of bath towels and tears

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prompt: person a scolds person b for overspending money on her -- except i added my own twist to it so hopefully y'all like this one x

as always, you can find me on twitter @/wnrntown


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: How in the world do you always write the softest WR fics out there? I honestly believe that being good at story telling is a gift for good writers, and you're definitely one of them. Thank you for this wonderful story again. X
0 points #2
Why did i see this just now? XD can't wait to read it.
Chapter 1: So sweet and fluffy awwww
wishwishwish #4
Chapter 1: cute cute
Chapter 1: gosh their dynamic is adorable
Santa_Clause #6
Chapter 1: Cuteeee
Santa_Clause #7
Chapter 1: Cuteeee
1798 streak #8
Chapter 1: Wah so cute!
zzzzzzz1 #9
Chapter 1: You don't understand just how much I loved this 🤧. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Nat25nat #10
Chapter 1: Cute