Take me dancing before the rain stops

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When Taemin comes home from a party and realizes that he has Minho’s iPod on him, he can’t stop himself and goes through it. What he finds changes his life.


In response to a prompt by Anonymous in the Summer_of_SHINee_2024 collection.

After coming home, I realized that I'm still wearing his sweater with his Ipod in the pockets. With nothing to do, I looked through the music and found a playlist titled with my name.

I hope you like what I did with the prompt! I wanted something soft and nice, with a bit of angst because why not :D


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Beau1996 1477 streak #1
Chapter 2: Part 2 short and sweet but easy to visualize - you are the secret sauce author-nim!!
Beau1996 1477 streak #2
Chapter 1: I think making someone a playlist is so romantic!!
Chapter 2: Omg so it’s you who wrote this story 😭 thank you btw, i have a warm feeling after reading this story
Snehamann #4
Chapter 2: Cute fluffy love it ❤️
Shinee2020 #5
I love it of course... It was beautiful! :) I read it the first time in Summer of Shinee 2024! We need more 2min long lovely stories. Counting on you! :) X
Chapter 1: This is so short but I love it fr