All you have to do is, SMILE :)


"_____-AH!!!" My mom just called me several times loudly. It was my break time from training in JYP so I visited my home. "Nae." I went outside with lively steps. "Who's this Kai guy? Uggh. There's so many letters from him." I immediately grabbed all the letters. "This is my friend." I made an awkward smile. "Hehe. He hates internet so he sends letters." Oh god. I made an awkward excuse.

"Okay." She looked really bugged by my actions. I giggled a little and I went to my room. It was all from Kai. I opened this pink envelope. The paper was also pink. It says:

I don't really know why I became addicted to you. It's just that, the kiss (even though it was an accident) felt real. And I always think about you. I hope you feel the same. Huhu. - Kai

Oh my god. I didn't know he's been sending this to me. He's so flirty. I guess he doesn't know that I'm hard to get. I don't care if he's an idol. He doesn't even know my history. It was 2 years ago, when I was a popular girl in our school. Guys were always following me. Always sending me letters and stuff. But I think, I friendzoned hundreds of boys.

Hehe. That's me. I have no intention of having a boyfriend at all. Just friends. But still, I have little feelings for this guy. He's been there for me since we kissed. He even helped me with my rapping skills. JYP said that she sees me as a new solo artist because I could sing, rap and dance like a normal idol.

All of those letters were complimenting me. What an amateur. I thought that he was more manly. He's like the guys in my school, always sending letters and stuff. They don't even show up in front of me. I want something to remember for a lifetime. I just wish Kai would be more like the perfect guys. 

It's my first week in JYP so they asked me to go there to celebrate. I wore a casual style  and some light make up. I told my mom I'll be on JYP's building. She just nodded like she always does. I went outside and bumped to a person. It was Kai. Holding a bouquet of roses. "Hi there." He smiled. 

I giggled and started to walk away from him. But I walked away with a smile. He was following me like a 10 year old boy. "I need to go to JYP." I looked at him with a smile. But still he followed me. It was really awkward. A celebrity following a trainee. "Do you have any schedule?" I turned around and looked at him again.

"Nae." He gulped. "Then please go away." I raised my eyebrow and walked on the pedestrian lane. 


"SARANGHAE." He shouted.


-_- Fail chapter. But it's the continuation of what happened last week when Kai kissed you. (For the male readers out there, just think of your female bias as Kai's girlfriend) Thank you for the support :D

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May 16 2012 (Philippines) Tomorrow, I will post my last 3 or 4 chapters. Yea. The story is short ^^ But I will write a new story!


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Chapter 10: Huh. I never imagined suho kissing taeyeon lol but ByunTae is duh real now ppls ^-<
carolsm #2
Chapter 10: haha.. now they're dating
p9213785 #3
Chapter 11: I love flirty Kai xd
p9213785 #4
Love exotaeng
allaibeb #5
Chapter 25: Kyaaahhhh!! Kyungsoo and Taeyeon :"""> I really wished they will have an int/fluffy moment in here since I also ship thw two...A love triangle is not that bad right???
GaemiGyu #6
Chapter 28: aaa I love ur story especially BAEKYEON <3
i can't think o f my female bias as kai’s girlfriend because my female bias is taeyeon and she belongs to baekhyun. BAEKYEON <3
laniebelle #9
Baekyeon ^^ cute! Update ... Baekyeon Hwaitaeng!!
laniebelle #10
hello ms. taeyon my name is laniebelle i am your #1 fan and you are my7 #1 idol in snsd,,,,,,,,,,,,,..........