(Episode 3) Chapter 16

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-- October 22, 2018, 06:30 PM --

-- Haneul Park, Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul --

"This is the place." Sehun said as he parked on the side of the street.

"They are across the street." Jongmin told everyone else.

"Let's go. Be careful. Cross the street." Jaewook told the group.

"Jaesuk-oppa's tracker seems to be moving again but I can't be too sure that the tracker is still with him." Sunmi stated as they ran across the road.

"We don't have time." Jongmin said as they continued running.

"Minyoung-ah, be careful. There was a gun." Jongmin called out to the woman who was in front of the group.

They ran through a dark road and arrived at an open space where they saw a group of men gathered, like they were waiting for someone. Suddenly, the men started running towards them. Minyoung screamed as she started running away. There was a commotion as everyone tried to get away but realized they were surrounded on all sides. They slowly started getting captured.

"Ugh, why does this always happen?" Sunmi questioned as she kicked one of the men in front of her, only to be grabbed by someone from the back.

"Let me go!" She cried out as she tried to struggle against the men holding her, managing to elbow one of them in the face before she was subdued.

"Hey, let go of me." She heard Jongmin cry out as he was lifted into the air.

"Who are you?" Jaewook asked the group of men.

"Is everyone okay?" Sunmi asked the rest as she tried to keep herself from wincing when one of the men pulled her arms behind her back too tightly.

"Come." The men said again.

"Where are we going?" Minyoung asked, alarmed.

"I'm scared!" Jongmin cried out.

"Hey, aren't you grabbing on a little too tightly? It hurts!" Sunmi told one of the men holding her with a glare.

"What is going on?" Jaewook wondered.

"Who is that? What?" Jongmin asked as he was carried to a man seated on a bench. Soon after, the whole group was gathered in front of him.

"Isn't he that man?" Jongmin asked out loud.

"Who do you mean? I have heard that many times today." The man stated.

"Why did you bring us here?" Jongmin asked him.

"Just now, there was a man who looked like a grasshopper." The man mentioned.

"A grasshopper. That's right." Jongmin confirmed.

"Right? You are the ones he told me about. There's something he asked me to relay to you." The man, now known as Igwon, informed the group.

"Since I don't take requests for free, he wrote a promissory note." Igwon continued to say.

"A promissory note?" Jongmin clarified.

"In exchange for delivering the message, I will receive 10 million won." Igwon stated.

"What?" Sejeong exclaimed at the absurd amount.

"I was promised 10 million won." Igwon said once again.

"From us?" Jaewook asked.

"Yes, he told me you guys would pay." Igwon answered.

"We don't have money." Jaewook told him.

"We aren't that close to him." Sejeong bluffed.

"Do you have money or not? What are you going to do?" Igwon asked the group.

"He is the oldest member." Jongmin pointed to Jaewook, implying that he should pay as the eldest.

"He wrote a promissory note to receive money from you." Igwon said as the other detectives looked at Jaewook.

"Detective Ahn." Sehun called out.

"Jaewook-oppa." It was Minyoung this time.

"You get the most amount of work." Jongmin added.

"You could save a man's life." Minyoung tried to convince him.

"Agh, why did Jaesuk-oppa have to do this? The tracker is still working. But then again, knowing in advance gives us an advantage." Sunmi muttered to herself.

"Hurry up." Igwon told the group.

"Once we find him, we will get 20 million won. Why don't we split the money then?" Sejeong asked him.

"If we join forces, we can earn 20 million won." Jaewook supported Sejeong's idea.

"There is no way I can trust you." Igwon told them.

"Then how did you trust Yoo Jae-suk when he wrote the promissory note?" Jaewook rebutted.

"I don't have to deliver the message if you don't have the money." Igwon answered.

"I don't have money." Jongmin muttered as everyone searched their pockets for cash.

"Then you should pay up with your body. Isn't that right?" Igwon said as he looked at his group of men who were gathered.

"Pay up with my body?" Jongmin asked.

"Yes. All right. You can pay up with your body." Igwon told him.

"What does that involve?" Sehun and Jongmin asked.

"Who can take punches the best?" Igwon asked the group and Sehun and Jaewook immediately pointed to Jongmin.


"Jongmin-hyung can take punches the best."

"He is the strongest. Among us, he's the youngest." Jongmin tried to point out Sehun.

"Your neck is the thickest." Igwon told him and he immediately tried to make his neck look thinner.

"He is the youngest." He tried pointing to Sehun once again.

"He can take punches the best." Sehun deflected his statement.

"It won't be that bad." Igwon told Jongmin.

"There must be another way. Another way." Jongmin almost begged him.

"Are you brainy?" Igwon asked him.

"Yes, I am." Jongmin confidently answered.

"In that case, there is a problem that has tormented me for a long time. There is a suitcase I have. I haven't been able to open it in years. Inside it is something I need to hide from people's eyes. If you open it, I will let you walk away with this information. Okay?" Igwon told the detectives.

"We will open it." Minyoung told him. Igwon had one of the men bring out a case with a problem on one side..

"Can you open it?" He asked the detectives.

"Three digits." Sehun said as he tried to take a closer look at the briefcase.

"If you open it, I will give you this information." Igwon said.

"Is it the lock in the middle?" Jongmin clarified.

"Please open it." Igwon requested.

"That's right. We need to get the one in the middle." Jongmin said after he checked himself.

"How many digits?" Jaewook asked.

"Four digits." Sehun answered him.

"Four digits. Two digits each." Jongmin added.

"Gosh, Jongmin-hyung." Sejeong complimented him in awe.

"I got better, right?" Jongmin asked her.

"Yes." Sejeong told him.

"We combine the numbers." Minyoung observed.

"He is smart. He will succeed." Igwon commented, pointing to Jongmin.

"Two two-digit numbers." Sehun recapped.

"We combine the two two-digit numbers." Minyoung explained to everyone.

"How do we get these numbers?" Jongmin asked Igwon for a clue.

"I haven't been able to solve it." Igwon answered.

"What kind of pattern is this? Is this arithmetic?" Jongmin wondered. Sunmi was about to take a closer look and try to solve it when her phone started ringing. She looked at it and looked at Igwon.

"May I answer this? I promise not to tell anyone where we are." She told him and nodded after thinking about it, signaling for one of his men

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