Holiday in Paris


This is a story about Minna Hayes who desides to go to Paris for a holiday after breaking up with her boyfriend from a bad relationship. During her holiday in France she meets two guys.


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MinnaKat #1
Chapter 4: I read the 4 chapters again. Please write more soon. You're awesome! ahh, I have such a Jaejoong fever.. hihi--
MinnaKat #2
Omg omg a real love triangle developing! I'm worried! Tony is such a nice guy, and Jaejoong is a charmer. xD I like this chapter, with its sweet moments and its surprising twist, very impressive story telling. But, it was so short this time! Or do I feel like it? I wish you will write many many chapters as good as this!^^
MinnaKat #3
Omo! Such a thrilling twist! This makes me anticipate the continuation even more! Ahh, and Tony is so perfect<3 I love that gentleman. I think your chapters have nice length, not too short, could be longer c: This sentence really had me: "Before he closed the door, he looked at me and asked with his eyes, if I was really ok. I nodded and he left." <3
MinnaKat #4
I like her name XD Such a.. umm.. tingling story >.< I love it so far!