Chapter eight – from the black rose to the damsel in distress.

Perfections That Come with Flaws


Chapter eight – from the black rose to the damsel in distress.

“No, noona, no WAY!” it was Minhyun’s voice.

Even though he was shouting his voice sounded really nice. Almost like it was when he was singing with me. Only more a scream-o type of way. I felt myself blush at the thought.

“Ew, gross, no way!” Minhyun shouted again. This time, I actually realized what they were talking about.

Me and him.

My face flushed into a darker shade of red at the thought. How could unnie even think that?!

But then again, I had acted as the arrogant prince’s black rose.

After a while, unnie called us in. We chatted for a while about this and that. Unnie had sat next to Changmin oppa and me in front of her, on my right Minhyun and left Mihi. Time flew by, just like that.

“Ah, Yuri-ah, please take care of Minhyunnie.” She said.

“What?” I asked. I didn’t mean to sound rude, but it came out, just like that.

“He’s really reckless and gets in trouble a lot. Please don’t make him cause too much trouble.” She said. at that moment, my cellphone vibrated.

“One moment.” I said as I opened the text I had recived.

/I told her about the hiding thing. You can pretend that we aren’t that close. Tell her that. If she loves you, she’d play dumb./

I scowled at the message but then realized that the others were watching.

“Who was it?” Mihi asked.

“Just Woohyun oppa. Texted me drunk.” I said.

“Ah, Woohyun’s a legal adult now, isn’t he? He’s grown up a lot.” Eunbi unnie said. We all laughed, seeing the scowl on Changmin oppa’s face. Minhyun actually chuckled.

“Oppa wanted to come but we didn’t have an extra ticket.” I explained.

“He would want to. As much as he loves you, I love this rascal too. Please take care of him.” she said, kicking Minhyun’s feet. Minhyun rolled his eyes. I took a glance at him. During that short time, our eyes met. I felt myself get warmer, seeing his eyes.

“Unnie, please don’t misunderstand. We aren’t that close.” I said.

“I realize that, but you are neighbors. You can tutor him and discipline him when necessary.” She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Noona!” Minhyun whined.

“Well, she can stay by your side! See how the others abandoned you and ran away, afraid of me!” Eunbi unnie said at once.

“And Jonghyun said we’d endure the pain together..” he muttered. “That punk is so dead when I catch him..” he growled.

Eunbi unnie grinned.

Just then, my cellphone began ringing. Not beeping, ringing.

“It’s…Myungsoo oppa!” I smiled, seeing the caller ID. Eunbi unnie laughed.

“I’ll be back.” I said, shooting out of my seat at once.

“Oppa!” I said into the phone as soon as I exited the room.

“Yuri-ah! I felt like calling you! How are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m doing great, now that you called. How’s your vacation? Woohyun oppa didn’t mention you even once.” I pouted.

“Aish, hyung’s a jerk! I got a really cute gift for you. I’ll be back by the end of this week. You’ll come to pick me up at the airport, right?” he asked.

At that moment, I saw Minhyun pass by, also on a call. He didn’t seem to pay attention to me.

“I don’t know oppa,” I said, my eyes following Minhyun. “I might have school.”

“Flight reaches Incheon airport at seven. Free all your plans, please!” he begged.

“Alright, I’ll try to see if I can.” I said with a smile. suddenly I heard the voice of some drunken men from behind me. I turned around to see them, looking at me with a erted gaze.

“Ah, look here! Such a beauty.” One of them said. He had a scar on his right eye.

“Hello? Yuri, who was that?” Myungsoo oppa asked.

“ on legs! Look at those legs!” another one said. This man had his hair spiked up to the sky.

“ one, oppa.” I stuttered. “I..I have to go.” Muttering, I quickly ended the call and tried to move away from the drunken men, but miserably failed.

I didn’t know what to do. The way they were looking at me freaked me out completely.

“Come on, baby. We’ll drive you home.” Scar Eye said.

“Our home!” Spikey added with a drunken laugh.

I knew I was trembling. I had no control over my body in that situation. My fingers were pressing some things on my phone, I didn’t know what.

“Why aren’t you talking? You have a lovely voice, y.”

“We know you aren’t mute. How about you say something, pretty thang.”

I was body was vibrating like an engine as the two men surrounded me. I felt tears forming inside my eyes.

“Aren’t going to talk, are we? Then how about you moan?” Spikey said and reached out to touch my hair.

At that moment, I wished Minhyun was there. No one else, not Woohyun oppa, not Sunggyu oppa, not Myungsoo oppa but Minhyun.

Please! Minhyun oppa!

“Come on,” Scar Eye said, my left cheek. One single tear fell from my left eye. “Moan, baby.”

At that moment, someone punched Scar Eye sending him tumbling away. Spikey became alert.

“Who gave you permission to touch my girl?” It was Minhyun. Almost as if he had come after hearing me.

I wanted to run to him and hide behind him, but I couldn’t. Spikey came behind me and placed his lips on my bare neck. I froze in my position.

“Whacha gonna do about it, punk?” he asked Minhyun, tauntingly. Minhyun’s eyes widened for a moment. Then all I saw in them was anger.

Before he could take a punch at Spikey, Scar Eye stuck from behind and kicked him. Minhyun groaned but then punched Scar Eye on the stomach and hit Spikey’s head.

I screamed as Spikey’s teeth bit into my skin, tears endlessly streaming down my face. Minhyun’s eyes widened as he realized what he had done. He grabbed Spikey’s hair and began endlessly punching and kicking him. With every punch on the face, blood poured out from Spikey’s mouth.

Scar Eye was long gone. He was probably scared after watching Spikey get beaten up. By the time Minhuyn was done with Spikey, he was almost as good as a dead man.

“Are you okay?” Minhyun asked hurriedly coming to me. I couldn’t stop crying. I hid my face in my hands and cried.

“Does it hurt?” Minhyun asked, lightly touching the place where Spikey’s teeth had sunk in. I let out a scream as he did so. I could have sworn he flinched.

What he did next was very surprising. He took my hands from my face. I was able to see him clearly. He wasn’t wearing the coat of the tuxedo. It was when he began wiping my tears away with his coat that I realized he had taken it off. After wiping my tears, he softly pressed that part of his coat on the bite mark.

“I’m sorry.” He muttered as he cleared the blood off of my neck. I couldn’t help it. I buried my face in in his chest as he put one arm around my petite body and continued to wipe the blood away with the other hand.

All of a sudden, we heard Minhyun’s phone ring. Without removing that one arm from around my body, Minhyun took his phone and placed it on his ear.

“Noona, Yuri is with me. Some…drunk guys came. Can you not tell her friend? I’ll take her home.” He said. After a pause he spoke again. “Tell her Yuri fainted in the crowd. You can tell her to call someone to pick her up. And that I’m taking her home.”

Another pause.

“Then tell the person who is supposed to come and fetch her to take her friend home and that I’m taking Yuri home.”

Another pause.

“Yeah…this guy kissed her neck, I got pissed and his head causing him to bite her neck. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” another pause.

“Okay, bye.”

Slowly, he moved me away from his body so he could look at me. “That was noona. Stop crying now, they’re gone. I’ll take you home.” He said.

I nodded and stood up when he helped me to.

“Hey, look at me. I’m here. You can stop crying.” He said and wiped the forming tears in my eyes. I nodded but didn’t say anything. Without much talk he led me to the garage area of the place.

“Work with me, okay? I’m taking Changmin hyung’s bike.” He said. Keeping me in the sideline, he messed with the controls of the bike and then got on it.

He put on the helmet and gave me the other one. Putting it on, I climbed on the back and put my arms around his waist.

I heard Minhyun sigh. Then me held my arms and brought me closer. “Hold tight, you might fall.” He said.

Doing as he said, I tightened my grip of his waist. Much to my surprise, the bike started. At a high speed, I didn’t know what; we were zooming along the roads of Seoul, the next moment.

I couldn’t help myself but cry as he drove. All my tears were soaked into his shirt. I doubted that he didn’t notice me cry. But he didn’t do anything so I didn’t stop myself. At that position, my tears soaking into his shirt, I cried my heart out.


A/N: it's the earth hour! how many of you put the lights out? proudly saying that i'm one. 

what comes around, goes around right? from close to far to close. 

eunbi has an eye for cute couples, don't you think? xD from the way minhyun denied it at once, if i were eunbi, i'd suspect something going on..

another assault, another save from the black night. looks like yuri can never be able to pay of her debts, right? espeically if minhyun won't stop saving her from bad guys. don't you guys think it's cute? i especially loved how minhyun actually let yuri cry, soaking his shirt. so abnormally adorable.

well, i dont have much to say for this chapter, so i'm gonna cut short here.

btw, i might be inactive for a few days. i've got loads of homework and instead of that, i keep doing this. but don't worry, i'll update as often as i can, but it might not be as often as it has been these past days.

read, enjoy and sub! all subbers are loved! henry's giving cookies so get them while you can and subsribe!


teaser for next chapter...

“I..can I stay over at your place tonight?"


“Goodnight, Madam G.”


“Okay, can we please not talk about beds and sleeping on them together?"

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Author is craving hot chocolate with cookies. It might affect the story. D:


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Kpop_Loverx3 #1
Chapter 48: you havent updated in foreverrr >.< update again soon? its getting to the good part...
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 48: Love the story so far!!
My favorite one out of all of the other ones I've read and trust me I've read A LOT!!!
Please update soon!!!
Chapter 48: SO glad you're back! :D
Chapter 48: (๑>∪<๑) minri feels!!
I just wanna knoe wtf just happened..
And jr better not leave like like wtf man!! No just no. (-_-#)
samyeol #5
Chapter 47: woohyuuuuuuuuun. okay. i could imagine him givibg yuri sloppy kisses lol please make eunbi tie jr onto a chair so that he wouldn't leave pleaaaaseeeeeee
Italypasta #6
Chapter 5: Sooo fluffyyyyy <3
samyeol #7
Chapter 46: minriminriminriiiiii and 2hyunnnnn gaaaah minimal appearance of my biases but whatever. minriiiiiii
samyeol #8
hi kayaaaaa! omg i didnt know you were updating!! anyways, i decided to check on this story agaib because i kinda miss it and bam! already 44 chapters??? and i didn't know?! where was i omg ii am so sorry for not reading the past few chapters! but i reread it from chapter 24 hahaha and yeah. i like it like it like it!!! mehehehe that song in chapter 36 is safety zone huh? isn't it? isn't it???
Chapter 44: ;_; you can tell how much JR means to Minhyun and even though theirs sorta a love triangle between baekho and minhyun, baekho doesnt really have much of chance, since Yuri and Minhyun have grown closer though out this story. I guess baekho will realize this now seeing what just happened
Chapter 44: the fact that you mentioned my name first, is still varah touching. C:

long story short: everyone, except for aren likes likes yuri. that's what i get. your updates are too boagovaa. >_>