IU is insane

High School War { under co. }


I hate SNSD! I really hate them!
Its now time for my last plan.
I dont if it'll work and it better be.
So that me and heechul oppa would be together because HE'S MINE.
"Just enjoy until it lasts." I smirked.
End of IU's POV
IU just watched SNSD and Super Junior from afar while they are all having fun.
She was like a stalker. And it was creepy.
She waited and waited for Yuri to be alone.
Finally.. the time has come.
IU smirked and dialed a number on her phone.
/Stand by. She's alone at building 2 3rd floor at the rest room.
Ready the car arasso?" she said and hung up the phone./
Yuri felt someone was  watching her but shrugged it off.
She was all alone in the restroom at the 3rd floor and it was already 8PM.
She was scared but ignored it. She thinks ghosts might come up so she quickly finished her business.
She jumped when the restroom's door opened.
"Oh my god. You scared me." Yuri told the girl who was hanging her head low so Yuri couldnt see her face.
The girl was covering her face with her long black hair. 
The girl smirked.
"Uhmm...I got to go. Bye." Yuri walked pass the girl.
As she tried to open the door, she discovered that it was locked.
"What the-We're locked!" Yuri panicked and suddenly, she was dizzy and her head feels painful.
She touched it to discover blood.
She looked at the girl who was with her but her vision is starting to blur.
"Sleep well Yuri-ah." the girl whispered and Yuri lost consciousness.
IU smirked and dialed a number on her phone again.
/Get in here and carry her. She's too heavy for me. And clean the blood in here too. If there's any witness. Bring them with you. Arasso?/
And she was right. Someone witnessed Yuri covered in blood while some men are carrying her.
Sung Hyo was watching from the corner in shock and wide eyes.
She immediately dialed Henry's number.
"Hurry. Answer it stupid." she mumbled.
She was surprised when someone was standing in front of her while smirking.
Then, IU hit her head with the wood she also used in Yuri.
She lost consciousness quickly.
"Guys. Bring this thing too." IU pointed at Sung Hyo.
She noticed Sung Hyo's cellphone and grabbed it.
/Hello? Oh Hi Henry. I have your girlfriend here and one of your noona. There was a lot of blood loss so it will be quick for them to die/ - IU
/I'm your nightmare./ - IU
With that. IU threw the phone on the wall and causing it to break into pieces.
IU smirked and left the school ground.
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Currently beta-ing this story. Sorry, but it may take awhile. But I already have the remaining chapters ready for update. :) - HSW


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soshi_zhen #1
Chapter 56: update please!!!
Chapter 1: Anneong i want to read this but can anyone tell me what couples are in it THANK YOU!!!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #3
update soon :)
tkfkdgodyxudos0409 #4
Chapter 56: Please update as soon as possible! ^__^ it was such a nice story . xD
ishk32 #5
Chapter 56: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Eralovesnsd #6
It's such a great story
Lol u watch brown sugar macchiato i wonder who is ur fav love the stroy so far
Chapter 56: Update soon^^
Sebongie1717 #9
Chapter 56: YAYY!!!! you updated author-nim thank you so much i have been waiting ages for the update. ;)
exotaeng9 #10
Chapter 56: update soon^^