Sweet Sour

“Noona, get up!”

“What!” I scream at him.

“It already morning” he screams at me back. I look at the clock. It 7:00 a.m.

“Noona let’s go jogging”

“I don’t want to”

“You say you want to be slim”

“I want to sleep” I think I already slim enough.

“Dad says we must”

“Dad says?”

“A ah”

“Why dad want us to jog?”

“Em……..Family day”

“I don’t want to” with lazy answer.

“No way dad says we must”

“You guys go ahead. It weekend…must have extra sleep.” I already close my eyes.

“Sulli hurry up!” mom’s voice made me right awake. I could have a mini heart attack.


I wear white t-shirt and short pants.As I walk downstairs I could see everyone was waiting for me. And we take dad’s car.

“So… where are we going?” I ask dad.

“Seoul” dad answer.



“Noona, you stink! Why you don’t shower before we go?” he shout. Fortunately there’s not many people at the park.

“No one shower before jogging” I chase him. Mom and dad already further ahead. That’s leave me and Rickky.

“Me,mom and dad did”he answer it with proud. I kick his feet.

“Mom and dad always shower every morning. But you … I don’t know what to say.” My phone ring when I was thinking about shower. Kai’s name appeared at the screen. I gave signal to Rickky to go first.

“ Have you ate your breakfast?” I just question him without thinking any other question.

“Yes… where are you. Sound strange?” I guess it because of a couple of people talking so loud.


“What for” he ask a stupid question.


“What! Who does barbecue in the morning.”

“Then.. what can be done in Seoul in the morning?”

“Are you jogging….HAHA” He laugh like a crazy person.

“oh…..Are you still running?’’ he ask but still laughing.

“No….I’m enjoying the nature”

“But you can enjoy the nature at home”

“I was force by my dad”


“Why do call me in the morning?’’ he must have a reason.

“Oh nothing, I just want to know that you’re okay.”

“What, you just want to know that I’m okay.That’s it?’’ I though he want to ask me out.

“Sound angry”

“If you don’t have anything to say, I’ll hang up.”


As soon as he hangs up, I notice that my shoelace is loose. I just duck without looking around. Suddenly a person collides behind me. I fell and my phone is lost even I don’t where is it. The person fell above me and have opportunity to hug me……..Are you crazy! He is the first guy to hug me. Fortunately, he quickly gets up.

I sit while cleaning my hand full of dirt. He helps me to get up.

“Err…. No thanks…. I can get up myself.” I said to him. How can I still be nice to him after he hugged me. It is my fault because I had an emergency brake.

“But you’re hurt. Let me take to the hospital.” Suddenly that man talk.

“No thanks…. It not that bad. Even the doctor embarrassed to give the medicine.” I remove the dirt at my hand.

I looked around to search my phone. I saw the battery, SIM card and the rest of my phone. Well it just a cheap phone, that’s all I can afford. I quickly put back together, after stomp on the ground two or three time then it work.

“Buy a new one….. I’ll pay.”

“ Err… No thanks. It still can be used.” WOW! Why I cannot take his offer, well I want but I can’t. He wants to replace a new one still I refuse. L

“Sorry about that.”

“No I was wrong….emergency brake.” Ones again I’m still nice…HaHa.

 “No I was the one who didn’t looked front.”

“No.. if I don’t stop you wouldn’t hit me.’’ I don’t know what drama I’m in with him in the middle of Seoul.

“Noona!” I hear my brother screaming behind me. I turn around and looked at him.

“Ya… We all waiting for you” he pissed off “who’s that” he whisper to me.

“Err… I better be going. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I ask that man. It better than apologies to each other.

“ I’m find. But what about you, you’re hurt.”

“ I’m okay don’t worry” I smile

“Err… bye” I don’t know what to make a closing. I pull my brother arm

“let’s go”.

I just walk away without looked back.

“ err…. Noona” I heard someone call. So I turn around. Is that man call me

“ your name?” he ask me with bare face

“The one that you call” he just smile after he heard my answer.Why he smiling? And he called me noona…..

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My gas!! I'm a shipper of this couples! TaeLli and KaiLli! update soon!! :)) (I ship KaiLli more~. XD!)
Taelli and Kailli ._. update soon.
Love Taelli <3
I hope this is taelli story