Don't Come Closer

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Pinelark is more than a small resident that offers its beauty and went viral on the internet. Pinelark is a place where folklore comes alive, but she didn't believe until a magical creature caught her presence and she let them in.


I'm back for another story. I really hope I can finish this one since I finally make it to graduate from college :")


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86 streak #1
Chapter 12: Baekhyun in pink faux jacket and Kohl rimmed eyes is an absolute eye candy😘
86 streak #2
Chapter 11: Girl, ask that grandma about these werewolves! She definitely knows something🤭
Chapter 12: Spent more time with each other because I want to see you interact more 🤍
826 streak #4
Chapter 12: He came back, I can’t wait for the conversation that follows inside, as well as Aislee’s reason for not calling.
Jaesongjoong #5
Sounds like a good story
december0898 #6
Chapter 12: oh my aislee got herself an instant date haha looks like the chapter will be interesting. thanks for the update
826 streak #7
Chapter 11: She needs to get more information from Grandma, she’s a walking encyclopedia on werewolves. I wonder if she might have been involved with one at some point. I’m also hoping Aislee decides to call Baekhyun soon. Thank you for the update.
december0898 #8
Chapter 11: seems like grandma had encountered a wolf before.. thanks for the update.
Chapter 11: Yess an update!! ^^ Girl you should call Baekhyun and ask about what your grandma told you so that you could interact more with Baekhyun
86 streak #10
Chapter 3: Don't know why but the last scene was kinda funny 😂