My Soulmate


When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calenders or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence--it doesn't realize the separation is temorary.


Hello, this new adventure just struck me as soon as I read and watched the boys over flowers. I watched this incomplete series and hoped there could be a completion, but sadly, the actors have grown up. They all have responsibilities and have no time for this anymore, but what caught my attention most was fan fiction. Most criticize the female lead, saying she wasn’t deserving of her role, that she is ugly and older and her acting is so lousy, and also commenting that her best friend Ga Eul was the best fit for this female lead. And so, on and blah blah.  
As a newbie, I will give my opinion since everyone seems to comment on this female lead. “Firstly, even though Ga Eul knew how to act, she wasn’t. chosen because the directors never mentioned her potential as a lead role; and secondly, Geum Jan Di is one of a kind that was deserving of the F4's attention, and that’s why they gave it to her as a female lead. And lastly, Ga Eul only and only fit into a support role with the others; she wasn’t important, and mainly that’s how Geum Jan Di was asked to act. So don’t blame her or insult her, just blame the directors since you know more about who is deserving of the role. I know am somehow offending some Authors who have a bad impression of the female lead, it is the fact that Ga Eul wasn’t as charming as Jan Di. She only deserved Yi Jeong and that’s why Ji Hoo or Gu Jun Pyo never looked at her. 
Alright, enough of that...I want to say I am a shipper of Janhoo, and if you’re not a shipper of this wonderful couple that defines the term "soulmate," don’t bother reading this story of mine. My story will start with the Jundi's break up and Janhoo's return from Macau and will proceed from there.

Jan Di's heart sank into the pit of her stomach. He was saying something to her that she couldn't believe. He was standing a few feet away, icy and distant. "Do you have anything else to say?" he sneered, averting his gaze. 
"Do you truly mean it?" Her eyes welled up with tears. Her heart was broken. How could she have expected him to remain? 
"What do you want? You can't expect me to say, 'I'm sorry, forgive me, I'll be back soon, so wait for me,' can you?" 
"Why are you doing this?" she said, demanding an explanation. 
"I'm just starting to wake up to reality." He responded, still cold to her.  
Her mind took her back to when they had just met. A very cold Gu Jun Pyo, without any heart and consciousness at all. This was all she could see in front of her. "All right, I get it now. Then you truly intended to appear as if you hadn't seen me and avoid meeting with me. To you, I am-" 
Jun Pyo cut her off with an icy glare. "A stain I want to erase," he said, his voice harsh and cruel. 
"That's cruel of you, Gu Jun Pyo," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. Jan Di felt paralyzed and her heart was lifeless. 
"No. This has always been my personality. I simply pretended not to be just to get your attention.” he said and turned his back, sorrowful tears welling up in his eyes; he never intended to hurt her, but he had no option. 
"Fine. I'll go. "Take care," she said, taking a deep breath. Jan Di had to have the last say. "Gu Jun Pyo, it's truly over; all I can do now is try to forget we ever met, and what you used to mean to me; from now on, we are strangers." 
Jun Pyo's heart sank into the pit of his stomach as he froze. He could see the girl he cared about walk away. He couldn't tell her one more time how much he loved her. He could only wait and hope that one day he will be able to tell her everything. 

Jan Di slumped upon the bench mindlessly, Jun Pyo's words lingering in her memory. This was how it ended after everything they had gone through, after all the fake breakups. Jan Di knew he was going to leave her sooner or later; she was simply praying that day would never arrive. 
Will this void in my chest ever close? She thought to herself, tears welling up in her eyes once more. 

Ji Hoo crept up behind her, clutching an ice cream cone in each hand. On top of his head was a ridiculous ice cream cone. He had overheard Jan Di and Jun Pyo's talk and knew she needed some cheering up. This was the best he could do for her right now. 
"Hey pretty lady, want to buy my ice cream cone?" he inquired, offering her a cone behind her back. Ji Hoo was well aware that he would not understand her, which made it all the more fun.  
Jan Di froze, the words unfamiliar to her ears. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying," she sniffed as she turned around to see a familiar face. "Sunbae!" 
He slid onto the seat next to her, and they both laughed. 
"What did you say?" Jan Di said as she accepted the ice cream from him. 
"Hey, ugly girl, want to buy my ice cream?" His smile betrayed him, but he didn't mind. He extended his hand as she took a hesitant taste. 
Jan Di cocked her head, puzzled. "What?" 
"Pay me," he teased. 
Her lips curved into a smile. "How much?" she said, tasting the cone once again. 
Ji Hoo took his hand away, taking a careful taste of his own ice cream. "The whole day." 

Jan Di smiled gratefully, knowing she needed to keep occupied. The last thing she wanted to do was think about Jun Pyo. Ji Hoo could fight back the smile that pulled on his lips as she nodded excitedly. 
"All right, let's go." 
Ji Hoo took Jan Di on a tour of the city, where they saw live monuments and entertainers. They mostly looked around the huge mall. Ji Hoo knew he had to go back and grab her a pair of silver flats when he saw her eyeing them. 
Jan Di was having a good time with Ji Hoo, who was the one person who could make her forget about her problems. This was her firefighter's power. 
Her stomach growled in want as a wonderful fragrance nostrils. She paused; her gaze drawn to freshly baked egg tarts. "They look amazing," she said while her lips. The sweet lady smiled softly at the duo as she ran. 
"How much?" Jan Di asked, Ji Hoo relaying her words. 
She spoke gently and slowly. 
"Thirty," she says, as Ji Hoo reaches for his wallet, but Jan Di swats it away. 
"This one's on me!" she said confidently, smiling as she paid the woman. 
"What a lovely couple!" said the woman as she handed them the package. "Please have these on the house," she added as she handed each of them a free egg tart. 
"Thank you!" they both exclaimed together, lowering their heads.  
They then moved over to an artist who was quietly drawing an ink dragon. Hand-painted pieces of paper were spread out in front of them to dry. Jan Di took one up with unsteady fingers and showed it to Ji Hoo. 
"What exactly is this?" 
"A charm to bring good luck." He responded. 
"A charm? Ahh, I'll buy it then," Jan Di said, reaching into her bag but not feeling the familiar bum that belonged to her wallet. 
"Where's my wallet?" she asked out, pulling through the contents of her purse. 
Ji Hoo tapped her arm, putting a stop to her movements. "I'll buy it for you," he replied, smiling, and reaching for his wallet. His hand came up empty, and his wallet had disappeared. "Where is it?" 

Strummed sounds floated into his ears, and inspiration ignited inside him. "Wait right here." 
He placed their egg tarts in front of them. "Please excuse me." He inquired of the man who was carrying the instrument. "Could I borrow your guitar for a moment? I'll pay you in egg tarts." 
The man looked greedily at the meal and nodded, handing up his instrument. 
Jan Di walked into the crowd, drawn to Ji Hoo by his voice. His words curled around her, his gaze finding hers. She felt comforted by a familiar warmth. Deep within her heart, a sensation was beginning to rebloom. 
Jan Di had no idea, but this night was about to put in motion a series of events from which there would be no going back. Her heart was suspended between Gu Jun Pyo and Yoon Ji Hoo. 

Ji Hoo and Jan Di sat in the First-Class Lounge at the airport the next morning, waiting for their tickets. A woman dressed properly approached them and handed them their tickets. Jan Di stared down at the ticket she was given, open-mouthed. "This one is out of my price range; can you swap it for the economy?" 
"I'm sorry, but my legs are too long for those chairs," he stated emphatically. "Let's go," he murmured, pulling his and her suitcases with Jan Di Protesting that she was fit for the economy.  
Jan Di stared down at Ji Hoo as he slid the lovely silver flats onto her feet. He looked up at her through his thick lashes, a hesitant smile on his lips. Jan Di was stunned; she didn't know what to say. 
"Is it to your liking?" he asked softly. 
Jan Di attempted to answer, but the words remained on her tongue. Not that Ji Hoo was anticipating an immediate response. 
"I wanted to get you something special with the first money I earned for myself." He took a little pause before continuing. "Thank you very much." 
"Sunbae." She gasped, a small smile on her face. Jan Di was unable to look him in the eyes. Ji Hoo was sometimes far too generous to her that it made her hurt beat faster. 
A figure drew her attention, and the blood drained from her cheeks, her heart sinking. Jun Pyo was standing a few steps away, his face contorted in anguish. Jan Di felt herself stand up mechanically. Ji Hoo stood up and walked over to his best friend, seeing her heartbroken expression. He was sick of her crying and even more tired of his best friend dismissing her feelings. 
Ji Hoo's anger was like smashing waves inside him; it was time to put an end to things once and for all. 
"Why did you come?" He asked Jun Pyo coldly. 
Jun Pyo kept his attention on Jan Di. "I don't need to reply. What about you? What really are you up to?" He shouted out. Jun Pyo needed to talk to her and explain everything to her. He didn't want her to look at him with such a sad expression any longer. 
"Do you think you have the right to ask such a question?" Ji Hoo clenched his fists at his sides. 
"Yoon Ji Hoo!" Jun Pyo roared, finally meeting his friend's gaze with his own, his wrath and agony erupting. 
"I gave in because you were my friend! Because she was my friend's girl, I let her go and gave you every chance to the very end! I'm not going to put up with it any longer!" Ji Hoo exclaimed with frustration. 
Gu Jun Pyo couldn't keep back any longer; he had to strike something. He drew his hand back and sent it flying forward, smashing Ji Hoo's jaw. He stared in horror as his best friend dropped to the ground, his eyes squeezing tight against the pain. 
"Stop right now." Jan Di said emphatically as she took a few steps forward. Her eyes began to well up with tears. 
Jun Pyo glanced at her, tears welling up in his eyes. 
"What brought you here? Do you have anything to say?" Her words were pleading. 
Jun Pyo opened his mouth but was unable to speak. He couldn't say he loved her or that he never intended to hurt her. But he couldn't; all he could do was gaze at her. The first girl he ever loved with all his heart. No matter how much he loved her, all he ever managed to do was hurt her in the end. 
He averted his gaze, no longer able to hold her tear-filled gaze. 
"Ok. I understand." She cried out. "I'll go." 
His head jerked around just in time to see her pulling Ji Hoo up, tears streaming down her face. Ji Hoo wiped the blood from his mouth and returned his look to his friend. 
"I'm no longer going to be patient. I'm not going to hold back any longer." He promised to take Jan Di's trembling hand in his. 
Jun Pyo collapsed on the floor, his heart finally breaking. He couldn't keep his tears from falling. He went all the way just to fail and upset Jan Di once again. "Jan Di." Jun Pyo sobbed. He couldn't even let her go; Jun Pyo knew that. 
He would do everything it took to win her back. 
A few days later… 
Jan Di sipped her milk a blissful grin gracing her lips. Last night was an eye-opener for her. Jan Di finally figured out what her new dream was. She took another sip anticipation humming through her veins, she couldn't wait for Ji Hoo to get there. She wanted to tell him all about last night. 
Ji Hoo opened the door to their secret place, a content smile on his face. For the first time since they got back from Macau, she was smiling again. 
"So you do still come here." He teased, half relieved that she found comfort in their first meeting spot. 
Jan Di turned and her smile grew wider. "Sunbae!" She blinked, at his new appearance. His hair was shorter, giving her a better view of his handsome face. Her heart sped up a little, and she could feel the heat creep up her face. Jan Di quickly ducked her head, digging around in her bag for another bottle of milk. 
Ji Hoo gave her a dashing grin as he took it for her. He took a huge gulp, watching her do the same from the corner of his eyes. 
"Has something good happened?" he asked seriously, turning to her. 
She coughed in shock. "How did you know?" She asked wondering not for the first time if he was a mind reader. 
Chuckling he poked her forehead. "It's all written right there." 
She giggled and told him everything about assisting to deliver a baby. About how she was helping at the clinic and even about her new aspiration of becoming a doctor. 
Ji Hoo observed the spark in her eyes, the same spark she usually had when she talked about swimming. 
"Although whoever hears this would undoubtedly think I'm crazy," she murmured. "Everyone would snicker if someone as foolish as I am said she'll be a doctor, eh?" 
Ji Hoo looked aside; his voice low. "Geum Jan Di, you've gone insane, haven't you?" It's completely insane! " 
Jan Di's heart dropped somewhat; she had not expected to hear those words from him, and she bowed her head, tears scorching the back of her eyes. 
He gave a quick laugh and turned to face her. "It's really tough to find something you enjoy enough to be labeled crazy about, don't you know?" She turned her head and met his amused eyes. "Does it matter? What do other people think? When did Geum Jan Di care about that?" 
Her face brightened up with a new grin. Jan Di had forgotten that he knew her better than anybody. He was her serious voice of reason, and he was always there for her. 
"You just must do it if you want to." 
"Regardless of how many years it takes," she teased casually. 
"Yes, no matter how long it takes." 
Ji Hoo happily held out his milk for a toast. "In honor of Geum Jan Di's new dream." They toasted, giggling like idiots. 
"I like your hair," she said, pointing to his new hairstyle. 
He smiled at her from the rim of his bottle. 
Jan Di couldn't help but believe that things were beginning to look good for her. Jun Pyo was far away, but Ji Hoo stood by her side, encouraging her new goal. 
Or so she assumed. 
Jan Di and Ji Hoo had no idea, but things were about to become pretty hot.  

Gu Jun Pyo’s birthday... 
Jan Di examined herself in the mirror. She was dressed elegantly in a floor-length flowing pink gown. It had a v-neckline and an empire waist. “Ji Hoo sunbae has excellent taste in selecting such an outfit.” Her hair was arranged in loose curls, and she was wearing makeup, something she rarely wore. “Jan Di, relax, it's only a party. Goo Jun Pyo has most likely been preoccupied with preparations and work, which is why he hasn't called.” she reasoned 
In her apartment, she paced back and forth. Her family was on a fishing island, and she was alone in the house handling all expenses. “I'm missing them.” They'd be shouting and telling her how proud they are of her, and she'd be on her way to show Goo Jun Pyo the girl he's been missing while he's been gone. She paused for a while to consider how he responded when she went to meet him in Macau. He was so chilly that he didn't want anything to do with her. Did he truly believe it? Is he no longer in love with me? 
"I don't need to be sad about someone like that!" she yelled in the mirror. 
 A knock came on the door. "It has to be Ji Hoo sunbae." 
She opened the door to see Ji Hoo in a white suit standing in front of her, his eyes widening as he gazed at her. 
"Jan Di, you look very beautiful," he said tenderly, taking her hand in his and leading her outdoors. 
She felt as though she had swallowed a giant rock when they got to the gathering. Her gut wrenched, and dried up. 
She stepped in with Ji Hoos' arm through hers with Ga Eul walking beside them, her arm also laced through Jan Di’s. 
Woo Bin and Yi Jeong were already seated at a table; neither had thought to bring dates for the evening. They were tense when Ji Hoo and Jan Di approached. 
"Have either of you seen Jun Pyo?" Ji Hoo said as he scanned the crowds. 
"Not yet. Does anyone else... get a terrible feeling about this?" Woo Bin stared at Jan Di from the corner of his eye. 
As they continued to converse, the lights lowered and Kang Hee Soo, Jun Pyo's evil witch mother, walked out on stage, accompanied by Goo Jun Pyo. 
"Good evening, everyone, and thank you for coming to celebrate my son Jun Pyo's birthday. I have a piece of the special news for all of you here today, and the excitement cannot wait!" 
Her gaze appeared to catch Jan Di's amid the crowd. Her smile appeared to brighten as she realized she was there. 
"Goo Jun Pyo my son and the heir of Shinhwa is getting married within the next few months!" 
The audience muttered to one another while clapping. Woo Bin, Yi Jeong, Ga Eul, and Ji Hoo all turned to gaze at Jan Di. She could tell they were worried because she could see it in their expressions. 
She could see their concern on their faces, and she felt like someone had hit her in the gut; she was at a loss for words and couldn't catch her breath. She looked up to the stage, and Jun Pyo seemed just as stunned as she was. He murmured in his mother's ear, and when she replied, he anxiously gazed out into the crowd. A girl was quickly dragged out on stage, shouting and causing a commotion. Apparently, she was also unaware of this agreement. Jun Pyo's gaze fell on Jan Di, and the color left his face. 
'I'm here, Jun Pyo.' You could have informed me you had a new girlfriend and I would have understood why you didn't want me around.' 
She faked a grin and a nod at him, hoping he realized she was congratulating him. Ji Hoo leaned close and asked if she wanted to go. He led her outside after she nodded her head, yes and the F2 followed with Ga Eul awkwardly walking with Yi Jeong and Woo Bin 

 As they were getting inside the car, she felt someone grasp her hand and jerk her back. 
"Jan Di! Where are you going, you haven't even wished me Happy Birthday yet. You are so rude." 
She turned to face the familiar voice of Gu Jun Pyo. He stood there running a hand through his curly hair and an awkward look on his face. He was wearing a black suit and looked charming. Of course, he was arrogant as usual; he wouldn't be referred to as "the great Gu Jun Pyo" if he didn't have a superior attitude. 
"Oh… Jun Pyo, happy birthday, and congrats on your engagement." 
He winced as though she had struck him. "Don't fall for my mother's ploy. I'm not engaged; she's simply trying to make people angry." 
She felt paralyzed as she looked at him. When She kept thinking back on the times they fought and argued, they seemed so natural and ridiculous. Jun Pyo wasn't hers anymore. 
"I see why you didn't want to meet me in Macau. Jun Pyo, I hope you and your fiancé are happy together, and I wish you the best. And I pray we never cross paths again." She faked another smile and turned to get into Ji Hoo's car. They left Jun Pyo and the rest of the party behind. 

That was it...

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