

“The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will forever walk about outside your body.

-Katherine Hadley-


Enjoy reading and leave a feedback, guys :D


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Omigosh~ I love it. This is wonderfully written~ and I'm pretty sure both hae_ki and I could relate to this. No, we didn't get pregnant~ XD The looking for the fetal heart beat back when we were just student nurses was hard and what's worse is that we only have to use a stethoscope since there's no high tech material in health centers XD
hae_ki #2
it was really beautiful,somehow i wish to know her decision and ji won's reason too hehe
SiwonWaffles #3
It's really beautiful *hands down*
Omg but I want to know about Jiwon's story; seemed like she has a story to share too.
*0* It is beautiful. She chose life, her baby ^-^
Mary517 #6
I flipping love your writing! I don't think you understand just how much lmao
And I'm sad that she didn't choose either >.<"
But I'm glad she didn't go thru with he abortion ...its serious business. =/ BabyBer FTW lol
Thanks for sharing ^____^