl was looking at our Yeollie, you'd know I greatly helped her. »
D.O stopped pretending reading his magazine to look at Sehun.
« You think she likes him ? » He raised a brow.
Sehun nodded.
« Yup. And Chanyeol likes her too. Obviously. »
The oldest one took the time to think about it. 
« Well that's pretty blatant that Yeollie likes her. But I don't know about her.. » D.O replied, sceptical.  « Sure she's lovely and stuff. But you know how Chanyeol is and, well, you know how girls are... »
Sehun rolled his eyes. D.O knew nothing.
« See ? You don't know anything about love. »
D.O shrugged. 
« We'll see when Yeollie'll be back. » He concluded.
But Sehun wasn't finished yet, too confident of his instinct to end the discussion so easily.
« Should we make a bet? » He suggested with a bright smile.
« A bet ? What kind ? » The oldest asked, frowning.
Brushing an invisible mustache, barely pubescent Sehun tried to come up with an exciting (and advantageous if possible) bet. 
« If their little date took a romantic twist, I win. If not, you win. Fair enough ? »
D.O narrowed his eyes.
« What do I win ? »
Sehun smiled. 
« I'll do the housework for a week. »
« No, please don't. »
« Then I'll take out the garbage bins. Gosh, that's not the freaking point, D.O ! I'm going to win anyway. »
« What's your prize, then  ? »
« You'll have to buy as much bubble tea as I want. » Sehun smirked.
« I'm already paying for all your stupid drinks ! » D.O frowned, not being fooled one second.
« Then you'll have to buy me more ! » Sehun concluded with a smile. « Deal ? »
« Deal. » D.O muttered, refusing the polite handshake Sehun was offering though.



« So how did it go ? » Sehun enthusiasticly asked, clasping his hands together, as soon as Yeollie crossed the door's threshold.
His knew he was being a little too warm and welcoming, but freaking free bubble tea was on play. There were no time to loose ! 
Chanyeol frowned, a little surprised at the exaggeratedly warm welcome, and gave Sehun a strange look before closing the door behind him. 
« So ? Was it good ? » Sehun asked with bright eyes, not even according to Chanyeol the time to take off his coat. « Did something interesting happen ? Something like, I don't, a hug ? A kiss ? Are you guys dating ? » 
D.O silently judged his friend from afar (well, from the sofa actually). That idiot really wanted his bubble tea, huh ? He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, pretty curious too.
But Chanyeol wasn't really paying attention to Sehun. His thoughts were far, far away from here. Caught somewhere between your lips and « I wondered if you felt the same about me ». He took off his shoes in silence, his cheeks a little to red and his mind a little to lost. 
« Yeollie, are you listening to me ? » Sehun got impatient as Chanyeol walked past him. « Some serious business is going on here ! »
But Chanyeol wasn't hearing anything. Except the same odd and sweet words replaying on repeat in his head, about you liking him. 
« Chanyeol ? » D.O called him louder with a raised eyebrow.
This time, the giant dreamer stopped walking.
« Yeah ? » He asked, blinking.
« Wow, you're slow man. » D.O laughed.
« He's dazzled by love. » Sehun chuckled like an idiot.
Chanyeol frowned, not getting it.
« So ? How was it ? » D.O asked with a smile. « Was it ok ? » 
Sehun joined D.O on the sofa, wearing a goofy smile that made Chanyeol frowned even more.
  « Uh, it was alright. » He shyly replied.
« Define alright. » Sehun said, throwing his legs on the coffee table, making D.O tense up by the same occasion.
« Hum... I don't know. » Chanyeol sighed. « It was just... strange. »
« Define strange. » Sehun replied tit for tat
Chanyeol shrugged. How was it supposed to put a word on what happened ? You confessing to him was just...
« Strange. »
Sehun rolled his eyes. What a great storyteller he had here ! He needed more informations than just random and vague words.
« And why was it strange ? » D.O gently asked.
He knew Chanyeol wasn't really used to hang out with the opposite and he truly hoped Yeollie did ok.
Chanyeol pinched his lips, hesitating. He wasn't even sure if was happened really happened or if it just was the fruit of his weird imagination. 
« She hum... » Chanyeol shook his head. « No, never mind. » 
It was just to surreal to say it at loud. You liking him. Tsk ! That was ridiculous.
Realising how improbable this whole thing was, Yeollie sighed and started to walk towards his room. He just wanted to dramatically lay on his bed, aimlessly look by the window, eventually put on sad music and cherish what seemed like a beautiful and unrealistic dream.
« She what ? » D.O interrupted him.
Chanyeol shook his head once again.
« I said never mind. »
Sehun stood up from the couch to run towards the door and block Chanyeol's way.
« Come on ! Tell us. » He begged.
Usually, Sehun didn't care about gossips and those stuff. All he needed was videos games, dancing, his Chinese buddy Luhan and bubble tea. But the promising possibility of getting free bubble tea was enough to make him to go nuts and act so unusually.
« Speak or I'll do the bbuing bbuing. » He warned Chanyeol, knowing the use of aegyo a lethal weapon.
The threat was terrifying enough. Chanyeol sighed, tried to collect his thoughts, sighed once again but finally spoke.
« Well she... she kind of...hum... ». He attempted to explain, dancing from one feet to the other and furiously blushing. « She... »
« She what ? » Sehun encouraged him.
« She...she said she liked me. »
D.O almost fell of the sofa. His eyes had never been so round and Sehun had never smiled so wide. The oldest one quickly exchanged a glance with the now victorious maknae to make sure he heard it correctly.
« For real ? » D.O asked, in shock.
Chanyeol nodded.
« For real. »
Excitement took over Sehun's body because 1. he won the bet and 2. he was so damn right, that girl liked him ! That girl had definitely questionable taste in men, but who cared ? Sehun got his freaking free bubble tea ! He may really had a sixth sense for matchmaking after all !
But something was wrong and his smile soon disappeared. Why wasn't Chanyeol smiling too ? Why wasn't he acting annoyingly happy ? He liked her, right ? It was so obvious that this boy was having something for her and yet... And yet, he looked so awfully depressed.
He frowned. Something was definitely off.
« So I assume you're dating now. » Sehun said.
« Why would we ? » Chanyeol frowned, a little confused.
« Oh come on ! You can't be that blind ! » The maknae exclaimed. « She confessed. Dude, she wants the d- »
« Sehun ! » D.O death-glared at the youngest one once he regained composure. « Aish ! What that idiot is trying to say is that now that you two shared your feelings towards each oth- »
« Wait. Who said I confessed too ? » Chanyeol cut him off.
A short silence followed.
« You didn't ? » D.O exclaimed, blinking.
« No. » Chanyeol shook his head.
Sehun and D.O looked at each other, surprised and confused.
« Why ? » D.O asked.
« But you like her, no ? » Sehun added.
« It's just th- »
« You like her, right ? » Sehun repeated, not giving him the time to answer.
« She has a boyfriend. » Chanyeol solemnly replied.
« But you like her ? » He insisted.
« She has a boyfriend, I can't- » Chanyeol tried to defend himself.
« Chanyeol, that wasn't the question. » D.O interrupted.
« So, you like her yes or no ? » The maknae got impatient.
Chanyeol sighed. Of course he knew it wasn't the question. But he also knew you were dating Kai, and it was changing everything.
« What would it change, anyway ? Weither I like her or not, she's already dating someone else. So what I feel doesn't even matter. » Chanyeol said, dead-serious.
« Chanyeol... » D.O called him.
Sehun bit his lips, feeling like he may have gone too far this time. But Chanyeol continued. 
« I have no idea why she said she liked me. That's ridiculous. That doesn't make any sense. She has Kai, she has way better than me. He's cool, he's handsome, he's everything I'm not. How can I compete against him when I'm just Park Chanyeol, the weirdo ? Girls aren't attracted to me. So I don't know why she said that. I really don't. And even if it's true, even if she really likes me, I don't want to be the second guy, ok ? I don't want to be the back-up plan or something like that. So I'll just assume it never happen and won't get my hopes up because I know that at the end I'll be disappointed. »
The three boys stayed silent for awhile. 
Then, Sehun moved away from the door to let Chanyeol walk to his room. He wasn't thinking anymore of the bubble tea. But when Chanyeol walked past him, he couldn't help himself to ask :
« So you liker her, hyung ? »
To which Chanyeol replied with a sad smile.
« I don't know. Do I ? »




I think we all know the answer to that question !

Guys, I need to tell you what I had gone through because of that fanfic.  Few weeks ago, for some reasons I wrote some ideas in my school diary for the fanfic and then forgot about it.  Few days ago, a guy of my class asked me to lend him my school diary. Which I did of course. BAD IDEA. BAD MOVE. ABORD MISSION. PLS NO. OMG THE AWKWARDNESS. Of course he found what I wrote, but thank God, I wrote in English (not my first langauge) and not complete sentences. So it was random cheesy words without any correct sense. But he read it several times, trying to understand what I wrote. Holy coconut, I don't think he understood, but I can tell you it was just so awkward ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) I was dying


THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT ♥ ! Thank you for being so patient with me, thank you so much. I love every single one of you ! I feel so happy to have readers as wonderful as you. I lub you ! And don't forget, if some of you want to talk and become buddies, you can find me here.

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[Seducing Nerdy Chanyeol] 12/10 I'll update this week !


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pcygal #1
Chapter 40: Read this ff first in 2015, I think. Then read this again second and third time. It’s 2024 now and yes, I read it again. Laughed and cried over this story again.
Pleae1 #2
Back here for the third time
just letting you know i came back here to read this story everytime i had a break up just to get me in that depressive mode.
1312AZ #4
Chapter 41: Hey, just want to know what's the deal with Kai ??
Chapter 41: So... I hate Kai here. I expected a reason of why he'd been always so mean to her. There was no reason mentioned. I ing hate his character in this fic so much. What the .
Chapter 40: I'm here re-reading the finale episode once again.
I move on in circle.
Chapter 41: Need to say, i know it from 2014 and this is 2019. I don’t know if the writer still seeing this but i need to say. this is the best stories I have ever read. I love how you write and run the characters. I love your story lines. I love the ending that i know in my damn heart that it’s a happy one. I so freaking love this story! After finish commenting this, I probably go to your profile and hope to see another stories. I do hope i will find at least one <3
Chapter 5: Seriously, if it was me, i would totally deeply falling for Chanyeol when he tease me like that. *shying to death*
Chapter 3: oh my god! He's too cute I really can't handle x'D