Eleanor And Park


Eleanor and Park is the book written by Rainbow Rowell. In this Eleanor lives in Omaha with her mom, siblings (1 sister and 2 brothers) and stepdad, Richie who abuses Eleanor and her mom physically and emotionally. She lives in a two bedroom house with has bathroom without a door and curtain. Eleanor is chubby and has red curly hair, freckles and doesn't own toothbrush and proper fitting clothes. Eleanor and Park go to school in same bus. Park has asian appearence with short height. His appearence is like her mother who is Korean. He lives with her mom, dad and younger brother. His house is filled with love unlike Eleanor's. He loves comics and music so does Eleanor. Eleanor is bullied in her school. Park startes liking Eleanor. He gives her his comics and cassetts. They fall in love with each other and start dating. Someone writes bad messages on her book (like assaulting her). Everything goes good until Eleanor finds out it was her stepdad who wrote those messages. She decides to leave the house and Park helps her in that. He drops her to her uncle's house in St. Paul, Minnesota. He writes her letters and postcards but she didn't reply. Park tries to forget her, but he can't do that. He wanted to go to prom with her but Eleanor didn't return. So, he goes to prom with a girl from work. But the next day, Eleanor sends him a postacard having three words.

In the story I am going to write Eleanor and Park continue to be together after Eleanor goes to her uncle Geoff's house. 



So I'll be continuing this book - Eleanor and Park. I am gonna continue the story after Park receives a postcard from Eleanor in the end. Those words according to me are... (keep reading to find out) ;)

Give it a read. I hope I won't disappoint you.

I’d love you guys will give feedback on this story.😌


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Anjusharma #1
Chapter 4: I would say that it's amazing.. 😁😍