Another World Then Mine


Suddenly trapped in another world, You (Jung Ha Neul), have no idea where you are. 
Nearly being eaten by strange monsters, you encounter a young man who saves you.
He introduces himself as Alexander, a member of a group called. "UKISS".
Alexander takes you to the nearby town and introduces you to his eight other friends.
The 9 young men are magic users, special people that roam this other world.
They each have their own special power and use them however they see fit to help others.


AN: Look guys, I appreciate that you want me to continue. But getting mad at me and demanding I contiune the story won't get it to continue. Also, I don't appreciate people telling me my stories have to be good or live up to their standards. With that said, I will update stories when I can. I am busy looking for a job and have a life too. 
Thank you for the understanding. 


After being saved by Alexxander, a magic user. He takes you to meet his friends and they ask you where you came from.

This is a story about a young girl and her quest in a new world.
You will join "UKISS", the 9 most powerful magic users  in this world in order to return home.

They will teach you the magical arts in order to defend yourself.


Jung Ha Neul:

A young girl from modern day. She was taken to the newer world after having a reading done by a fortune-teller after school one day. 
Base Magic: Unknown

Alexander Lee Eusebio:

The eldest of the 9 magic users called: UKISS
He's very protective of his younger friends and is careful about how he handles serious situtaions.
The main source of humor and most powerful out of the 9 UKISS magic users.
Base Magic: Earth. The power to control soil, plants, and anything made from the Earth.
Nickname: Xander

Shin Soohyun:

2nd eldest of the the magic users called UKISS.
He's very nice and likes to play around sometimes.
Likes to take care of others just like he takes care of himself.
Base Magic: Wind. Any air surrounding him, he will use as a weapon.

Kim Kibum: 

Mostly acts very mature and adult-like.
He likes to keep to himself mostly unless he feels like he needs to say something.
Is closest to Kevin, one of the younger members of UKISS.
Base Magic: Levitation and Puppet Mastery. Can lift objects using his strong will and can control
anything with his transparent Puppet Threads to do his bidding.

Lee Kiseop:

Mostly quiet at times.
He likes being out in nature and loves animals.
He tends to be misunderstood a lot by his fellow members of UKISS.
Base Magic: Animal Charade. The power of animal spirits, where the user can become like the animal he chooses.

Kim Eli:

One of the pranksters of UKISS.
Fun to be around and tries to make others feel comfortable.
He loves summer warmth and loves to play with fire.
Base Magic: Fire. The power of flames and anything that relates tio fire.

Lee Jaeseop (AJ): 

Mainly the loner of the group.
He likes to do most things on his own and is a bit outspoken sometimes.
But he won't tell if he's feelling lonely, even if he is.
Basic Magic: Shadow. Not exactly darkness, just the twilight effect. He manipulates shadows to do as he sees fit.
Nickname: AJ

Yeo Hoonmin (Hoon): 

He loves the sound of water. 
He's very kind and gentle like the flowing of water.
Don't make him mad, or you might regret it.
Basic Magic: Water. Anything liquid he can form into a weapon of his own.

Woo Sunghyun (Kevin):

The most kind-hearted of the UKISS members.
He loves the feeling of being free to be whatever he wants.
He also loves to cook.
Basic Magic: Transformation or Body Manipulation. The ability to change the body at will to anything or anyone you want.
Nickname: Kevin

Shin Dongho:

The youngest member of the magic users called UKISS.
He very stubborn and hates to lose.
One of the two pranksters in UKISS.
Basic Magic: Telepathy and Mind Control, also can use his abilities to increase his physical limits. The ability commuicate through the mind and control it.


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@Musicstar128 Thank you for mentioning that! I didn't realize I forgot him!!!! >.<"
KISSmeBecca #2
love it~ time to subscribe~ lol. :)