Party over here, party over there


Tell me you're desperate without telling me you're desperate 



Yeah, I'm desperate. I'm looking for some rp partners so how about you just be one of them? 


My fc is Bangchan from stray kids. Straight, mostly dom/switch. Looking for female muses to do au plots with. This is strictly so mdni. My only platform is kkt. 

As far as plot prefrences go, I'm looking for dark themes the most. Anything crime based, taboo and heartbreaking is right up my alley. I have no limits when it comes to triggering topics and hopefully we'll have that in common? I like to explore directions most people don't. 

If you're just looking to get railed, this isn't the ad for you. Of course I don't mind adding into the plot but my main focus is on the character development and the plot itself. 

For length of replies, I'm a novella writer and I can get really detailed and into things so if you're just going to send me a few sentences, don't bother sending anything at all. I write a lot, multi long paragraphs and I'd hope you can do the same. 


We can discuss everything else in private but for now, send me your fc, and ideas you might have and confirm that you're a novella writer. I'll send you my open kkt link if I think we're a good match. See you soon?




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