


Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up, still drowsy of the few hours of sleep I only had through the night. My eyes blink, trying to adjust to the dark room and also trying to focus on something. Most of the time they turn their attention to a blond shock of hair. Of course, one cannot tell they are blond at night, but I know them and I see them every day.


I smile, and it is more of a broken smile, as the person next to me turns around in his sleep, now facing me. My eyes fleetly gaze over his features, his eyes, his nose, and his lips. I pull the blanket away a little, just so I could free my hand and place it on the soft skin of his cheeks, thumb tenderly caressing it. He was beautiful, beautiful to me – inside and out. When he slept he seemed so angelic, even though he could be defiant from time to time.


And actually – actually he was difficult at times. Now, he got even more difficult.


While I stare quietly at his frame I notice that his facial expression changed for a second as he scrunches up his nose. I shift closer, wrapping an arm securely around his body and pull him closer to myself and then I notice that he nuzzles close against me. I feel his breath lingering on my skin in regular and content breathing.


Indeed he is an angel in his sleep and not problematic at all. I remember when he got easily frustrated at times and even over the littlest of things. He has in fact never been the patient type. My hand moves through his hair and I smile as I remember the time he first dyed his hair blond. He wanted to try out something new, something that would make him seem like a bright, shiny person. He has been tired of his ebony black hair and when he told me at that time I was just joking, because back then I (jokingly) suggested that he should dye it.


He thought it wasn’t a bad idea, actually he thought it was marvelous and bought a hair-dye the next day. It was blond and he was excited about it; having told that he couldn’t decide between blond and light brown first. I was the one who had to dye his hair with the colour and after washing it and drying his hair it was bright and more platinum blond than natural, which he rather wanted to have. At first it didn’t seem to bother him but after some time he got frustrated and very self-conscious, he wished his black hair back because a few people - friends, family - were telling him that black was better. Sometimes he was so paranoid and thought people on the street were talking about him and how awful it looked. I told him that he looked perfect, no matter which haircolour he got and after some time we corrected the haircolour which seemed more natural. He liked that more.


Since then he kept it. I feel him shift again and I close my eyes, keeping him next to me closely. The next moment memories are overflowing my mind and I cannot seem to push them away easily. I don’t want to think about it all, I don’t want it in my mind. It’s over and it’s done. But I will never deny the beautiful times we had together, nor will I forget them. But it does hurt sometimes to think about everything that has happened.


I nuzzle into his hair, it smells like vanilla, very sweet – and as I press my lips to his head I try to fall asleep again and push every thought that distracts me from going to dreamland away again.


And by now I figured out: Life is surely tough; Love is mostly tougher.

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Chapter 8: Ich wusste dass das ende tottraurig ist. T__T Zumindest was Kiseob betrifft.
Obwohl ich es nicht grade toll finde das Yoseob gestorben ist, ich finde du hast wirklich gute arbeit geleistet mit dem ende. Ich finde es eigentlich in gewisser weise gut, dass Yosoeb gestorben ist, da die beiden mehr und mehr unter seiner Krankheit litten und daran zerbrachen. Mit seinem Tod wurde dem Leid praktisch ein ende gesetzt, auch wenn mir Gikwang, aber auch Yoseob, so endlos leid tun! Ich liebe Gikwang dafür, dass er sich so sehr um Yoseob gekümmert hat, obwohl er selbst so sehr daran zerbrach. Und ich ich liebe ihn dafür, dass er ihn immer von ganzen herzen geliebt hat und auch immer lieben wird! *wein*
Ich bin froh, dass es Gikwang nach so viel leid langsam wieder besser geht und dass Doojoon für ihn da ist! Auch wenn ich es schade um Kiseob finde, und ich nicht grade ein fan von so traurigen geschichten bin, das ende ist nichts desto trotz schön geworden.
Eine schöne tottraurige FF!
Aber bitte tu meinem armen leidenden KiSeob Herzen ein gefallen und bitte schreib noch mal eine Kiseob FF full of fluff oder zumindest mit happy end! Ich flehe dich an! T^T
Anyway, loves ya~ *hugs*
Ace_B2uty95 #2
Chapter 8: ...I'm crying hard or at least I would cry if I wasn't in class right now ;~~; omg I'm happy for Kiki but Seobie ... ;~~; I really loved the story I cried even in the past few chapters
Sorry for didn't comment before but I really loved it
cwscik182 #3
Chapter 8: It's the end? Wow, sorry, I only realized now that I have never left a comment to this story. It's a great story after all. Although me and sad stories like this one don't go that well together. I don't know why I always end up reading them nevertheless and grieving over my precious Beast boys suffering. (I find it especially hard when one of them dies. I don't really cope that well with death-fics.)
But still, don't think I didn't like your fic. I liked some twisted masochistic kind of way, lol. ;D

I have to admit the ending came rather abrupt and very sudden, though. I didn't expect it at all. And I have a question: Is Junhyung the same Junhyung Yoseob saw on that picture some chapters earlier? Yoseob's ex-boyfriend?

Ah, this story somehow broke my heart. It's especially the huge Kiseob-shipper part of my heart that suffers, because they can't be together now... ;)

Sorry about all my rambling. Still this remains a very sad but great story.
Chapter 8: I cried T_T that was an unexpected ending. Anyways, great story! ;)
Chapter 7: Gott ich halt das nicht mehr aus! Das ist so schrecklich! So endlos traurig! Es bricht mir das Herz! Armer Gikwang! T__T
Jetzt habe ich alle Hoffnungen auf ein Happy End verloren (ich wünsch mir aber trotzdem noch eins! XD).
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich überhaupt wissen will wie es weiter geht! XD Das ist einfach so unerträglich! T__T *wein*
But still update soon dear! ♥ XD
Chapter 7: I can feel the pain. Its surreal. Wow you have talent. Incredible talent. Please continue while i still feel pain with this story. I want it to last and quickly read the next chapter!
Chapter 7: THIS IS so Great,yet so sad.CONGRATULATIONS for this awesomeness!!But it would be a “Happily ever after” right ?
