Let's Try Again, Okay?

My Long Lost Memories

After 5 minutes’ of walk Chunji was now standing in front of Ricky’s cabin. The cabin was an exact copy of the one he was staying in except

the fact that there were no curtains.

Chunji was still mad at his stupid, moody and annoyingly anonymous roommate. He really needed to find out what was going on with this

weird guy.


’’Are you coming?’’Ricky had already opened the door and was raising an eyebrow at Chunji.

’’Uhh… Sure!’’Chunji said forgetting all about his troubles.

’’Changjo! I’m back!’’Ricky yelled happily.


……………..There was no reply.


Ricky disappeared into the bedroom and came back a few seconds later.


’’Changjo is in the shower so let’s get something to drink!’’Ricky said smiling at him.

Chunji nodded and sat down at the small dining table. Chunji couldn’t help smiling at the tablecloth. It was a hot pink color with red hearts on

it. Ricky noticed this and looked very embarrassed.


Ricky had just finished making the tea when they heard the bedroom door open. Changjo’s hair was messy and still quite wet. He was

wearing grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt with some sort of fancy print on it.


’’Soooo Ricky, who is this?’’ Changjo said looking at Chunji skeptically.

’’Oh I wanted to see how Chunji was doing with his new roommate, and it wasn’t going too well so I wanted him to meet my

awesome roommate!’’ Ricky said with a goofy grin.


Changjo laughed and ruffled Ricky’s hair as he moved towards the fridge.


’’Ricky told me all about you Chunji! You seem like a nice guy, too bad that it isn’t working out between you and your

roommate.’’Changjo said feeling sorry for him.

’’I guess we just got off to a bad start’’Chunji said thinking at how incredibly fast the orange haired boy had been running.

’’It will get better soon!’’Ricky said encouragingly, smiling a bit.


’’By the way, what’s your roommate’s name? I might have met him here last year’’ Changjo said looking curious.

’’I actually don’t know. He never told me. But if it helps I can tell you that he has orange hair.’’ Chunji said frowning.

’’Orange hair? Ahhhh… That would be L.Joe! He was my roommate last year’’ Changjo said wondering why he was acting so strange towards Chunji.


’’He was your roommate?!?’’Chunji and Ricky yelled in unison with eyes almost popping out.

’’How could you live with a guy like that!’’Chunji said in a loud voice looking serious.

’’Well, he was treating me really well and he helped me out a lot. Since I met him here last year we have been really good friends.’’Changjo said protecting L.Joe


They didn’t discuss the issue with L.Joe any further, but they 3 boys found out that they were all in the same group for the activities the next

day. Chunji decided to walk back to his and L.Joe’s cabin to get something to eat.


*I really hope he has gone to bed,.. Or even better: If he decided to ask for a roommate change* Chunji thought smiling like a creeper.




Chunji stepped into the cabin hoping not to find L.Joe inside. The only sound you could hear was Chunji’s heavy breathing and careful

footsteps stepping inside the kitchen – empty. He looked through the open bedroom door and spotted the still unpacked bags L.Joe had left



*Damn It! He must still be my roommate…* Chunji thought letting his head drop.


Chunji decided to make full use of being alone so he put on his headphones and turned up the volume as much as possible. 

’’Time to make fooood!!!’’ Chunji yelled feeling the music lighten up his mood. He was dancing around like an idiot, but still managing too

sing the song perfectly.


’’YOU DON’T KNOW ME! YOU DON’T KNOW ME!’’ Chunji sang - his back facing the door meaning that he didn’t notice the presence of

another person due to the loud music. The song ended and Chunji decided that the food was ready to eat. He took his headphones off as he

turned around, but the headphones flew out of his hands as soon as he saw L.Joe standing in the doorway looking at him with really y



’’Goodness you scared me! And please explain that y grimace of yours!’’Chunji screeched, still trying to get over the shock.

’’Sorry about that, but you should have seen yourself! And I’m not making any y grimace…’’L.Joe said being surprisingly calm, even smiling slightly.


Chunji didn’t say anything, but decided that a really y look would be better. L.Joe tried to avoid looking directly at Chunji, he wasn’t very

good at dealing with these things.


’’Look Chunji, I know you’re really mad at me because of how I acted earlier. I…I just thought you were someone I used to know…

And…I just didn’t know how to deal with it at that moment. Forgive me, please?’’ L.Joe said giving Chunji the best ‘Puppy eyes’ he



Chunji was quite surprised that he actually gave him a genuine apology.


’’Good to know why you had to give me the impression of you being a jerk – And I accept your apology’’ Chunji said pretending that

he was still mad.


L.Joe looked defeated and was about to go to the bedroom when Chunji walked towards him. He looked at the hand in front of him and took

it feeling the warmth of Chunji’s hand heating up his entire body.


’’Let’s try again, okay?’’Chunji said with a grin.

’’My name is Chunji’’

’’I’m L.Joe’’


*I think things are going to work out just fine~* 




~     ~     ~     ~     ~

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Updated story with new "Story Art" + I got co-writer to help me out!


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Chapter 9: I suppose it's safe to assume you are still active and will update this soon ?
strafield #2
Chapter 8: 2012 x_____x
i really hope you will update this tbh ;-;
Nuuu don't head towards tue ending just yet! I need more >__< And I really like your writing. Really straight to the point and easy to understand :DD Can't wait for another update!
Aww...cute L.Joe.
Can't wait for your update! ^^
JJ_pinky #5
update soon..^^
Study hard~<3
Take your time with the updates. c:
Nice fic so far! Looking forward to read the next updates!~
-xttran #8
new reader here(:
ur fanfics seems nice, plz update soon^^
--chunsa #9
Why Ljoe? Why you run from Chunji? Are you hiding something ?
Hmph. T^T

Oh~ lemme guess.. Ricky's roommate is~~~~ Changjo? :3
Lol update soon !