Book 1_C2



Chapter 2 _ Book 1


At Saturday in January 17, It was a class break but at the branch of agriculture where { Nissa, Vibin, and Kalin } They needed to go to there classroom, but then Nissa bumped into someone and Nissa spill her Coffee in her clothes 

‘ I am terribly sorry, I don't watch where I'm going. Were you fine miss?’ Rieka said, she puts her phone in her pocket at the back… Then she added ‘Oh no.. no I am really sorry for spilling your coffee’ she said and she helps Nissa to get up and Nissa said while wiping her clothes ‘Its fine miss, We are both not looking at our way…So I should go now, don’t worry about this. Have a good day!’ She said. She checks her phone clock and saw 5:29 she has minutes to wash this first.

Then she and Alastair meet at the hall way and, Alastair looks at her head-to-toe then Nissa said being annoyed how Alastair looks at her ‘ What are you looking at? Huh? ‘ she said and Alastair said ‘ Wow you look fresh in morning girl..What happend? I know u love coffee but thats not the point that you would spill your coffee in your clothes…My opinion ‘ He said in teasingly but he was getting on Nissa nerves thankfully she remained calm….She spoke ‘ Your really doesn’t know how to get away on other peoples business. And its nobody cares on your opinion Alas. Now I need to go to my dorm if u excuse me ‘ she said and walks to her dorm. And she take a quick shower and change her clothes and go to bench were her friends come to meet up.(Everyday)


At the bench on 1 kilometer away on there agriculture camp

‘Vibin, Kalin your here and *checks her phone clock* late again wow’ Nissa said to both of them who were getting there breath and Vibin and Kalin looks at each other and to Nissa.

‘You said that we are gonna here at 7 and Nissa our class starts at 8 alright..Why are you so meddling at?’ Vibin said and Kalin spoke ‘ Hey is that my brother?, Why is he there? ‘ Kalin said and points his index finger to there right. And the two looks at Alastair, after some seconds they saw Alastair has been beating up by some trouble somes. And they rushed to him, His brother{Kalin} helps him to stand up and Nissa and Vibin help his friend to and they escaped to those gang.

‘ Brother why are you there? And why does guys were beating you up? ‘ he said and look at his brother, Alastair couldn’t say something but when he heard somebody speak it was Emmanuel and he says ‘Your brother has been loaned, and they were not just “Guys” they were loan sharks. Now Alastair tell him the truth.’ He said and immediately looks at Alastair and to his brother, friends. 

Alastair said ‘They were a loan sharks and I payed them ok?..It just that they want me to keep my mouth shut before the government knows and I secretly shots a picture of them making illegal drugs. And Kalin I don’t want you to be where I am and no matter what please if you can fight or get away from them..Just get away from them I don’t want you to know that because I know you will get angry and you’ll do something crazy about them, it just that—‘ Kalin spokes and said ‘Brother! If you want me to keep me safe and they were not gonna do bad about me, Then atleast u said that to me because if I don’t know what’s happening how—how can I protect my self to them when they come at to me or my friends?..Huh…’ Kalin leaves and Alastair doesn’t know what to do and shuts him eyes and Nissa said ‘ You made be annoying but let us help, But for Kalin he needs space…Vibin go see Kalin and I will go to. *She’s about to leave but she remembered she has something to give to both of them{Alastair and Emmanuel} Here just for incase. This will help you Alas’ She said and leave.


It took 2Days to Vibin and Nissa let Kalin open up to them. In other words they need to apologize to each other because both of them haved miscommunication and misunderstanding but it all this “Miss” but thankfully Vibin and Emmanuel help them to reconcile. And Emmanuel suggested that they should meet the others. He welcomes them but he is not spokening to much, but he is the one who suggested it.


At AKOF -(All kinds of food)- Restaurant its end of the class





‘Wow this is so yummy and so much vegetable to eat here. Oh for facts I am a vegetarian just additional information of mine.’ Vibin said and look at others then to foods.

‘Vibin, brother you should calm down and lets introduce ourselves because we never know each other…Am I right?’ Eris said looks at them and Rieka said ‘I know her *points at Nissa* but not totally know her we met at saturday and I bump to her..So hehehe’ She said and laugh just it and Nissa smiled and agreed to it. Alastair remember that Nissa has coffee stain on her clothes and feel like he is ashamed but no one saw it. And Eris said ‘Alright! We should be friends, Because my siblings were friends..But not to important we are in the same branch at monday am I right? At stem?..’ She said and everyone agrees to it just only in monday they haved the same class and the others have there own class. Then she added ‘Then lets introduce each other. Simple and neat, but first we are gonna order because I know who is hungry’ She side eye her brothers(Vibin and  Emmanuel) the boys doesn’t spoke too much and all of them turned into there freaking introverts but gladly Rieka and Eris doesn’t turn to there introvert side. So the atmosphere were happy and simple.


Part 1 of first stage of becoming friends -Meeting new friends-

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