

Orm Kornnaphat, a determined university student, strives to prove herself in the competitive world of business while navigating an unexpected fascination with LingLing Kwong, the enigmatic heiress of a tech empire. As their lives briefly intersect, Orm's ambition leads her on a journey where career and curiosity intertwine in unexpected ways.


Just my imagination. I can't guarantee when my updates will be but I'll try my best to complete it.


Unless LingOrm sinks and destroys me.


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xyz_cuzuknow #1
Chapter 6: I like the pace of this story. They're both adorable in their own way. Can't wait to see how their story will progress. Personally, it's nice to see a lingorm fic that's not directly related to their real job or ladaearn, most I've read so far are those.
Chapter 6: Wow, Finally. I've been waiting for the update. Thank you

I hardly find LingOrm fanfiction here and I am glad I found yours.
Chapter 5: I'm checking if you, updating... Hehe
Chapter 5: Oh, so this is what 'Limbo' means.
Chapter 3: who gonna fall hard let see 🤭