With a Little Help from Friends

LOV(E)VOL: Epilogue
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Mystery is literally the path Yeonji chose. At least, that's what she thought as she found herself studying to become a detective. Attending a different school from her favorites, Soomin and Hyerin, was taking a toll on her. It was already a struggle to keep her power from being obvious, and being constantly reminded that her emotions affected her power was another challenge entirely. She wasn't antisocial, but she missed the familiarity of people who loved her.

“You know, I feel the same way…” Soomin said, her voice crackling slightly through the video call. Hyerin nodded in agreement from her side of the screen.

“I miss you all so much. Gosh, I can’t wait for our reunion,” Soomin added, her tone wistful.

“Is your invisibility still acting up?” Hyerin asked, her concern evident despite their limited time together due to conflicting schedules.

“Not much,” Soomin replied with a shrug. “What about you, Yeonji? All good?”

Yeonji could only shake her head. She thought she had her abilities under control before going to college, but the rigorous training required to become a detective was proving to be more challenging than she anticipated.

Hyerin and Soomin exchanged worried glances, their concern for the youngest member of their group evident. Yeonji's power depended on her emotional stability, and the conditions around

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Chapter 8: Man, this epilogue is so sweet~ ☺️