More Than Time

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Taking a later flight for a benefit lands Minho five years in the future—a future in which he no longer exists for Taemin as he once did.

Crossposting from ao3, written for Summer of SHINee 2024.


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2111 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 2: Wow! You kept me at the edge of my seat as if it's a mystery/thriller novel. I kept waiting for the moment to see how he happened to time travel but guess that's for another chapter... It's somewhere between the immigration check and the luggage collection belts. That much I'm sure. Also, I'm kinda surprised how none of the people treated him like an escapee from the local psychiatric ward. And the airport guy still remembered Minho's face clearly after 5 years? That must be some kinda memory. Or maybe just mine's terrible. LoL... Jokes aside, poor Minho though. Even I didn't expect Taemin to be married. So can imagine how much of a shock it must have been to him. Now that the old man has decided to shelter him for now, I wonder how things would go herein. This chapter was interesting. And I will be back later to read more ^^
Dreamgirl268 0 points #2
Chapter 6: Your stories are all heart wrenchingly beautiful. I've no more tears left. Loved it 😍
Chapter 6: So satisfying.
Even Mr. Hwang contemplated on who the other Taemin was. Minho was right, he didn't find Taemin in Everbrook Library but he was able to give back that jacket to Taemin.
When Minho returned to Everbrook and Taemin was gone, I think that was when that timeline ended in Minho's reality.
Taemin came home after ten years. And Minho was right where Taemin thought he would be, in the place that Minho cared and maintained to be their home. I love that.
I also loved the journal entries. It gave glimpses into Taemin's love for Minho. And that spurred Minho to stay in that house.
Just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I was actually quite hesitant to continue to read for fear of a sad ending. But Minho is trying to move on to fulfill their dream, even in his solitude.
Chapter 3: Even if it was painful, at least Minho knew that he might have to let him go.
2111 streak #6
Chapter 1: Since the foreword itself lets us know what happened to Minho, I mean where he disappeared to, it's still painful to see from Taemin's perspective who's left behind. Also, I'm curious to see where that 9 3/4 platform or should I say gate is... BTW, Taemin was at the airport for the whole day? And at least the police from that place is not like the real world, you know a person (an adult) is not considered missing for at least 24h or so and all other nonsense. Oh, I'm also curious of the diary/journal as he's starting to believe that was why Minho had second thoughts and left. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
Chapter 1: Wow!
What a start!
827 streak #8
Chapter 6: I loved it!
Shinee2020 #9
Oh my god... You wrote this!!! When I read it in Summer of Shinee 2024 in Archive of our own, I was just waiting to know who the author is. Of course, it had to be my favorite writer! :) Thanks for another most beautiful story! Love it!!! X