Falling In Love ♥


A Story About a boss and a worker who works for the boss

The boss was popular , Everyone respect him , but what if the Worker don't ?

What will happen if his best friend falls in love with her ?

And he Founds out his Feelings towards her ?

What will happen to the 3 of them ?

Will they end up together ?

Or ?

Never Meet again ?


Kim TaeYeon - Worker


The Worker , 23 Years old , Single ,Wanted to find a Boyfriend , Every Guys Ideal Type


Leeteuk - Boss


The Boss , Age 25 , Single , Past relationship makes him lose Confident so he didn't want any relationship but work .


Wooyoung -  Jang's inherit


Jang's Inherit , Leeteuk best friend , Fall in love with TaeYeon , 24 Years Old




Poor , She find a richer man and ran away , She hurt Leeteuk , Age : 24 




Jessica : Ice Princess becoz she have a glare , work with TaeYeon at same Place

SunNy : A Rich Gurl , Who works at SMTown CEO 

YooNa : Works same place at TaeYeon But different Office as her


They are all 23 Year Old !








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exotaeng9 #1
Update soon
wootaeteuk #2
update soon~ :)
Subscribe ^_^
hope you will update soon ~