Both of Us


You and your brother L. Joe amd Chunji of Teen Top needs to live at different dorms. Chunji and L. Joe chose to live with his pals and left you to live with Infinite, a group of boys whom you don't know. Infinite and Teen Top are great friends. (Gang Alliance)

"What the heck?"  You pouted. "Live with guys that I don't know huh? Are you my real brother?!"

"I am. Chill down, I have a gang right?" Chunji chuckled.

"Aish, what's with that?" You muttered.

"I need to join them everyday." He said.

"Ya, and who am I by the way?!" You rolled your eyes.

"Such a silly sister. I still love you okay? I'll visit here, no worries~" He said and ruffled you hair.

"Fine!" You pouted. "I love you too big bro~" 

"I have to go now, be a good girl okay? Don't cuddle with them like you do with me ne?" He whispered and grinned.

"Ya! I never did a 'CUDDLE' thinggy with you!" You yelled. Chunji laughed and L. Joe brought your bags inside Infinite's House. You watched them leave with a heavy sigh.

"You can do this ~~~~~! Fighting!" You did a fighting sign.


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can't wait for the next update, dying to read further